The fig tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

The fig tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
The fig tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

The fig tree is a unique plant that came to us from ancient times. It is also known as fig or fig tree. Its homeland was the hot countries of Asia. Today, there are more than 400 varieties of trees, the fruits of which have not only a pleasant sweet taste, but also many useful and medicinal properties. Figs are grown in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Greece and other countries with a subtropical climate.

The fig tree (we can see a photo of this wonderful tree in the article) not only brings useful and tasty fruits, but is also a wonderful decoration for any garden.

The oldest plant known to man

fig tree
fig tree

This is one of the most ancient plants known to man. Its age exceeds 5 thousand years. The fig tree is mentioned many times in the Bible. Researchers suggest that the fruit of the fig tree was the same forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, which was tasted by the progenitors of everything. Humanity Adam and Eve. Later, it was her leaves that served as clothes for them when they were expelled from the Garden of Eden.

Knew about the beneficial properties of the fig tree in Ancient Greece, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula.

In India, it has been considered a sacred plant for many centuries.

The ancient Romans believed that this fruit was given to people by the god of wine Bacchus, so they called it a wine berry.”

According to legend, the Buddha comprehended all the secrets of the meaning of human life under this tree. For Buddhists, the fig tree has been considered the tree of illumination ever since. Photos of her fruits can be seen below.

fig tree is
fig tree is

The Greeks used figs in the treatment of various diseases: fever, malaria, ulcers, tumors, leprosy and other dangerous infections. Figs have become an indispensable tool in the manufacture of many cosmetics. Due to its antioxidant properties and the presence of many vitamins, it is considered an excellent anti-aging agent. Later, when medicine was able to more thoroughly understand all the healing properties of figs, it was found that it copes well with blood clots and sclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

How does a fig tree grow?

The tree, which sometimes reaches 15 meters in height, has a spreading crown. The trunk diameter is about 1 meter. Fig trees live for more than two hundred years. The fruit of the fig tree is a small seed. When ripe, it acquires a dark brown-violet color. Inside the fruit are small seeds, shaped like nuts. They are close to each other andform juicy sweet pulp.

The figs are harvested twice a year - in early summer and autumn. It is not recommended to store it for a long time. Especially quickly, it can deteriorate during transportation.

fig tree photo
fig tree photo

Before sending the fruits for sale, they are well washed, processed and packaged. Figs are eaten fresh, dried and canned, and dried figs are no less useful than fresh ones. It is known that fresh figs must be eaten within a few hours of being picked, otherwise they will quickly spoil and ferment.

Often figs are used as seasoning for meat. Fresh fruits are used to make sweet wine, make jam and jam, and are used in the manufacture of other confectionery products.

Useful properties

The fig tree is an excellent source of essential oils that help oxygenate the blood and control blood pressure. A large amount of tryptophan normalizes the functioning of the human brain, so it is very useful for creative and thinking people to consume figs at least once a day. In addition to vitamins A, B and C, there are potassium, magnesium, calcium s alts necessary for a person, other minerals and organic fatty acids, carotene, pectin, proteins and almost all types of sugar.

We lose weight effectively and usefully

Regular consumption of figs contributes to weight loss and stabilization, as it contains a large amount of fiber and fiber. Thanks to them, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins. Despite the lowcalorie content of fresh fruits, they quickly saturate the human body, for a long time reducing the feeling of hunger. 100 grams of fresh figs contain only 49 kcal, but you need to be careful with dried fruit, as its calorie content increases by almost seven times.

fig fruit
fig fruit

Figs are useful for expectant mothers. Due to the large number of nutrients contained in the fruit, the baby develops correctly. A large amount of iron is an excellent prevention of anemia. Pectin and fiber help to cope with flatulence and constipation. It is also known that figs increase lactation and are an excellent tool for the prevention of mastitis.

The fig tree is a cure for male diseases too. Fig tincture helps to strengthen male power many times over, effectively cure prostatitis. It is enough just to pour five fruits with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. The tincture should be drunk twice a day.

Contraindications and precautions

With all the many advantages of the fig tree, there are still some disadvantages. With caution, people suffering from urolithiasis should treat its fruits, as they contain too much oxalic acid. You can not eat a lot of figs with diabetes and gout. Fresh figs are completely contraindicated for people with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it was not in vain that people worshiped this unique plant. The fig tree is truly a gift from the gods, designed to serve man at all times.
