Appreciate what you have: should you do it

Appreciate what you have: should you do it
Appreciate what you have: should you do it

Probably everyone knows the expression - appreciate what you have. But does everyone want to do this? Most, on the contrary, tend to complain about their lives and consider what they have as an insufficient condition for a happy existence. This is not only about material we alth, but also about children, he alth, talent, performance and other things that cannot be tangible.

Apperciate things which you have
Apperciate things which you have

Better prepare ahead of time

“If you have it, you don’t appreciate it, if you lose it, you cry” - how often this statement turns out to be true. Having learned from the experience of others, it would seem that one should think and build one's life in such a way that later one would not regret what was lost because of one's certainty that this was not enough. But more often than not, things are different. For example, human he alth. In youth, it seems that the body's margin of safety is endless. But over the years, certain he alth problems make themselves felt. As you know, people do not appreciate what they have, so take them seriouslystart only after some tragic event occurs. For example, if a doctor warns a patient that if he does not quit smoking, his heart may not be able to withstand the load, he continues to do this until he gets to the hospital with a heart attack. And if a person manages to recover, he begins to lead a he althy lifestyle, zealously protecting himself and others from the harmful effects of cigarettes. But this is no longer a full-fledged existence, such as it was when he was he althy, it will no longer be. Many restrictions appeared, what he can no longer do, having suffered a serious illness. How much a person in this case worries because of his disobedience. It’s not for nothing that they say “appreciate what you have.”

you don't appreciate having lost you cry
you don't appreciate having lost you cry

Invisible amenities

Only having lost something, you begin to understand how important and expensive it was. If something or someone is constantly nearby, then the person stops noticing it and begins to want something new and inaccessible. In his opinion, this will be what he so lacks for happiness. Therefore, people leave each other, leave their families, move to other cities, take loans to buy new things. But in the end it turns out that the old husband or wife was no worse, problems arise, the material goes out of fashion and ceases to please, or there is no way to return the borrowed funds and it would be better if there was an old smartphone that also worked great.

Other examples needed

"Appreciate what you have", perhaps, in these words lies the concept of happiness. If aa person is happy with what he has, he is already happy. Is it possible to learn to be satisfied with yourself, with what you have, with your figure, mind, purposefulness? Most likely, examples of other people who have experienced loss and come to the conclusion that you need to appreciate what you have will help in this. For example, many complain about their parents. For some, they are not rich enough, someone is embarrassed by their demeanor or even considers them limited. But we must remember how many children in orphanages dream of having a mother and father. There is no doubt that they perceive the situation differently and think about the presence of parents, and not about what they are.

people don't appreciate what they have
people don't appreciate what they have

Medals have two sides

Undoubtedly, a loving mother and father give their child everything they have. You can look at this question through the eyes of parents who cannot have babies. Often those who have them are dissatisfied with their behavior, school grades, chosen profession or life partner. But those who came to the orphanage dream of only one thing, that they would have their own child. It is important for them to give someone their love, the rest does not matter. But at the same time, the question arises, will they value their adopted child more than real parents? It is definitely impossible to answer it, but only one thing is clear, that it will be more valuable for them than for those who abandoned it and handed it over to the shelter.

Sometimes you shouldn't be upset

Often, instead of consolation in a difficult situation, you can hear the phrase "appreciate what you have." This, of course, has meaning and life truth. Noseon the other hand, should everything be valued enough to be afraid of losing. Will the development of society stop if everyone is content only with what they have? Of course, this applies more to the material than to the spiritual. Although developing your personality and striving for self-improvement is still better than driving yourself into certain limits and believing that you need to use only those, for example, mental, capabilities that you initially possess. Experience shows that with desire and perseverance, a person reaches a new level of intellectual development and thereby moves the general human progress. It is also not always worth being satisfied with your figure, the shortcomings of which can be easily eliminated by going in for sports or applying a harmless diet, which in turn will increase self-esteem, and, therefore, will have a positive effect on a person.

you have to appreciate what you have
you have to appreciate what you have

And finally, if people were happy that they had to carry water from a river or a well in buckets, read with a torch, ride horses, cook in an oven, then humanity would never have invented electricity, plumbing and flew into space. In this case, you cannot say that you have, do not appreciate, having lost, you cry.
