There are regions where from one settlement to another is a long and difficult journey. One of such regions of Russia is the North, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. But here, too, much attention is paid to the development of creative abilities in children, the development of their potential, providing the opportunity to do what brings joy and satisfaction.
The Arts Center in Khanty-Mansiysk operates for gifted children.
Young talents come here every year from all over Ugra to study music, dance, singing and painting. This is how traditions and continuity of generations are preserved, this is how young talents develop.
The arts center for gifted children of the North was created by the joint efforts of caring entrepreneurs - patrons and the authorities of Ugra. It opened in 1997.
The first director was V. I. Nikolaevsky, he was replaced by A. V. Berezin, a famous musician and winnernumerous contests.
In 2003, the educational space was reorganized, and the center became a boarding college for the arts.
The institution is a member of international organizations such as UNESCO and the Society for Music Education.

Three branches of leading creative educational institutions operate on the basis of the Khanty-Mansiysk Center:
- Academy of Music. Gnesins;
- State University of Culture and Art (Moscow);
- Ural Academy of Architecture and Art.
About 300 people receive higher education in branches, 700 more receive secondary special education.
Now the Art Center is a unique space in which the creative youth of the North are brought up and realize their talents.
College State of the Art
What is the Arts Center of Khanty-Mansiysk today?
This educational complex will envy more than one region of the country. On an area of 33 thousand square meters. m there is a modern infrastructure of the educational institution - these are 3 hostels (free for children), 2 canteens where students are fed 5 times a day, a medical unit with the latest appliances, a library, and a leisure center where you can relax after class, watch a movie in the cinema.
The educational part is represented by the following buildings and premises:
- more than 40 classrooms (for general education lessons);
- 9 choreography rooms;
- 50 classes for music lessons;
- repetition;
- 2 concert rooms;
- showroom;
- gym;
- premises for work, including a workshop for ceramics, sewing, bone carving, and carpentry;
- laser complex.
The music department has the best instruments and portable digital studios.

The college is proud of its teaching staff, because every teacher is a real star himself. Folk and honored artists, artists, members of creative Russian unions, winners of various competitions work with students and teach the secrets of craftsmanship.
Regularly, students are given master classes and given advice by professors and teachers of the country's higher musical institutions, art institutes.
Such meetings are very important in the process of becoming a creative person, helping children to realize where to strive and how to achieve their goals.
Participation in the life of the republic and the city
The Arts Center has some great creative teams that work at the level of stage masters, although the participants are just children.
The institution has several orchestras and ensembles.

BU College "Center for the Arts for Gifted Children of the North" takes an active part in many events not only in the city and district of Ugra, but throughout the country, represents northern talents abroad. There are about 200 events annually.
Students of the Arts Center in Khanty-Mansiysk gave concert programs in the capital's concert halls, such as the Conservatory. P. Tchaikovsky and them. Gnesins, Novaya Opera. College students often win various competitions.
Unique creative projects were implemented by the students at the UN headquarters in New York, UNESCO in Paris, and in foreign consulates.
A variety of all-Russian competitions are held in the college itself, including "Constellation of Yugra", "Rainbow", "New Names" and others.
College education
Education at the Arts Center for Gifted Children of the North (Khanty-Mansiysk) is received under several programs:
- Vocational secondary, full-time 4-5 years.
- General education (primary and basic) full-time lasts 4-5 years.
- 1st stage of education, additional pre-professional program of a general educational nature in the field of musical, arts and crafts, fine arts, choreographic art. The term of full-time study is 4 years, 5 years or 8 years.
The Arts Center of Khanty-Mansiysk prepares students for a number of educational programs. Children who have completed 9 classes can enroll in the following speci alties:
- Instrumental performance. Preparation of an orchestra artist, concertmaster or teacher.
- Vocal art. For almost 4 years, the guys have been gaining the knowledge of an artist-vocalist.
- Solo and choral folk singing. Graduates receive a diploma in which the speci alty is recorded“vocalist, bandleader, teacher.”
- Design. The profession of a designer or teacher.
- Arts and crafts. The speci alty of a master artist or teacher.
- Painting. Speci alty - "artist-painter".
The duration of training in the indicated speci alties and secondary vocational education is 4 years.

On the basis of 7 classes, the guys enter the Department of "The Art of Dance", study for 5 years and receive the speci alty of dance group/ballet artists or dance teacher.
Admission conditions
Accepting children to the 1st stage of education, the Arts Center of Khanty-Mansiysk conducts creative tests. Within the walls of the college, exams are taken by the selection committee, and an exit committee is also sent to the place of residence of young talents.
When entering the 1st stage of additional pre-professional education, children are required to show their inclinations and abilities in creativity, music or dance.
To obtain secondary vocational education, applicants take entrance exams of a creative nature, depending on the speci alty.
So, for admission to the speci alty "design" or "arts and crafts" you need to pass a drawing, composition and make a watercolor still life.

Applicants who choose the "art of dance" are tested for physical abilities and then tested with creative tasks thathelp determine coordination and musical-rhythmic abilities.
Perform a musical solo program and show knowledge of music theory is required for admission to vocal and instrumental majors.
Contacts of the Arts Center of Khanty-Mansiysk can be found on the official website of the institution. Address: st. Piskunova, house 1.

Easy to find - it's downtown.