Paige Matthews: biography, photo

Paige Matthews: biography, photo
Paige Matthews: biography, photo

One of the heroines of the famous American fantasy series "Charmed" - Paige Matthews. The real name of the performer of the role is Rose McGowan. Her heroine is the youngest of the four Halliwell witch sisters, and her fate is not the easiest. Appears only at the beginning of the fourth season. Read more about her life in this article.

Before the events of the series

paige matthews
paige matthews

Paige Matthews is the illegitimate daughter of Patty Halliwell and Sam Wilder. Patty already had three daughters with her legal husband, Victor Bennett. The girl's life was in danger, as magical laws forbade love affairs between the Guardians (which was Sam) and their wards.

In order to protect a child from imminent punishment, parents make the most difficult decision in life. They take the girl to the church, where she is soon taken away by her adoptive parents - the married couple Matthews.

Paige grows up as a naughty child, almost uncontrollable. She often skips school, smokes, drinks alcohol and does not appreciate her parents. But one day everything changes. There is a terrible car accident in which the Matthewsare dying. And the girl miraculously survives.

It is the death of her parents that makes Paige think about life. She's on the mend. Graduates from high school, goes to college at Berkeley. After completing his studies, he gets a job in a social service, because he feels his destiny in helping those in need.

At the same time, she is trying to find out who her biological parents are. She empathizes with two sisters - Piper and Phoebe, who recently lost their older sister Prudence. The Halliwell family inexplicably beckons Paige, and she decides to go to the funeral.

First meeting

Piper can't come to terms with her sister's death. She casts spells to bring Prue back. But the magic is distorted, and Paige Matthews gets all the messages about the reunion. She finally makes up her mind and comes to Prudence's funeral. There, she shakes hands with Phoebe, and the latter has a vision in which the demon Shex kills the girl.

From embarrassment and fear, Matthews runs away. Phoebe and her demon boyfriend Cole Turner rush to find her. They don't want anyone else to get hurt at the hands of Prue's killer.

Paige Matthews real name
Paige Matthews real name

Meanwhile, Paige meets up with her friend Shane at the P3 Club. It is there that the demon attack takes place, witnessed by Phoebe and Cole. They are amazed at what they see! Escaping from the energy ball, Paige shimmered. Only Guardians have this ability. The lovers decide that Paige is the future Guardian and bring her to the Halliwell mansion.

Paige Matthews, whose biography has so far been mundane, facesreal miracles. When the sisters stand next to each other, the Power of Three, lost with Prue's death, returns to them.

The girls use their powers and spells to kill Shex. But Paige is just terrified. She was not ready for such revelations. Matthews runs away from his sisters.

Relationship with sisters

Despite his fears, Matthews becomes part of the family. She is now Paige Halliwell. And there will be many obstacles in her way. The first was her boyfriend Shane, who was moved in by the Owner. He wounds Cole, the damage is fatal, and Leo can only heal his humanity. With the help of Paige, he heals his beloved Phoebe.

It's not hard to guess that the middle sister fell in love with the younger sister almost immediately. Phoebe initially accepted Paige, didn't pretend she was never there in their lives. For a while, she acted as a kind of shock absorber between her and Piper.

The relationship with the older sister did not work out from the very beginning. Still too strong was the pain of losing Prue. Piper thought she would betray Prue's memory if she accepted Paige.

The girls were very different. Beloved sister is the strongest and most reasonable witch, Paige is just a defenseless newcomer, moreover, with a rather windy character.

paige matthews photo
paige matthews photo

However, soon Paige Matthews Halliwell becomes a full member of the family. Piper realizes that her younger sister did not deserve such treatment, and begins to teach her magical skills.

However, throughout the series, Paige is still in an invisible confrontation with Prue. This is expressed both in relationships with Piper and Phoebe, andin using magic.

Fifth season

In the new season, Paige appears with short auburn hair. Now she is an experienced witch, and in order to devote more time to magic, she leaves her main job.

The main goal of the new season is the destruction of Cole, who returned again after his death last season. Now he has become stronger and more invulnerable. But he has one weakness - love for Phoebe. It is she who leads him to the past, to another reality, where he is an ordinary vulnerable demon. By coincidence, Paige ends up there too. But this reality is very scary. The power of three is not there, as Paige was killed before gaining magic. She has to unite her sisters and destroy their main enemy.

In the latest episodes, Paige Matthews is turned into the goddess of war, Athena, so that she and her sisters fight with a terrible force - the Titans.

Sixth season

Tired of the eternal fight against evil, Paige decides to live an ordinary human life. She gets a part-time job, but there's a magical twist to it too.

paige matthews biography
paige matthews biography

This season, the sisters are supposedly sent a new Guardian to replace Leo, who has become an Elder. But Chris is not so simple. It turns out that he is the second son of Piper and Leo, and went back in time to save the world. Paige was the first to support the young man and help him.

This season, the sisters had a bad relationship with Darryl Morris, a police officer who helped hide their magical essence. Now the sisters are in real danger of being exposed.


The witch hunt is gaining momentum. Despite this, Paige Matthews manages to take care of the School of Magic and its students.

The main villains of this period are the demon Zanku, who is about to seize world domination, and the avatars who created a utopian world by destroying everything negative in people.

paige halliwell
paige halliwell

Also, Paige and the sisters are confronted by Inspector Sheridan, who tries to expose them but is killed by Zankou herself.

At the end of the season, Leo returns, now a mortal man. Paige hands over the School of Magic to him. The girls themselves fake their own death, now they have a new look and a new life.

Eighth season

In the new season, the sisters call themselves cousins of the Charmed Ones, live in their mansion and raise Piper's children. In order not to betray herself to the forces of evil, Paige finds a young witch, Billy, and begins to teach her. Now she is the main fighter against enemies who do not sleep. But the most terrible of enemies will be Billy's older sister, Christy, who was kidnapped at an early age and raised by demons.

Through the efforts of the sisters and Billy, the world will be saved again.

The personal life of the heroine

Paige Matthews is a photogenic girl with great looks and a smile. No wonder she has a lot of fans. Initially, in the foreground was a childhood friend Glenn, to whom she decided to reveal her magical secret. But the young man, although he loved Paige, married an ordinary girl.

The next guy in her life was the former witcher Richard. His magic did not lead to good, so herefused to use it. However, the essence took its toll. Richard couldn't control his powers and he and Paige broke up.

Paige Matthews Halliwell
Paige Matthews Halliwell

The following romantic relationship connected the girl with Kyle Brody, an FBI officer who sought to destroy the avatars, but he himself died at their hands. Paige took this loss hard. The only consolation was that Brody became a Guardian.

At the end of the series, Paige married Henry Mitchell, an ordinary police officer. They had three children - son Henry and twins Tamora and Kathleen.
