Responsibility for young souls is one of the most serious in a person's life. What should be the pedagogical credo of the educator so that he can be entrusted with a developing personality? Children's rights - instead of school

formalism and iron discipline - began to be taken into account already at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. It was then that priority began to be given to all-round development and creative individuality.
Common Human Values
The teacher's pedagogical credo is formed not only from his personal beliefs and character traits. Of course, it is based on universal values: love, support, mutual respect, purity of soul. More K. D. Ushinsky argued that it is much more difficult to educate than to transfer knowledge, to teach. After all, to influence the soul, beliefs, conscience of another - young - person has a moral right and can only be the one who constantly works on himself, has a high level of reflection, who is himself pure in heart. Customs and traditions, the political situation and the economic system can change. However, the basis on which the pedagogical credo is formededucator - these are timeless human values. Including the long-known law of communication: treat another - a child - as you would like to be treated.
Different schools and concepts

and teachers prioritized in their methods and approaches those principles that were closest to them. Nowadays, the educator can choose from a rich philosophical and theoretical heritage. Preferences, of course, will be determined by his worldview, the warehouse of his personality. The pedagogical credo of an educator in a Montessori school, for example, is based on the following postulates: taking into account the developing characteristics of the child, his abilities, needs and hobbies in the learning process. It is necessary to support the development of the baby, and not the formation of it in its own image and likeness. Other important principles are the individualization of learning; respect for the little man; reliance on the activity of the pupil himself. The pedagogical credo of the educator according to the method of Janusz Korczak carries similar messages. Its concept is based on the idea of a children's society, which is organized and managed by the children themselves. A similar method of education was proposed by Anton Makarenko. This preference and the formation of individuality is not spontaneous, but organized, aimed at the common good. At the same time, the concepts of these teachers have common ground: respect for pupils, mutual trust between the student and the teacher. Love for children should be conscious and not so much demanding asreasonable. The main thing is dialogue, communication between the educator and the ward. The ability to hear and listen is not given to everyone.
Choosing communication style
From a theoretical pedagogical point of view, a kindergarten teacher's credo, for example, can be based on any concept.

Montessori, Waldorf system, Ushinsky or Korczak… But in practice it is realized not in postulates, not in slogans and mottos posted on the wall, but in communication with a specific child and his parents. The pedagogical credo of the preschool teacher should guide not only the methodological skills, but also the behavior of the mentor. Choosing a mentoring style of communication, he will not be able to achieve trust. An authoritarian approach will suppress the individuality of the baby. But the partnership style, based on the principle of "mutual learning", will help to achieve pedagogical goals much more effectively.