
Interesting facts about squirrels and flying squirrels

Interesting facts about squirrels and flying squirrels

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A surprisingly cute animal, very curious in its habits - this is a squirrel. Interesting facts characteristic of this animal are associated with various moments of its life. It is for its appearance and mischievous habits that the squirrel is one of the favorite animals of people

Freshwater snail: what danger does it pose?

Freshwater snail: what danger does it pose?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Few people expect a trick from a snail. Many are accustomed to being a little condescending to these unusual animals. Who are they, these snails? And can a freshwater snail really be dangerous?

Bamboo: where does it grow and at what speed? Is bamboo a grass or a tree?

Bamboo: where does it grow and at what speed? Is bamboo a grass or a tree?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Bamboo…Where does this amazing plant grow? Is it a tree or grass? In fact, bamboo (bamboo) is a cereal crop that has high strength and flexibility. In height, it can reach forty meters. The high growth rate of the plant strikes and delights at the same time

Mariinsky water system: history of creation, meaning, photo, interesting facts

Mariinsky water system: history of creation, meaning, photo, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Mariinsky water system connects the Volga and the waters of the B altic, starting at the Sheksna River in the Yaroslavl Region and reaching the Neva in St. Petersburg. Conceived by Peter the Great, built by Paul the First, refurbished and completed by all subsequent monarchs, including Nicholas II. Renamed in honor of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and reconstructed again in the USSR, the Mariinsky water system, the importance of which cannot be underestimated even now, has a long and rich history

Capricorn (animal): description and photo

Capricorn (animal): description and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The ancestors of domestic goats were brave conquerors of impassable rocks - mountain goats. What are they remarkable for, where do they live and what do they eat? Information about them will be presented in this article

Dzhungar Gate: climate, length, interesting facts

Dzhungar Gate: climate, length, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Dzhungar Gate - a crevice between two mountain ranges. What limits it? On the one hand, the Dzungarian Altau, and on the other, the Barlyk Range

The biggest man on Earth

The biggest man on Earth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Who can be called the biggest person in the world - the tallest or the one who has the largest body weight? About it in this article

How did the Tuim sinkhole form?

How did the Tuim sinkhole form?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Man's economic activity often leads to the formation of the most bizarre things, some of which can compete with the majestic monuments of nature. These include the Tuim failure

Marsh crocodile: description, size, lifestyle, habitat

Marsh crocodile: description, size, lifestyle, habitat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Swamp crocodile in literary sources can often be found under the name Mager, as well as Indian. Its appearance resembles the structure of an alligator. It is one of three species of these reptiles that live in Hindustan and its surroundings. This is a fairly large predator with a characteristic appearance

How the jerboa lives and what it eats

How the jerboa lives and what it eats

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Today, jerboas are a fairly common animal that not only lives in the wild, but is also kept at home. When you look at these animals, natural questions may arise, for example, about what jerboas eat and where these crumbs live, what their lifestyle is and how to keep them in an apartment

Aspen - a tree about which there are many legends

Aspen - a tree about which there are many legends

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Aspen is a tree about which there are many beliefs. At one time he was called "damned". And why such rumors went, you will definitely find out by reading this article

Galapagos finches: the origin of the species. Causes of differences in the structure of the beak

Galapagos finches: the origin of the species. Causes of differences in the structure of the beak

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Due to the fact that the Galapagos Islands have never been part of the mainland and originated from the bowels of the earth, their flora and fauna are unique. Most of the representatives are endemic and are not found anywhere else on Earth. These include different types of Galapagos finches. They were first described by Charles Darwin, who discovered their significance in the theory of evolution

What are volcanoes and how do they form?

What are volcanoes and how do they form?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Volcanoes have long excited the consciousness of man. The name "volcano" itself comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire, Vulcan. The Romans believed that the ever-smoking fire-breathing peaks were the forges of the formidable deity, in which he forged his weapons. However, other peoples of that time adhered to a similar opinion. And what are volcanoes in modern terms?

June beetle - a pest that begins its activity while still a larva

June beetle - a pest that begins its activity while still a larva

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

We all know the June beetle since childhood. This is a green insect that has a rather powerful shell, tenacious paws and makes a loud buzz when flying. In childhood, we did not even know that these beetles are pests that cause a lot of trouble to gardeners

Dubovik speckled mushroom: photo, description. Dubovik speckled edible or not?

Dubovik speckled mushroom: photo, description. Dubovik speckled edible or not?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many people like to pick mushrooms, and this is quite a rewarding activity. At the same time, it saves the budget and is a pleasant outdoor recreation (relaxation in the fresh air). Dubovik in the forests is quite rare. Therefore, many mushroom pickers have never seen him and know almost nothing about him

The cuckoo bird is an amazing creation of nature

The cuckoo bird is an amazing creation of nature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The cuckoo bird throws its eggs into other people's nests, but not from a lack of maternal instinct, but taking care of its voracious chicks, because it cannot feed them itself. Adult cuckoos benefit by eating a huge number of forest-damaging insects

Labrador (mineral): description, application, photo

Labrador (mineral): description, application, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Description and history of the Labradorite mineral. Properties of the stone and its origin. Where is the mineral labradorite mined? Varieties of the mineral and its main application. The magical properties of the stone

How to identify false boletus?

How to identify false boletus?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Any mushroom picker knows that in our forests there are a lot of tasty and nutritious mushrooms, the “silent hunting” for which is becoming more and more popular every year. Unfortunately, this phenomenon also has a downside: many newcomers appear in the forest, who often collect poisonous mushrooms in their baskets

Podalirium butterfly: description, life cycle, habitats. sailboat swallowtail

Podalirium butterfly: description, life cycle, habitats. sailboat swallowtail

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Podalirium Butterfly got its name in honor of the famous ancient Greek doctor Podaliria. Places where the number of individuals is large create entomological reserves, limit livestock grazing and reduce the amount of pesticides used. Type of conservation status - vulnerable. This species of butterflies is listed in the Red Book of Russia, Ukraine, Poland

Flint is a stone endowed with special properties. Use of flint

Flint is a stone endowed with special properties. Use of flint

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

More than one million years lasted a period in the history of mankind, called the Stone Age. All this time, flint helped people survive. This is a stone with a unique property to give a spark, which was used by a person, creating from it the first tools for making fire - flint, flint, tinder

Germany - nature and climate. Rivers and lakes in Germany

Germany - nature and climate. Rivers and lakes in Germany

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Germany (Federal Republic of Germany, or short Germany) is located in Europe. It is very easy to find on the map, as it resembles a puzzle of 16 small pieces. The capital of the state is Berlin. The population is almost 80 million people. The official language is German

African penguins: features of external structure and behavior

African penguins: features of external structure and behavior

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Do you know at least one animal that wails louder and longer than a stubborn donkey? It turns out that such a representative of the terrestrial fauna really exists. And this is not anyone, but a penguin, and an African one. The ability to make heartbreaking, donkey-like screams is the reason why African penguins are often called donkeys

The smallest monkey - pygmy marmoset

The smallest monkey - pygmy marmoset

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

An amazing animal that looks like a tiny dwarf - a pygmy marmoset monkey. Another such charming creature is hard to find on Earth. This is the smallest monkey living in Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and all along the Amazon coast

The yellow-headed kinglet bird: description, weight, voice and interesting facts

The yellow-headed kinglet bird: description, weight, voice and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The songbird is traditionally called the yellow-headed kinglet. It belongs to the king family, many individuals are found in the Eurasian forests. It has a small size and a yellow, even golden stripe in the crown area, which is called the crown

Barbel (fish). Barbel: photo and description

Barbel (fish). Barbel: photo and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Barbel is a rather large fish, it can grow up to 1 meter and gain weight of 12 kg. Many actually dream of catching it. She is of serious sporting interest, as she has a strong body. It should be noted that all mustaches are dexterous and smart

Born on the crests of air waves, or Lenticular cloud

Born on the crests of air waves, or Lenticular cloud

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lenticular cloud is quite rare in nature and always, if there are people nearby, makes a huge impression on them. These are huge accumulations of water vapor of unusual shapes and colors

The fig tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

The fig tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The fig tree is a unique plant that came to us from ancient times. It is also known as fig or fig tree. Its homeland was the hot countries of Asia. Today, there are more than 400 varieties of this plant, the fruits of which have not only a pleasant sweet taste, but also many useful and medicinal properties. Figs are grown in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Greece and other countries with a subtropical climate

Corundum - a stone for jewelry and industry

Corundum - a stone for jewelry and industry

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Corundum is aluminum oxide with possible impurities. Red corundums are known as rubies, green corundums are known as chlorosapphires, blue corundums are known as sapphires, and colorless corundums are known as leucosapphires

Wildlife: why do mosquitoes drink blood and why do they die?

Wildlife: why do mosquitoes drink blood and why do they die?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

We are interested in why mosquitoes drink blood, which means that we will talk about their females. They are the real vampires! It is they who do not give us peace of mind either during the day or, especially, at night

Likhoborka River: characteristics, location and photo

Likhoborka River: characteristics, location and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Likhoborka River is located in Moscow, in the North-Eastern Administrative District. It is considered the right tributary of the Yauza, it is the longest of the small rivers of the capital. Its total length is more than 30 kilometers, while only 10.5 flow in an open channel, 17.5 in an underground collector and a little more than two kilometers in a bypass channel. Thus, it is also the longest underground river in Moscow. Its basin area is 58 square kilometers

Australian spiders: description, species, classification and interesting facts

Australian spiders: description, species, classification and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Australia is a country where a modern person who does not know her jungles and deserts can only survive in the city, but this is not a fact. In this mainland country, there are so many living creatures that are dangerous to humans that it can be entered in the Guinness Book of Records. Here is the largest number of poisonous snakes on the planet, and in the waters of the ocean you can encounter a deadly blue-ringed octopus, whose bite causes death, and huge cuttlefish, arranging mating games off the coast

Beautiful bird - black grouse

Beautiful bird - black grouse

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

And what mating games the grouse arranges! Photos of them can often be found in various magazines. Among them there are both monogamous and polygamous (everything is like with people!), The latter are characterized by group talk

Flood in Italy. The worst natural disasters

Flood in Italy. The worst natural disasters

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The consequences of natural disasters are terrible. Unfortunately, they happen everywhere. Somewhere an earthquake claims hundreds of lives, somewhere hurricanes destroy entire residential areas. This article will focus on the floods, the terrible consequences of which were experienced by civilians in the country of Italy

Jaguar: animal of kings

Jaguar: animal of kings

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The jaguar lives in the tropical forests of South and Central America - an animal revered by many ancient peoples. The jaguar was revered, worshiped, it was considered the progenitor of the clan, and the skin of the jaguar has long been considered a sign of not just a high position, but the ability to influence the fate of the people and tribe. This idea of jaguars as demigods persisted for a long time, and deservedly so. There is no better hunter in the rainforests

Common flycatcher - many-legged guest in the apartment

Common flycatcher - many-legged guest in the apartment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

No matter how weather forecasters reassure us, the climate on Earth is steadily changing towards warming. This causes new species to appear where they are least expected. Who could have imagined 100 years ago that tropical centipedes would start in Russia - the common flycatcher is their brightest representative

The height of Elbrus. European giant

The height of Elbrus. European giant

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The height of Elbrus is such that this mountain is the largest not only in Russia, but also in Europe. It is considered an adornment of the Caucasian mountain system and the entire European part of the planet. Elbrus plays a huge role in shaping the climatic and geographical features of the region. In ancient legends, this mountain was considered the place of residence of the gods. Elbrus is a dormant volcano, which is being studied by scientists from all over the world

Hammerfish: how the shark became food

Hammerfish: how the shark became food

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The hammerhead fish, belonging to the order of carcharine-like sharks, has long enjoyed a bad reputation among sailors. And it cannot be said that this predatory fish was more dangerous than other sharks. The white shark is much more voracious, more active, meaner, after all, than the hammerhead fish. No, the latter also eats everything that moves, and will eat a person if it gets on the tooth, but it is far from the white shark and many other fellows according to the zoological classification

Fish of Yakutia: photos, names and descriptions of species

Fish of Yakutia: photos, names and descriptions of species

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Despite the severity of the climate, the nature of Yakutia is rich and varied. Moreover, the region is considered one of the most "water". About 400 thousand large rivers and small streams flow in it, many of which are important for fisheries. Let's find out what fish are in Yakutia. You will find photos and descriptions of some species in our article

Cases of dolphin attacks on humans

Cases of dolphin attacks on humans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There is an opinion that dolphins are the most friendly and peaceful creatures on the planet, which often become guides and saviors of people in the middle of the water. But dolphin attacks on humans are not uncommon. Our article will tell about this terrible phenomenon, help to understand its causes and find ways to solve the problem

Plyussa River: characteristics, photos, recreation and fishing

Plyussa River: characteristics, photos, recreation and fishing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Plus is a short, but very picturesque river in the European part of Russia, flowing through the territories of the Pskov and Leningrad regions. The total length of its channel is 281 kilometers, and the catchment area is 6,550 km2. The Plyussa River is a right tributary of the Narva, which forms the reservoir of the same name