What is the most suitable topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone?

What is the most suitable topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone?
What is the most suitable topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone?

It happens, especially among young people, that it is easier and easier to make acquaintances over the phone than in real life. Either the two are already familiar, but somehow it doesn’t work out so that it grows into friendship, relationships, or even love. Most often this happens in school life, less often in student life. The main reason is not enough time for communication. In a short break, it is almost impossible to catch the attention of the person you like.

Topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone
Topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone

That's when mobile (or even landline) communications come to the aid of many. Many people can decide to call, but what is an acceptable topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone?

Features of any telephone communication

Before choosing what you will talk about, remember one simple thing. When you do not see a person, it is not always possible to guess his mood. Perhaps he is not in the mood to communicate. Perhaps he has extra "ears" in the form of one of his friends or relatives sitting next to him. Or an urgent matter, from which he was torn off by a call. Or maybe he just wants to sleep. And then any topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone will become hell for him.

ToTo avoid such a disastrous outcome, before starting a conversation, ask if you are distracting him. It’s not for you to choose topics for a conversation with a guy on the Internet, because on the network he can answer in a day. If the answer is "no", you can continue. Again, a guy can lie out of politeness. It is possible that you are distracting, but he thought that your call would take 5 minutes, and decided not to refuse. But you have your own strategy, completely different plans. When he sees that not 5, but 20 minutes have passed, he will begin to think differently. Your task is to ask about the opportunity to continue the conversation again. If you feel that he reluctantly agrees, end the conversation.

What and how to communicate

topics to talk to a guy over the internet
topics to talk to a guy over the internet

If you think talking to a guy on the phone is a tough choice, you're wrong. Men like to talk, just like women, only among themselves. And most of all they appreciate their own, "male" topics: sports, football, fishing, hunting, computers, collecting, cars. And, of course, a discussion of how he and his friends went somewhere to “sit”. Those are the ones you need to grab onto. Don't you dare talk about the weather! Except a little. And just not at the beginning of the conversation.

It's also important that each individual guy is only interested in a few of the topics above. The topic for a conversation with a guy on the phone should be male, but not any. You can endlessly talk to a programmer about a new car, but you risk hearing snoring on the phone. Therefore, first you need to carefully ask what he is interested in. And only then start talking about it.

There are two important points here:

psychology of communication with guys
psychology of communication with guys

1. Don't start with questions like, "Do you like fishing?" or “What are you into?” It looks weird on the phone. Such is the psychology of communicating with guys that you need to start somehow differently, for example: “My girlfriend went to football with her brother, and promised to go to the movies with me. I don't know who to go with now." And then, when, probably, the guy is already waiting for an offer from you to join the company, ask: “Do you also like football?” With a negative answer, you can also wag towards hockey, etc. And you can offer to go to the cinema with you on a free ticket at the end of the conversation, unobtrusively.

2. You don’t need to pretend to be a specialist in a topic that he likes, but is not interesting to you. Better ask! He will gladly tell!

At the very end, don't forget to change the topic to meeting on such and such an occasion. Be confident in yourself and at the same time do not impose! This is very important.
