The ancient philosopher Confucius said: "If you sow a thought, you will reap an action; if you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny."
We can find a similar saying from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu: "Be attentive to your thoughts - they are the beginning of our actions."

So what is thought and why is it so important in starting our destiny?
Our universe is incomprehensible, and there are many hypotheses about the origin and essence of thought. Therefore, this question remains open today. First of all, a thought is something that carries some information. The main view is that by our judgments we form reality. But is it plausible if thought is immaterial? Perhaps, because the thought is not in the head, but in the metaphysical space, in the repository of the past, present and future. Humans, unlike animals,who are guided by their natural instincts, have the right to choose their own destiny and say boldly: "Sow a habit - reap a character." Each person is able to create any world he wants, the main thing is to be conscious and persistent in his striving for an ideal image. This is how thoughts materialize into actions.

How does this work in practice?
If thought were originally material, then what we think about would find its place in reality. Fortunately, this does not happen. Our ability to think is a very interesting process. If you close your eyes and observe your thoughts, then at some point you realize that thoughts are born one by one, as if from outside, that is, we are in the role of an observer. Depending on the intellect and worldview, a person connects to his thematic segment of obtaining information. This is the work of our surrounding world, that is, the metaphysical space.
Through reflection, the intention and intention to do something is born. Therefore, every person should understand that all our actions have their origin in our thoughts.

Sow an act, reap a habit
There are two reasons why people find it difficult to change. Why do we decide to start running in the morning in the evening, and the next day we come up with a lot of excuses to avoid jogging? Scientists have proven that a person gets used to thinking and acting according to one stereotype. The human brain is made up of many neuronsform neural connections. So what is a habit? It follows from the above that a habit is an electrochemical pathway from one neuron to another. These are constant, repetitive actions from day to day. For example, the habit of drinking coffee or brushing your teeth in the morning. But sometimes people fall in love with their patterns of behavior that lead a person to dissatisfaction in life. Such habits are called bad habits. These are the ones that take away energy, worsen the appearance and have a detrimental effect on he alth. Here is a sample list of bad habits:
- Gambling addiction.
- Drug addiction.
- Smoking and alcohol.
- Laziness and a sedentary lifestyle.
- Overeating.
- Non-observance of the daily routine and late going to bed.
This is only a small part of them, since there are an incredible number of things that can poison a person's life.

"Sow a habit, reap a character": the meaning of the expression
Man is a symbiosis of two components: temperament and spiritual character. What is in man is biology and genetics. These are those components of the personality that people are not able to change and somehow influence them. The name for this is temperament, and it comes in four types:
- Sanguine.
- Choleric.
- Melancholy.
- Phlegmatic.
Everyone is different and that's great. Everyone has their own temperament, and you need to appreciate and respect it in yourself. So how does habit shape us, and what is the meaning of the saying, "Sow a habit, reap a character"?
Spiritual character is a zone of man's freedom, what he himself builds. For the ancient Greeks, character is a seal. What makes up our character? The proverb "Sow a habit, reap a character" is due to many factors. First of all, these are moral habits that are brought up from childhood. The easiest way to survive is to copy the character of those who raise you. They have already survived, therefore, their character is adapted. It is this method of character formation that nature has chosen: children copy their parents. The information that is received in childhood is the basis for later life. A person becomes what he wants to become. A person's character is determined by the decisions he makes.
Personal formation in harmony of body and spirit
If a person consists only of temperament, then he is determined, there is no freedom in him. Just a biological product that does not need to think, does not need to be responsible for its actions. But when a person builds his character, this is already his spiritual aspect of personality. Also, by denying his biology, a person, not seeing the limits, can lead his life to catastrophic consequences in the sphere of nature. And if he denies his spirit, this is a denial of his freedom and responsibility. Therefore, only the harmony of biology and spirit can lead to the formation of personality.
Adaptation of character to environmental conditions
Each of us is endowed with our own special character traits. But there is such a thing as the adaptation of character to the world around us. The more adapted we are, the calmer it will beshape our lives. Adapted people feel comfortable in any life situations. They have exceptional flexibility of character and are able to adapt to the objective situation. A smart person is the most adapted person.

Willpower is strength of character
We all know people who get things done. Others struggle for years to lose weight, quit smoking, or enroll in English classes. Often there is no difference between these people. They are not smarter or more beautiful than others, but there is one quality that distinguishes them. This quality is willpower. Very often people think that it can be developed. But, alas, willpower is more of an inborn trait than an acquired one. Therefore, willpower cannot be developed, but you can start working on your habits.
Habit: how to fight it
All bad habits and addictions seduce us because they promise us pleasure. How to learn not to give up slack and avoid laziness? Keep a list of bad habits in mind and resist the temptation? Is it possible to apply a certain strategy and start moving towards your goals and dreams? What is missing? The answer is extremely simple - there is not enough habit to do something and motivation.
You need to learn how to do avoided things automatically. After all, first thought is born, then action, then habit and character. The first is the right attitude and focus of thought on the desired action. The rule of small steps and the rule of regularity also promote habit formation.
MotivateBooks, people, places, events, and other ways that feed your mind can form a habit. But when a person feeds on something, it shouldn't become an obsession.
So, summing up. Thought, action, habit and character. Surround yourself with the right information and motivators from which to draw strength and motivation.

Sow character, reap destiny
This principle underlies the cultures of many nations. Our destiny consists of many components that are important to understand. Actions from the past, the influence of time, our thoughts, our mood and our character.
According to this principle, fate is in the hands of the person himself. Sow a habit, reap a character.