Culture 2024, December
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
When it comes to the Japanese, a huge number of stereotypes immediately appear in my head. There are many different legends and myths about the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. They are considered mysterious, mysterious, well-mannered, cultured, radically different from Europeans. As a rule, everyone thinks that the Japanese are very fond of sushi, they always go dressed in kimonos, they work a lot. Is it really so?
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Many families in Irkutsk still spend their weekends visiting local cafes, cinemas and shopping malls. However, there are many more exciting entertainments for children and their parents in the city. Let's look at the most interesting solutions that will allow you to get a whole range of positive emotions from spending time on the weekend
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The appearance of theater in culture has deep ancient roots and dates back to 497 BC. e. The first large-scale theatrical production, according to the manuscripts, took place as early as 2500 BC. Written sources of that time confirm that just in that year the ancient Greeks celebrated a holiday in honor of the god Dionysus
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The article considers the meaning and origin of the phraseologism "beads are not thrown before pigs". The possibilities of its use in everyday speech are explored. Synonymous and antonymic expressions are presented
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Each ancient people had their own legends describing the structure of the world. Many of them are radically different, but the worldviews of neighboring cultures tend to be similar in many ways. The legends of the Slavic and Scandinavian peoples coincide especially strongly. For both of them, the axis that supports all existing worlds is the World Tree
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The Wilhelm von Bode Museum, located in the cultural center of Berlin - in the northwestern part of the Museum Island, is very popular and makes a lasting impression on the public. The Bode (museum) is in a beautiful piece of architecture. It is a complex consisting of the Museum of Byzantine Art, the Sculpture Collection and the Coin Cabinet
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The beautiful old Slavic name of Milan, the origin of which we will describe in our article, begins with the root "mil", which means "dear, beloved." Mila, Radmila and Milena are considered related names. It is quite popular precisely in the Slavic countries and states that have a close connection with the Slavic culture
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Recently, the name Faina, the meaning of which is described in our article, has become more and more relevant. It should be noted that, despite the oriental sound, it has Greek roots and means “shining” and “shining”. The name Faina came to our country with Christianity as the name of one of the martyrs - Faina of Ancyra. What does it mean and how is it characterized, we learn from this article
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Every city should have a local history museum. Small towns are not always lucky with this. But in large institutions there are definitely. Museum of the history of the resort city of Sochi is one of them. It was created in 1920
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The Arts Center in Khanty-Mansiysk is one of the country's leading educational centers for creative youth. The vertical of education created in the center allows children from the age of 7 not only to study at school, but also to engage in the realization of their talents at the same time. A high pedagogical level, a solid material and technical base - all this contributes to the education of new and new generations of talented youth of the North
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian surnames are historical monuments that lead a person to Ancient Russia, where they were just born. The surname Kucher is no exception, it has an extensive history that united Germans, Russians, and Poles, because each representative brought something of his own to its distribution
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The Russian language, like others, is open to the process of mastering foreign words. It is easy for a person who knows the source language to determine the meaning of borrowing with the help of a simple translation. The rest, in order to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word, will have to look into the dictionary of borrowed (or foreign) expressions. Another option to replenish your vocabulary is to read this article. From it you will learn what a "culttrager" is
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Nobody knows how to cook real kalachi these days, so to try this historical dish, you have to go to the Kalach Museum in Kolomna. Only here, according to an old recipe, in a real two-hearth oven, in front of the eyes of the audience, the whole process of fermentation, formation and baking of a delicious roll with a handle takes place. And during the theatrical performance, visitors will learn a lot of new things, including where many expressions of Russian speech come from
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
England attracts many tourists with its beautiful landscapes, luxury palaces, unusual culture. Numerous legends of the British kingdom, formed over many centuries, convey the true British spirit. Today, there are still many people who believe in the existence of otherworldly forces, ghosts. We have selected for you five of the most famous legends of England. Among them are not only heroic, but also mystical, scary stories
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
If we analyze the origin of the surnames that are in circulation in Russia, we can see that there are several sources, each of which became the basis for the formation of the family name. In ancient Russia, nicknames were given, which later became a family name, such as Medvedev, Zaitsev, Sokolov, etc. And the origin of the surname Doronin has Greek roots associated with the spiritual growth of a person, which obliged its bearer to a lot. There were several reasons for getting this surname
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Arkhangelsk Philharmonic is the historical, cultural and musical center of city life. The Concert Hall has long become the pearl of the whole region, not only due to its architecture, but also due to its unique organ. What interesting things happen in the Philharmonic, why do the townspeople love it so much, and what do tourists admire?
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The UMMC Museum offers visitors several excursions to get acquainted with an extensive collection of military and civilian equipment. Connoisseurs and amateurs assure that such a variety of exhibits can not always be found even in recognized museum centers. What is interesting about the collection, how to get there and what to see?
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Different associations arise when a person hears the word "Austria". This alpine country is famous for its green meadows, ski resorts, and well-being. This is the birthplace of Strauss and Mozart. Austrian surnames and names, male and female, also have a powerful emotional charge. Many peoples of the world use them for their children. Well, let's dive into the Austrian names and surnames in more detail, analyze the history of their occurrence. We will also offer you a list of the most popular onyms in Austria
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Until 1632, not everyone in Russia could boast of surnames. But each clan knew its own nickname, which was given for any trait of character or appearance. The origin of the Bykov surname in this context is presented as a sequence: the ancestor, who possessed great physical or mystical strength, received the nickname Bull; it was assigned to the clan and began to be inherited; after the order to the priests in 1632 to keep metric records, the suffix -ov- was added to it and received a surname
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
This place has become a real folk museum. People of different generations and ages gathered in this house, even though it was completely unsafe, since the old wooden floors had already rotted and could collapse at any moment. The writer had enough fans, and people came here every day
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Rodnovery are representatives of a relatively new religious movement, which is a reconstruction of a neo-pagan persuasion. This is one of the directions of Slavic neo-paganism. Rodnovers proclaim the revival of pre-Christian beliefs and rituals as their goal. Some practice rites of "naming" and "cleansing", as a result of which they receive new pagan names
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Choosing a name for a child is a responsible matter. Parents want it to sound beautiful and be combined with the surname and patronymic. The material gives options for names that can be called a baby with a patronymic Evgenievich. It is told about the meaning of this or that name, a brief description of the nature of its bearer is given
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Andriyaka's watercolor school is also involved in museum and exhibition activities. This is the direction of her work, which is one of the priorities. The museum and exhibition complex is located on an area of 650 sq. m, its equipment is at the European level. Exhibitions, lectures, musical evenings, master classes are held in the halls of the complex. Further, we will talk in more detail about the Andriyaka Museum in Moscow, which is part of the MVK
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
In the last decade, the name Nikita has gained popularity. It is not known what contributed to this, since it is not so easy to predict the turns of fashion trends. However, few people know that the origin of the Nikitin surname has an ancient history dating back to the time of Ivan IV (the Terrible). The tsar by a special decree granted the right to wear this pseudonym to distinguished boyars, which was fixed in the register
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
When visiting the former capital of the Galician Principality, the museums of Lviv are a must-see. There are a great many of them in the city, but they are small in format, 2-3 hours are enough for each. There are many historical museums in the city, they are located in ancient buildings. There are museums of art, ethnography, as well as unusual
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Few people know about the existence of the Titanic Museum in Belfast. It was created on the site where there was a shipyard "Harland and Wolfe", where sea liners were built. About the Titanic Museum in Belfast, its history, expositions and excursions will be discussed in this article
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
An obligatory part of social life is legal culture, and legal consciousness arises only if the totality of its social phenomena, both material and spiritual, is present. As an object of study, legal culture is studied by culturologists, and it is also of great importance in the theory of law, since it contains both legal and non-legal components
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
The surname Kovalchuk is formed from a personal nickname and belongs to a common type of Ukrainian-Belarusian surnames. The nickname Koval was formed from the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian dialect word "koval" - "blacksmith". Since the blacksmith was the most necessary and well-known person in the village, naming on this basis was everywhere
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
What does "Chin chinar" mean? This expression can often be heard in colloquial speech, and it is associated with a situation that develops according to all the rules. Details about the fact that this is “chinar chinar” will be described below
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
"Fall into hell." This expression is often found in fiction. It can also be heard in spoken language. What is its meaning and what is its origin? This will be discussed in detail in the article
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Moscow is a huge city with more than 400 museums. The most visited are technical. The exposition of such exhibition centers includes world creations of man, as well as equipment and technologies of outstanding inventors, experimenters and scientists. The article describes the best technical museums in Moscow, which are suitable for family pastime
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
From ancient times, in all epochs of the development of civilization, people with pleasant manners were valued in society, who in any situation knew how to show themselves from the most advantageous side, and these qualities gradually made up the rules that today are known as business etiquette and business protocol. In previous centuries, those who knew how to behave in society most often belonged to a special stratum of the population with a noble upbringing. Now it's available to everyone
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Music accompanies us from early childhood to old age. It is the oldest of the arts on earth. In sounding combinations of notes, some people catch the melodies of momentary moods, others hear an inspired life-affirming rhythm. Only in a room with a special aura, space and acoustics, you can hear music in all its glory. This is possible, for example, in the premises of the Chelyabinsk Philharmonic
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Have you ever wondered what is the difference between the mentality of Belarusians and Russians? After all, the past united these peoples very much. For seventy years Belarus was part of the USSR and took a lot from Soviet culture. Despite this, the Belarusian people have not erased their national features from memory. To draw a portrait of a typical Belarusian, it is important to discard stereotypes about their president and potato dishes. No matter how many similarities there are between the two fraternal peoples, the mentality of Belarusians is different
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Together with gaining independence, the country also formed its own holiday calendar. If you ask yourself what kind of holidays are in Kazakhstan, then we can say that there are those that have remained from the once united country, but most are new holidays of the state. In accordance with labor law, national and public holidays are non-working days
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Have you ever been to a "living" museum? How about shooting a real bow and stroking a falcon? You can try all this and much more by visiting the Falconry Center in the Moscow Region. Ecopark, equestrian club, hunting museum, kennel, knife throwing and archery, training grounds and outdoor quests - the range of possibilities is huge
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Stories about bride kidnapping are still popular in the Caucasus and Muslim countries. This ancient custom of kidnapping the chosen one is unacceptable to a civilized modern man. The refusal of this custom by the authorities and spiritual leaders has every reason, but among young people this custom is gaining popularity again. Marry a man you've never seen. How could this end?
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
In the period from 2500 BC. e. to 500 AD e. the culture of ancient India reached an extraordinary rise, accompanied by innovations and the formation of traditions that are still traced in the modern world. The continuity between the country's past and present is unmatched in other regions of the world
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Competent speech is the key to successful communication. It is important to know how and in what circumstances to use a particular word. The word parity sounds quite often in everyday speech, but is the general context for its use correctly selected?
Last modified: 2024-02-12 02:02
Christmas in Europe is celebrated on December 25th. But the fun begins at different times. Christmas customs and traditions are unique in all countries. Christmas in European countries is celebrated in different ways. But the feeling of solidarity, kindness and support is the same. And also the desire for happiness