Name for a boy with a patronymic Evgenievich: possible options, meaning and characteristics

Name for a boy with a patronymic Evgenievich: possible options, meaning and characteristics
Name for a boy with a patronymic Evgenievich: possible options, meaning and characteristics

In the Soviet Union, the name Eugene was considered the most popular, it ranked first among the most beautiful. To date, the popularity has decreased, but the relevance has remained.

In the article we will explore what name is suitable for a boy with a middle name Evgenievich. Imagine the best combinations.

Alexander Evgenievich

One of the most popular male names is Alexander. Among its carriers there are both kids and elderly people. The name form is combined with almost any patronymic. Is the name suitable for a boy with a patronymic Evgenievich? Say the combination out loud, it sounds melodic and soft, despite the presence of the letter "r" in the name.

Alexander in Greek means protector. A man with this name is distinguished by a strong inner core, it is almost impossible to lead him astray. When Sasha decides something, he will achieve what he wants with the help of his own tactics known only to him.

Little Sasha is inquisitive andactive, doing well in school. The child is ambitious, he cannot afford to get bad grades. Sasha has a certain masculine charm that makes him attractive to the fair sex from a very young age.

What names for the boy, consonant with the patronymic Evgenievich, can be chosen, except for Alexander? This is discussed below.

Tsekalo Alexander Evgenievich
Tsekalo Alexander Evgenievich

Dmitry Evgenievich

Little Dimas are absolutely charming guys. They are smiling, cheerful, developed beyond their years and amaze adults with their statements. The name form has always been popular, and remains so today.

Dmitry is a suitable name for a boy with a middle name Evgenievich. Sounds harsh on its own. But it softens somewhat under the influence of a patronymic and a worthy combination is obtained.

Translated from Greek, the name means "dedicated to the goddess Demeter" or "fertile". Ancient Greek Demeter was considered the patroness of the earth and the crop growing on it.

Adult Dmitry is a self-confident and tough man. He is a rather closed person, Dima cares little about the opinion of strangers. In the company of friends or among close relatives, Dmitry opens up, becomes cheerful and talkative. You can rely on a man, he will never let you down, he will always help out, Dima does not know how to refuse help.

Berkaev Dmitry Evgenievich
Berkaev Dmitry Evgenievich

Kirill Evgenievich

What other combination is harmonious and sonorous? Kirill is another name for a boy with a patronymic Evgenievich. Its meaning, translated from Greek, is majestic - "lord" or "ruler".

Little Kirill is a distrustful child, he prefers to keep strangers at a distance. It will take some time for the child to settle down. When Cyril realizes that he is in front of a kind person who can be trusted, he will open up from a different side. A responsible, tactful boy strives to be useful. Helping an adult is a great joy for him.

Adult Kirill is a real leader, to whom others are drawn. In the team, he quickly gains trust and authority. Responsive, always ready to help, scrupulous and meticulous in his work, Kirill can be given the most difficult task, which will be completed at the highest level. Thanks to his diligence and diligence, the man occupies the chair of the boss. The head of him is strict and demanding, but fair. He teaches subordinates by his own example, attitude to work and others.

Pankin Kirill Evgenievich
Pankin Kirill Evgenievich

Andrey Evgenievich

Don't like the previous options? It doesn't matter, of those listed above, Andrei - a name for a boy with a patronymic Evgenievich - seems to be the most suitable. Very gentle sound, say it out loud and see for yourself.

The name, as mentioned earlier, is of Greek origin. Translated as "brave" or "courageous".

Little Andryusha is still a fidget. He is cunning and curious, actively interested in the structure of the world while his peerslistening to children's stories. Early begins to read and write, thanks to his curiosity. At preschool age, she enjoys attending various sections and circles. As a student, he grasps the material on the fly, which pleases teachers. It is difficult to call Andryusha diligent, but his unique memory plays a major role in obtaining school knowledge.

Adult Andrei is very handsome, he goes in for sports, looks after his appearance. Often becomes a ladies' man, on Andrey's account there are many broken women's hearts. Having walked in plenty, he will settle down and become a wonderful husband. He marries quite early, often the chosen one is older than him. The father of him is simply wonderful, he is ready to wear his children in his teeth.

In terms of career building, succeeds under certain circumstances. He can become an excellent auto mechanic, because he is not indifferent to cars from his youth.

Leonov Andrey Evgenievich
Leonov Andrey Evgenievich


We have considered possible options for names for a boy with a middle name Evgenievich. They are among the ten most popular and beautiful.

In addition to those listed above, such names as Mark, Oleg, Nikita, Taras, Ivan, Artem, Daniil, Egor, Matvey, Timofey, Viktor, Roman, Vladimir are suitable for the patronymic. It all depends on parental preference, how much they like the proposed names. And also from the family name.
