Fish of Yakutia: photos, names and descriptions of species

Fish of Yakutia: photos, names and descriptions of species
Fish of Yakutia: photos, names and descriptions of species

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Despite the severity of the climate, the nature of Yakutia is rich and diverse. Moreover, the region is considered one of the most "water". About 400 thousand large rivers and small streams flow in it, many of which are important for fisheries. Let's find out what kind of fish are found in Yakutia. You will find photos and descriptions of some species in our article.


Yakutia is the largest administrative territory of Russia. Its size exceeds the size of many countries in the world. There is a huge number of water bodies here, ranging from the seas that wash the northern shores of the republic, ending with an endless number of lakes, rivers and swamps.

Thanks to such an abundance of water bodies, more than ten families and about 40 species of fish live in the republic. Most of them live in the largest watercourses in the region: the Lena River, Kolyma, Yana, Anabar, Indikirka. Here are the names of fish in Yakutia, which are of industrial importance:

  • lamprey;
  • lenok;
  • keta;
  • Asian smelt;
  • pink salmon;
  • omul;
  • Siberiansturgeon;
  • arctic charr;
  • whitefish;
  • taimen;
  • tugun;
  • carp;
  • chira.


cisco fish
cisco fish

Omul is an anadromous fish that lives in the waters of the Arctic Ocean, and rises to spawn in the rivers of Yakutia. The fish belongs to the salmon family, but in appearance it bears little resemblance to its typical representatives. Omul reaches 50-65 centimeters in length. It has an elongated body, somewhat rounded in the region of the front fins, a silvery color on the sides and a dark green back. In addition to Russia, fish is also found in Canada and the USA.

Pink salmon

pink salmon in Yakutia
pink salmon in Yakutia

Pink salmon also belongs to salmon. She prefers cold waters, therefore she lives in the seas of the Pacific and Arctic oceans. This fish of Yakutia spawns mainly in the Lena River and its branches.

Pink salmon can reach up to 60-70 centimeters in length. A characteristic feature of this fish is a hump located between the head and the fin on the back. Another distinctive feature is the color change. During the period of swimming in the ocean, the back of pink salmon is painted in marsh blue-green colors with dark spots, and the sides have a silvery white tint. After spawning, her back becomes light, and her abdomen turns yellowish.


salmon fish
salmon fish

Chum salmon is an anadromous fish of Yakutia. She lives in the northern seas, and after spawning in the rivers of Russia and America, she dies. In the republic, fish is found in the Lena, Kolyma, Yana, Indigirka rivers. During spawning, she is ableclimb hundreds of kilometers upstream.

The fish has an elongated body, the length of which can reach up to one meter. Her back is painted light green with numerous dark spots. The sides and belly are light gray in color.


whitefish in yakutia
whitefish in yakutia

Among whitefish, there are both semi-anadromous and completely river species. In Yakutia, fish is found everywhere and forms a large number of subspecies. Its maximum length reaches 50-60 centimeters, and its weight can be from 700 grams to a kilogram.

The whitefish has an elongated body, small mouth and snout, and near the head there is a small, inconspicuous hump. The fish has a silvery-gray color, but some of its representatives are painted in golden yellow hues. Whitefish are a valuable commercial fish that are often caught for the production of canned food.
