How is it etiquette to eat chicken? You know?

How is it etiquette to eat chicken? You know?
How is it etiquette to eat chicken? You know?

Chicken is one of the favorite foods of many people. Grilled chicken baked in sauce, tobacco chicken, chops - a very large variety of chicken dishes is served both at home feasts and in a restaurant. It makes you want to take a delicious crispy leg with your hands and eat it, but you can’t. We are not primitive people. If you do not know how to eat chicken - with your hands or with a fork, then this article will be useful to you.

Fillets and cutlets

Chicken meat products are distinguished by their softness and juiciness. If you were served a cutlet, meatballs or chicken fillet, then just use a fork and knife to eat this dish. Most importantly, put a napkin on your knees to avoid accidental drops of grease on your clothes. With a knife, cut off small slices from the meat dish and send it to your mouth with a fork. No need to cut the whole piece into pieces at once, be consistent.

chicken fillet
chicken fillet

Drumsticks and wings

How to eat chicken if you were offered wings or drumsticks? You need to somehow free the bone from the meat. A knife and fork will come to your aid. Gently lift the skin with a knife, holding the bone with a fork, and scrape it off the meat. Now you need to carefully cut the meat: press the bone with a fork to a plate, and cut off small pieces with a knife. Each cut piece should be eaten immediately, without stacking on a plate. After all, the process of eating and gutting a chicken should not interfere with your communication with your table neighbors. If you can't handle the little bits left on the bone, put it aside.

How is it etiquette to eat chicken if it was served to you in broth? First, you need to eat the whole broth with a spoon, and then start eating a meat delicacy, putting the spoon aside and armed with a fork and knife.


If there is a chicken leg on your plate, and an incomprehensible cap is put on the tip of the bone, do not be alarmed, this is a special device that was created specifically for your convenience. This means that you can hold the bone with your fingers while carving. Usually, along with the chicken legs, a plate of lemon water is served, into which you can carefully dip the soiled fingers. If you already know how to eat chicken according to etiquette, then it will not be surprising for you to have a lemon in your water. Lemon perfectly removes the smell of meat from the skin of the hands. Simply dip your fingertips into a bowl of lemon water and then wipe them off with a tissue.

chicken leg cap
chicken leg cap

If you know how to eat chicken according to etiquette, then it will not be difficult to deal with its leg: holding it by the paper cap, carefully separate small pieces with a knife or fork andput in your mouth. Don't forget to watch for drops of juice as they fall on your lap or on the tablecloth.

How to eat chicken according to etiquette

If you find yourself at a dinner served with whole cooked chicken and don't know how to grab a bite, don't rush.

baked chicken
baked chicken

Usually, the person who cooked it, or the waiter, cuts the chicken. At the same time, it is divided among all the guests in such a way that each gets a piece of approximately the same size. They begin to divide the carcass from the wings, then separate the legs, followed by the side bones. And the breast is cut into longitudinal pieces and divided among all guests. If the chicken was baked with sauce, make sure that each piece of meat was watered with it.

Simple rules

Now that you know how to eat chicken according to etiquette, it remains only to consolidate the knowledge gained.

  1. Don't handle the chicken pieces with your hands unless the paper cap is on the bone.
  2. Use your fork and knife no matter what part of the chicken you get.
  3. If you suddenly get your hands dirty with chicken meat, use lemon water, which is served with meat in a separate bowl. Do not dip your fingers deep or rinse them in a bowl. Just lightly moisten and wipe with a tissue.
  4. If small pieces of meat do not separate from the bone, do not gnaw it, but simply put it on the edge of the plate. How to eat chicken is very easy to remember.
  5. If you are a housewife who serves baked chicken, remember the rulesdividing the carcass for all guests. Count the number of people and roughly estimate the number of pieces into which you need to divide the chicken. Make sure the portion sizes are roughly the same size. Be sure to add chicken breast pieces to the wings.
chicken on a plate
chicken on a plate

As you have already seen, eating chicken according to etiquette is not so difficult. The main thing is to remember that you need to behave in an appropriate way so as not to offend anyone with your behavior at the table.
