Ferret is Steppe polecat, black polecat. Photo, description

Ferret is Steppe polecat, black polecat. Photo, description
Ferret is Steppe polecat, black polecat. Photo, description

Ferret, or polecat, is a representative of the class Mammals from the Kunya family. It is a typical predator. Zoologists include minks, ermines, and weasels to this genus (Ferrets). Ferrets are smart, agile and cautious animals.

When the need arises, they defend themselves perfectly: these predators begin to behave aggressively, bite hard and, of course, use their foul-smelling liquid. This technique often throws dogs off the trail. There have been cases when ferrets attacked people, in particular small children.

Where do ferrets live?

These predators inhabit all of Europe and Asia, live in mountains, forests, fields, plains. Often ferrets can be found near human habitation. Russian polecat is represented by two types: there is a steppe (light) and forest (black). We will talk about them a little later.


The ferret is a relatively small furry animal. The length of the body of the male can reach 50 centimeters, and the female - 40 centimeters. At the same time, the tail accounts for up to 20 centimeters. The famous fur of these animals has black-brown tones, from the sides it is painted in chestnut color. Above the small and black eyes, these animals have yellow-white spots, the muzzle has the same color.

ferret it
ferret it

What do ferrets eat?

As mentioned above, the ferret is a typical predator. He will never voluntarily begin to eat plant foods. These rogues with great pleasure eat rats and mice, as well as poisonous vipers. It is curious that snake bites do not harm these animals in any way. In order to eat a hearty and nice meal, the ferret must hunt, showing outstanding cunning, endurance and dexterity.

But the qualities and skills described above do not always work with a bang. Sometimes hunting does not bring any fruit. It is curious that the animal is not particularly worried about this: the ferret calmly eats snails, grasshoppers, steals delicious honey from wild bees, dives into reservoirs for fish. Only in exceptional cases do these creatures pass to pasture, eating berries and grass.

ferret photo
ferret photo

Thunderstorm chicken coops

The ferret (the photo of this predator is presented in the article) is a real thunderstorm for chicken coops and the entire poultry industry! The ermine does not lag behind him, and even weasel. Not without reason, whole legends have already been composed about the raids of these animals on the countryside. In addition, these predators from the Kunya family not only destroy chicken coops by eating eggs, but also take five or even more chickens with them in one night.


In nature, an adult ferret prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. These animals are difficult to see in a pack, because their manners and character will never allow them to get along together in the same territory. Zoologists describe pugnacious ferrets as an interesting phenomenon of wildlife: two males, without dividingterritory between each other, start attacking each other, jumping, biting, squealing in pain, scratching and somersaulting (see photo below).


Female pregnancy

Pregnancy in females occurs up to three times in one year. In one litter, usually up to 12 ferrets are obtained. Cubs are born completely defenseless and blind. The female feeds them with milk for two weeks. At the end of this period, the cubs begin to eat plant foods, and then - regular food.

How does the Russian forest ferret live?

Black polecat, or forest polecat, is a typical inhabitant of Eurasia. This animal was domesticated by man in Russia. This form has its own name - a ferret, or albino ferret. If we talk about the genetics of this animal, then this species interbreeds beautifully and freely, giving various color variations.

Forest ferrets are widespread in the west of Europe, but even there their habitat is gradually shrinking. A huge population of these animals is found in Great Britain, in most of Russia (with the exception of the Caucasus), in North Karelia and the Lower Volga region. Scientists involved in the study of these animals believe that recently they could also settle in the forests of Finland. In addition, the forest polecat inhabits territories in northwestern Africa.

ferret forest
ferret forest

Forest ferret lifestyle

These rogues, like all their relatives, lead a sedentary and solitary lifestyle. They become attached to a certain habitat and try to live there as much as possible.time. Due to the fact that this species of trochee prefers to settle in small forests and individual groves, they were nicknamed "edge dwellers". In addition, the forest edge is a typical hunting ground for the black ferret.

These predators most often use natural shelters as shelters: they live under fallen trees, stacks of firewood, rotten haystacks, stumps, etc. Often, a black ferret can settle next to a badger or a fox. In villages and collective farms, these creatures live in sheds, cellars, and sometimes under the roofs of local baths. These animals almost never dig their own burrows. The forest ferret is an excellent swimmer and can compete even with the mink itself!

They look for their prey mainly in the evening. During the day, it is very difficult to force them to leave their shelter. The only exception can be a strong feeling of hunger. The size of the predator does not allow it to catch mouse-like rodents underground, so the black ferret is forced to watch for them or grab them right on the run!

A little about steppe ferrets

Another representative of this family is the steppe polecat, or white polecat. Representatives of this species are the largest ferrets on our planet. They differ from their relatives in high, but sparse fur. Because of this, a thick, but light underfur is visible through their coat.

The steppe ferrets are widespread in the west of Yugoslavia and the Czech Republic, in the steppes, forest-steppes and semi-deserts of Russia (from Transbaikalia to the Middle Amur). You can meet them in Central and Central Asia up to the Far East. Zoologists say thatover the past few decades, the range of this species of trochee has been expanding to the west and slightly to the north. The steppe ferret tries to avoid forests and settlements.

steppe polecat
steppe polecat

What do steppe ferrets eat?

Like all mustelids, the steppe polecat is a typical predator. He hunts for hamsters, ground squirrels, small rodents. With pleasure eats frogs, poisonous snakes and birds. In summer, steppe hori can hunt invertebrates: beetles, dragonflies, worms, spiders. Those steppe creatures that live near water bodies have got used to catching aquatic animals, such as river voles.

Like all other ferrets, these creatures cause considerable harm to poultry farming. It is worth noting that such a reputation often spoils the life of the animals themselves, because sometimes they are accused of what they did not do at all. This is because the steppe ferrets can be substituted by their own relatives - weasels and martens. Outside of settlements, these creatures are of great benefit, exterminating rodents.

Ferret and man

The friendship of a man and a ferret is not a fictional legend, but the real truth. Animals taken from the burrow while still young are fairly easy to tame. Some hunters took advantage of this and came up with a practical use for them in hunting: they use them in chasing rabbits instead of dogs.

Russian polecat
Russian polecat

However, the ferret, whose photo is repeatedly present in our article, is a predator, and therefore a person in dealing with him needs to be extremely careful and accurate. It must be remembered that a violent temper will never leave these animals. The average life expectancy of these creatures in nature is 3-4 years, at home - up to 7 years.
