Marsh crocodile: description, size, lifestyle, habitat

Marsh crocodile: description, size, lifestyle, habitat
Marsh crocodile: description, size, lifestyle, habitat

Crocodiles are the oldest animals, the only surviving representatives of the subclass Archosaurs - a group of reptiles, to which dinosaurs belonged. It is assumed that their history began approximately 250 million years ago in the early Triassic, if we talk about all crocodylomorphs. Representatives of the current order appeared a little later - about 83.5 million years ago. Now they are common in all countries with a hot tropical climate. The Indian crocodile is one of three species of reptiles that live in Hindustan and its surroundings. This is a rather large predator with a characteristic appearance.

What does a swamp crocodile look like?

swamp crocodile mager
swamp crocodile mager

Swamp crocodile in literary sources can often be found under the name Mager, as well as Indian. Its appearance resembles the structure of an alligator. The rough head has wide and heavy jaws, their length exceeds 1.5-2.5 times the width at the very base. Crests and outgrowths of squamous bones are absent. On the neckthere are 4 large plates forming a square with smaller plates on each side. The dorsals are well separated from the occiputs; the osteoderms are usually arranged in four rows, sometimes six. The central plates on the back may be wider than the side ones. The swamp crocodile (mugger) is characterized by keeled scales on the limbs and fingers that have membranes at the base. The color of individuals may vary slightly depending on age. Adult crocodiles tend to be dark olive in color, while young crocodiles tend to be light olive with black spots and dots.


The size of the swamp crocodile

Taking into account the size of all representatives of the order Crocodiles, it is safe to say that this species is of medium size. There is sexual dimorphism. Females are about 2.45 m long, somewhat smaller than males, which reach from 3.2 to 3.5 m. Differences also apply to body weight. The predominant number of individuals of both sexes, both young and adults, by weight fit in the range from 40 to 200 kg. Females are smaller and reach up to 50-60 kg, males are much larger and heavier - up to 200-250 kg.

Marsh crocodile (male) at a very mature age can be of impressive size. Rarely, but still there are cases when they grow more than 4.5 m in length and gain weight up to 450 kg. The largest officially recorded figure is about 5 m and 600 kg, respectively.


swamp crocodile food
swamp crocodile food

The marsh crocodile is named so for a reason. Hisa favorite place of residence are shallow reservoirs with stagnant or weakly flowing fresh water. These are mainly swamps, lakes, rivers and less often irrigation canals. You can sometimes meet the swamp crocodile in brackish water lagoons. Geographically, the species is distributed in India, Pakistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Iran, Bangladesh, Nepal.

The population in most areas is declining every year and is approaching a critical level. The main reason is the destruction of the natural habitat and the demographic problem of the region. India began to protect the marsh crocodile as early as 1975, creating a special program to increase the number of the species. The largest population (over 2000 individuals) is in Sri Lanka.

Swamp crocodile: nutrition and lifestyle

This species, like the Cuban crocodile, feels better than all other members of the detachment on land. It can move (migrate) over short distances and even for a short time pursue its prey on land, while developing a speed of more than 12 km / h, in its native environment (water) it rapidly increases to 30-40 km / h. In addition, muggers dig holes on land, in which they take shelter from the heat during a drought.

The diet of the Indian crocodile is based on fish, snakes, including pythons, birds, turtles, medium and small mammals (squirrels, otters, monkeys, deer, etc.). Large, adult individuals may well prey on ungulates: Asian antelopes, Indian sambars, buffaloes and gaurs. The swamp crocodile guards them at the watering hole and,seizing the prey at the right moment, pulls it under the water, where it then tears it to pieces. At night, they hunt on land, along forest paths, and can take prey from other predators, such as leopards.

The swamp crocodile uses a very interesting way of catching birds. It is one of the few reptiles that uses bait. It holds small twigs and sticks on its snout, which attract birds looking for building material for their nests. The tactics are especially relevant in the spring.

In general, the Indian crocodile is a social animal. They quite calmly tolerate each other's presence near the bathing areas, while feeding and hunting.

Interaction with other animals and humans

what does a swamp crocodile look like
what does a swamp crocodile look like

Adult swamp crocodile, in fact, are at the top of the food chain. Therefore, as a rule, they are not attacked by other predators. The competition of the species is only larger in size and with an aggressive disposition combed crocodile. It prevents the settlement of the species in question and even sometimes preys on it.

Marsh crocodiles and tigers pose a certain danger to each other. As a rule, predators try to avoid meeting, but there have been cases when they entered into an open physical confrontation. The swamp crocodile poses a serious danger to the smaller leopard, which is often attacked.

Cases of predator attacks on people happen from time to time. He has quite largesize, aggressive and poses a threat to humans. However, it is not as dangerous as its related species: the Nile and S altwater crocodiles.


swamp crocodile
swamp crocodile

Females and males reach puberty at sizes of 2.6 and 1.7-2 m in length, respectively. The breeding season is in winter. Females lay their eggs in nests dug in the sand. Cubs are born after 55-75 days, it is noteworthy that the factor determining sex is the ambient temperature during incubation. If it is set within 32.5 ° C, then only males appear, the farther it is from this figure, the more females. There are 25-30 eggs in the clutch of the swamp crocodile.
