Everyone who follows the political situation in the country and the world has his own circle of commentators and analysts, whose opinions and assessments of ongoing events are most interesting to him. Political scientist Fyodor Lukyanov has managed to prove his relevance in the intellectual space of the social and political life of Russia in recent years. Every year more and more people listen to the conclusions of this person.
Biography Facts
Lukyanov Fedor Alexandrovich was born on February 1, 1967 in Moscow. Before entering the university, he completed two years of active service in the ranks of the Soviet Army. He began his career as a political journalist at the Voice of Russia radio after graduating from the philological faculty of Moscow State University in 1991. Successful work at the radio station, whose broadcast is mainly intended for foreign listeners, was facilitated by the fact that Fedor Lukyanov is fluent in English, German and Swedish.

In the era of great changes in the early nineties, he took part at an expert level in the development of a privatization program. Collaborated as a correspondent in international editions of several metropolitanperiodicals, took part in the political programs of the central television.
Independent position
Watching and commenting on the social and economic life of such a complex country as modern Russia, it is very difficult to stay away from the opposition of various forces of the political spectrum. But it was precisely the independence of his position that Fyodor Lukyanov chose as the principle of his existence in the field of political journalism. He is constantly trying to emphasize his equal distance from both the conservative and liberal political camps. Of course, his audience is free to draw their own conclusions about how he succeeds.
Russia in Global Affairs
Fyodor Lukyanov, a political scientist with an established reputation, was invited to the post of editor-in-chief of this publication shortly after its foundation in 2002. The magazine "Russia in Global Affairs" is devoted to a wide range of topics. His interests include the problems of globalization of the world economy, the growing crisis in the countries of united Europe, the development of socio-economic processes in third world countries.

And, of course, the analysis of Russian interests in all these processes. It should be noted that over the years of its existence, this publication has managed to gain sufficient authority in the field of international journalism. Not a single topical issue escaped his attention. For cooperation with the journal on a temporary or permanent basis, the editor-in-chief attracts many reputableanalysts, regardless of their political leanings.
Influential NGO
In December 2012, Fyodor Lukyanov was elected chairman of the presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. This organization has the status of a non-governmental organization. Its objectives are to promote the development and implementation of common strategic concepts for the development of the Russian Federation. Definition of goals and directions of foreign and defense policy. Assistance in the formation of the Russian state and civil society in the country. With all this, this council does not have any administrative powers and does not have any power. But it brings together experts whose opinion is taken into account by government members when making specific political decisions.

This public organization includes people of different political views. Its principles proclaim non-partisanship, adherence to democratic values and Russian national interests. The "Council on Foreign and Defense Policy" that has existed since 1998 has managed to prove its competence and viability. Over the years of the Council's existence, its influence has increased significantly. And also the range of issues discussed by him has expanded.
Valdai Forum
One of the projects of the "Council for Foreign and Defense Policy" is the discussion club "Valdai", founded in 2004. Influential politicians and authoritative journalists from all over the world take part in it. Fedor Lukyanov, whose photo is oftencan be seen on the front pages of reports from this international forum, participates in it on an ongoing basis.

The hottest discussions of this club discuss the most pressing and pressing issues of world and Russian politics. The constant presence at the forum of persons from the sphere of the European establishment and the first echelon of Russian power contribute to finding a way out of the created crisis situations and determining the prospects for further interaction. Everything that happens at the Valdai Forum is constantly in the sphere of attention of the world media.
Confrontation or cooperation?
The key issue for the Russian future political analyst Fyodor Lukyanov considers building political cooperation with Europe and the United States of America. The strong political turbulence that has arisen over the past few years around the Ukrainian crisis has only exacerbated the problem of strategic choice in Russian global politics. Today, it presents diametrically opposed tendencies aimed both at aggravating the confrontation with the Western world and at finding ways out of the political impasse that has been created. And the aggravation of the situation in the economy against the backdrop of a global fall in energy prices, greatly aggravates the situation.

Political scientist Fyodor Lukyanov has repeatedly spoken about the need to overcome the crisis tendencies and continue the dialogue with Western partners. Upholding Russian nationalinterests is impossible without the modernization and growth of the country's economy. And in conditions of external isolation, it has no real chances to break out of the grip of the crisis. Therefore, for Russian foreign policy today there is no more urgent task than finding a reasonable balance of interests in relations with Europe and America.
Political ambitions
Fyodor Lukyanov, whose biography and career almost never went beyond political journalism, often hears questions about whether he intends to move into the category of practicing politicians in the future. The journalist prefers not to give a direct answer to this question, especially in a categorical form. It can be attributed to the adherents of the old English saying "Never say never".

Of course, Fyodor Lukyanov does not rule out such a possibility. But only under certain conditions and circumstances. Moreover, the journalist has the necessary potential for this. Apparently, it is very difficult to live in politics and not have your own political ambitions.
Fyodor Lukyanov. Personal life
Very little can be said about the personal life of a journalist. It is only known for certain that Fedor Lukyanov is married. But in the media, his personal life is not reflected in any way. A well-known political analyst belongs to the category of people who do not approve of public attention to the private life of a person. And such a position is quite worthy of respect.