Often in order to make our speech more figurative, bright, unusual, we resort to the use of beautiful, loud-sounding phrases. Sometimes we dilute our monologue with quotes from famous people because we want to show off our intellectual abilities to the interlocutor, to surprise him with our erudition. Sometimes quoting helps us make our statement more ironic or, conversely, more weighty, authoritative.
In any case, in order to use someone's phrase in a speech, you need, firstly, to know its meaning (especially those who like to show off their Latin); and secondly, it would not hurt to ask who is the author of this or that aphorism.
The one who said "there is no limit to perfection" - read in this article.
A bit of perfection
Perfection, the ideal is something to strive for. To achieve it in one or another field of knowledge, field of activity is the goal of many of us. Our work ononeself, over any object, work - this is the path to the ideal. And often, no matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we fight with shortcomings, we still cannot achieve perfection. And all because there is no limit to perfection. Who said this phrase? Apparently, someone is very wise.

What is the meaning of the expression?
So, what is the meaning of this phrase? The expression can be understood in two ways, as they say - everyone chooses for himself (this, by the way, is also a quote from the poet Yuri Levitansky).
Firstly, the quote can be understood as an indication to constant work, to constant improvement of something. There is no limit to perfection - that is, there is always something to strive for, where to move. You can always do better. In this case, the expression is an excellent motivation for action.
And here is a variant of understanding the phrase for those who, on the contrary, no longer want to act. No matter how hard you try, you cannot achieve the ideal, because there is no limit to perfection, and there will still be flaws, so do not set too high requirements for yourself, otherwise you will always be dissatisfied with the result of the work. A sort of justification quote.
In general, which of the interpretation options to choose is up to you, we will not argue. But there is controversy about the authorship of the phrase.

"There is no limit to perfection" - the author of the quote
There is no exact answer to the question of who was the author of this quote. One of the most common versions is the assumption that Socrates said this to his students regarding the processtheir learning. In Latin, this phrase sounds like this: non est terminus ad perfectionem.
In any case, the expression is very popular, and based on the version that the great philosopher Socrates really was its author, it has been popular for a very, very long time. And the truth, as we know, is checked by him. So you can discuss who said this phrase, but with the very expression of those who disagree, perhaps, there will not be.