Origin of the surname Kucher: territory of occurrence, meaning

Origin of the surname Kucher: territory of occurrence, meaning
Origin of the surname Kucher: territory of occurrence, meaning

The origin of the surname Kucher is a process that began quite a long time ago on the territory of Ukraine and Russia. Information about ancestors is stored in many documents that confirm the fact that the surname has ancient roots.

Formation of surnames

The surname is part of the Slavic names that come from certain nicknames.

origin of the surname coachman
origin of the surname coachman

Customs, the essence of which is to give nicknames, existed even in the period of the appearance and spread of baptism in Russia. This happened due to the fact that many names were identical, so there was no serious diversity among them. So that a person could stand out from the background of others, he was given such a nickname, based on some characteristic features. This took root not only in oral speech, but also in many documents, since along with the main name they wrote another one.

Origin of the surname Kucher

Sometimes, the surname came from the activity in which the person was engaged. That is, not only features were included in the basis for compiling a nickname. Bigsome of these names appeared on the Polish, Ukrainian territory, and then became generally accepted and known to everyone.

surname coachman
surname coachman

Where does the surname Kucher come from? This nickname was given to people who were often those who drove horses in carriages or in ordinary carts. The word itself appeared in Germany, where it meant a carriage or wagon. This name came there from Hungary, where its meaning was explained in the most general terms - a road carriage.


In the XIV century, a custom took root, which involved the transfer of a surname or nickname on the paternal side. Basically, they, in truth, suffered some changes that depended on the territory of distribution. In Russia, for example, it was customary to add suffixes -ov, -ev, denoting belonging to something. The existing nickname Kucher, obviously, has not changed, it was transmitted in its original form and has come down to our days.

Some of these names are of another type, and they have other roots. Many Jews bore the nickname Kucher, since at a certain period of time they had to choose their own surnames, which necessarily consisted of Hebrew, Romanesque or Slavic elements. But in this case, the coachman appeared on the same basis as among the Slavs - from the word coachman, denoting the type of activity.

The surname has an extensive history of formation, which covers not only Russia, but also neighboring countries and regions. The variety of variations today suggests that it was popular in different states.
