The appearance of theater in culture has deep ancient roots and dates back to 497 BC. e. The first large-scale theatrical production, according to the manuscripts, took place as early as 2500 BC. Written sources of that time confirm that just in that year the ancient Greeks celebrated a holiday in honor of the god Dionysus. Since the celebration was quite important for the people of that time, the Greeks actively built wooden stages, such peculiar stages on which readers and musicians performed.
Time passed, and a few years later, instead of the usual inconspicuous wooden stages on the lands of Ancient Greece, round arenas were erected, surrounded by many places for spectators. Such a stage was similar to the arena of a modern circus. It was in ancient Greece that the theater began to form as a separate art form. For a long time there was a strong connection between religion and theatrical art. At that time, clear concepts and a division of tragedy and comedy as a genre, as well as many other theatrical forms, were formed. Often used to stage performances.mythological images.
First Roman theaters
After the Greeks, already in 55 BC, the first official stone theater appeared in Rome, where actors performed on a small original stage, recited poems and acted out small plays, adapted ancient Greek legends to the modern realities of that time and myths. This marked the beginning of the holiday, which is customary to celebrate among all the inhabitants of the globe who are directly or indirectly related to art and the stage - World Theater Day. This is an international professional holiday for all workers, which has been celebrated annually and globally since ancient times. When is Theater Day? There is a holiday on a spring day - March 27.

Even Shakespeare in his well-known comedy wrote lines that do not lose their relevance to this day: "The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors." This phrase perfectly reflects each person, because we all play the roles assigned to us throughout our lives. And what colors it will be filled with depends on our desire, aspiration, talent and diligence. World Theater Day is a holiday that unites people of all nationalities and religious beliefs. This day knows no boundaries and opens itself to the whole world.
Traditionally, the celebration is accompanied by the slogan: "The theater as a means of understanding and strengthening peace between peoples." Even in ancient times, through theatrical performances, people tried to convey to others the problems of world and personalscale. To this day, the theater is an incredible opportunity to say everything that excites, and a chance to be heard, to find responses in the hearts of people. Through performances, it becomes possible to laugh at the shortcomings of society and take a fresh look at serious problems. On Theater Day, the number of visitors increases several times.

The appearance of theater in Russia
In addition to the Greeks and Romans, the theater was also a success in Ancient Russia. The path of the formation of theatrical art began with paganism, namely with rituals and religious holidays. The development of this direction dates back to the 11th century, because it is in the manuscripts of those times that the first actors appear - buffoons, whose task was to amuse the people at various fairs, bazaars and city holidays.
The first theater in Russia appeared during the reign of Peter I and was called a booth. In such places, small plays were staged that did not have a deep meaning, and sometimes even were very obscene.

First Theater
The first truly serious theater opened back in 1795 under the direction of Count Nikolai Sheremetyev. It was this person who made the greatest contribution to the development and formation of Russian theatrical art.
The peak of the dawn of this art direction falls on the end of the 19th century. It was at this time that truly great actors, directors and playwrights began to emerge.
World Theater Day was proclaimed an international holiday not so long ago, in 1961. The initiative came from the International Theater Institute. And already in 1962 the holiday was celebrated as a worldwide one. Iconic French writer and playwright Jean Cocteau has been commissioned to write the first message to all theatrical artists.
In fact, this day brings together a huge number of people. This is a professional holiday for theater workers who have dedicated themselves and their lives to serving the great art. Do not miss the celebration and ordinary theatergoers who love performances with all their hearts.

How is this day celebrated?
International Theater Day is celebrated always cheerfully and solemnly. In Russia, for example, it is customary to arrange concerts, creative evenings of famous actors and directors, as well as master classes of the best professionals from all over the world. On this day, it is customary to present the most high-profile and long-awaited premieres. Previously practiced holding the so-called "skit". The main figures of theatrical art gathered for the holiday. Thanks to such events, it was possible to declare oneself and, as they say, “get out into the people.”
International Theater Institute
The International Institute operates according to its charter and therefore urges everyone around not to forget about Theater Day. After all, according to the provisions enshrined in the charter, the main activity of MIT is to strengthen peace and friendship between peoples, expand the creative community and cooperation of all theater representatives and workers around the world.

Developed International Institutetheater at UNESCO very rapidly and has grown to the scale of one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the world. His main activity is the performing arts. Representative offices of this organization are located in every corner of the world, these can be national centers, regional councils and various committees (there are about 100 countries with such representations).
Russia is a permanent member of the Executive Committee, because back in 1959 the Soviet Union received membership in the International Theater Institute.
Etymology of the word "theatre"
What are the roots of the word "theater"? The name originates from the ancient Greek language and comes from "theatron", which means "a place where they look."
The most popular theatrical genres are comedy and tragedy, it was these directions that became the prototype for the international symbol - two masks.

Who's celebrating?
This day is celebrated not only by directors, producers, actors, it is significant even for ushers and cloakroom attendants working in the theatre. After all, back in 1933, the great Russian director Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky said that the performance does not begin from the moment the production begins, but from the entrance to the theater. Over time, his words were paraphrased into a popular expression, which instantly scattered around the world: "The theater begins with a hanger." The essence of these words is as follows: there are no secondary roles and professions in the theater. This is a single mechanism that will not be able to function if it loses even the smallest detail. In many cities tickets toThe theater day for performances is absolutely free.

Due to the fact that various festivals, high-profile premieres, creative evenings fall on this date, it has become a real holiday for almost every person. Even though this day is not considered an official holiday and is not a day off, this does not prevent us from celebrating it on a large scale. On March 27, it is customary to congratulate all theater workers in the world, to award them with diplomas, prizes and nice gifts. This tradition has taken root not only in large cities, but also in the regions.
International Theater Day is an event close to the hearts of not only workers, it is a holiday that is also important for millions of caring spectators living on planet Earth. But not only the date of March 27 is important for theatrical art. The premiere of the performance is a day in the theater, which is already considered the most important event.