Famous people named Maxim in the history of Russia

Famous people named Maxim in the history of Russia
Famous people named Maxim in the history of Russia

In the history of Russia there are quite a lot of famous people named Maxim. It is noteworthy that at one time it was very popular in our country, it is also found now, but much less frequently. In this article we will tell you what achievements the bearers of this name remember.


Famous people with the name Maxim in the history of our country met at different times. Yet most of them were born and lived in the last two centuries.

The name itself is of Latin origin. Translated into Russian, it means "the greatest, the biggest." This article provides a list of famous people with the name Maxim - these are Zheleznyak, Berezovsky, Kovalevsky, Gorky, Konchalovsky, Dunaevsky, Kontsevich, Marinin.

In our country, it was especially popular among representatives of the simple class in the 19th century, for example, one can recall Maxim Maksimych from Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". The second wave of popularity came in the 70s of the XX century.

Maxim Zheleznyak

Maxim Zheleznyak
Maxim Zheleznyak

One of the very first famous people with a nameMaxim in Russian history can be found in the XVIII century.

During the peasant uprising of 1768, which broke out in Right-Bank Ukraine, Zheleznyak was one of the leaders of the haidamaks, that is, members of armed associations.

Initially, Zheleznyak was a Zaporozhye Cossack who managed to leave the service and was preparing to become a monk. But because of the policy that the Polish government began to pursue on the territory of Ukraine, he decided to enter into an active struggle. He was proclaimed hetman. Having raised a popular uprising, he began to gather people around him.

On its way, his army actually exterminated Poles and Jews. The massacre in Uman was especially bloody. According to historians, about 20 thousand people died then.

Only in June, the Kargopol Carabinieri regiment was sent against him and captured him. As a Russian subject, they did not extradite him to the Poles, but imprisoned him in a fortress. The court sentenced Zheleznyak to beating with batogs, tearing out his nostrils, branding and life imprisonment in the mines of Nerchinsk. However, he never arrived at his destination, having managed to escape from the guard in the Akhtyrka area. Several dozen of his supporters left with him.

According to another version, he escaped from hard labor, participated in the Pugachev uprising. His fate at the end of his life is not known for certain. In Russian history, he remained as the leader of one of the bloody uprisings; in Ukraine, Zheleznyak is considered a hero of the national liberation war.

Maxim Berezovsky

Maxim Berezovsky
Maxim Berezovsky

Among famous people named Maximmany representatives of the culture. For example, the composer Berezovsky, who was born in 1745.

He received his higher education in Kyiv, served as a court chamber musician. He authored several songs popular at that time and church concerts for the choir.

In 1769 Berezovsky was sent to Italy to continue his studies. He studied at the Bologna Philharmonic until 1771, after which he remained as a bandmaster. He returned to St. Petersburg in 1773, taking a place on the staff of the imperial theaters. At the end of his life he worked in the court chapel.

Berezovsky died at the age of 31. According to some reports, it was suicide, possibly due to an acquaintance with Princess Tarakanova. According to other sources, he fell ill with a fever, which killed him.

Maxim Kovalevsky

Maxim Kovalevsky
Maxim Kovalevsky

Among the famous people who bore this name Maxim, a special place is occupied by the domestic historian and scientist Kovalevsky. He was a lawyer, a prominent public figure, who was born in the Kharkov province in 1851.

First of all, Kovalevsky was remembered as one of the founders of Russian Freemasonry, a sociologist of the evolutionist direction. As a rector, he headed the National State University of Physical Culture named after Lesgaft from 1910 to 1911. Was a member of the first convocation of the State Duma.

Until 1916, Kovalevsky was a member of the State Council of the Russian Empire. It is also known that he was acquainted with Sofia Kovalevskaya, they had a romantic relationship.

Scientist died in Petrograd at 64year, a year before the October Revolution.

Maxim Gorky

Maksim Gorky
Maksim Gorky

One of the most famous Maxims in the history of our country is the writer Gorky. Of course, many people know that in reality his name was Alexei Peshkov, but it was under his sonorous pseudonym that he became known throughout the country and far beyond its borders.

Worldwide, Gorky is considered one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers. He was nominated five times for the Nobel Prize in Literature, but never received the award.

In his work he was a romantic at first. He wrote songs in prose, short stories. Since 1901, he became interested in dramaturgy. At the turn of the century, he became a real revolutionary author, was close to the Social Democrats, criticized the autocracy, and as a result was forced to emigrate. He spent almost 20 years away from his homeland, most of this period in Italy.

Finally, one of the most famous Maximov in Russia returned to his homeland only in 1932. In the last years of his life, he was officially recognized as the founder of socialist realism in literature.

In the Soviet Union, Gorky was the most published writer. The total circulation of his books amounted to more than 242 million copies. His complete works include 60 volumes. Among his most famous works are the story "Makar Chudra", the play "At the Bottom", the novels "Mother", "The Artamonov Case", "The Life of Klim Samgin".

Maxim Konchalovsky

Maxim Konchalovsky
Maxim Konchalovsky

To the most famousMaksim Petrovich Konchalovsky, a professor at Moscow State University, a physician, and the founder of the School of Clinical Internal Medicine, should be attributed to Maxims in Russia.

He was born in Odessa in 1875. Graduated from Moscow University, after which he began working in a therapeutic clinic.

Contemporaries claim that he had an outstanding teaching gift. In the mid-1930s, he published clinical lectures in three volumes, which reviewed the main diseases that medicine was fighting at that time. Author of several textbooks on internal medicine.

Died in 1942 at the age of 67.

Maxim Dunayevsky

Maxim Dunayevsky
Maxim Dunayevsky

Among famous people, Maxim Dunayevsky is well known to most of our compatriots. This is a composer who was born in Moscow in 1945. In 2006, he was awarded the title of People's Artist. Since 2015, he has been the artistic director of the Moscow Philharmonic Society.

Now Dunayevsky is 73 years old. His professional career began at the Vakhtangov Theater, where Maxim Isaakovich worked as a conductor in the early 70s. Then he led the capital's music hall, the state variety orchestra.

Wrote a lot of music for cinema and theater. His works are featured in dozens of famous films. For example, "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", "Carnival", "The Trust that Burst", "Mary Poppins, goodbye!".

In the 90s he lived in the USA, wrote music for several Hollywood films. Finallyreturned to Russia in 1999.

Maxim Kontsevich

Maxim Kontsevich
Maxim Kontsevich

The famous person Maxim Kontsevich is considered his compatriot by two countries at once - Russia and France. This is a mathematician who was born in Khimki in 1964.

His father was a famous Soviet orientalist. Maxim Lvovich is a graduate of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University, for several years he worked at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems at the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he emigrated from the country. At first he studied at the University of Bonn in Germany. After receiving a Ph. D., he was invited to several prestigious US universities at once.

Now Kontsevich works as a professor at the Institute of Higher Scientific Research, which is located near Paris. He gained worldwide fame when he proved Witten's conjecture. For this he was awarded the Fields Medal. It is the most prestigious award for young mathematicians and is given only once every four years.

The mathematician is also known for his fundamental work in the field of deformations, number theory, category theory and research in the field of dynamical systems.

Maxim Marinin

Maxim Marinin
Maxim Marinin

Maxim Viktorovich Marinin is the youngest known Russian to bear this name. He was born in Volgograd in 1977.

A graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture was engaged in figure skating. He competed in pair skating. Three times became the winner of the championship of Russia, five times won theEuropean Championships and two more times at the World Championships.

The highest achievement in his sports career took place in 2006, when he won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Turin, Italy, paired with Tatyana Totmianina.

A couple from Russia took the lead after the short program. The closest pursuers from China were already behind by almost four points. According to the results of the draw for the free program, it fell to Marinin and Totmianina to perform penultimate. The Chinese were completing the official program.

The Russians performed without a single mistake, having received fairly high marks from the judges. But the Chinese could not skate their program flawlessly. Zhang Dan after the quadruple salchow fell on the ice. As a result, they only have a silver medal. The advantage of the Russians was almost 15 points.

After the Olympics, Marinin took a break due to heavy workload. He has not returned to big sport. He participated in the First Channel show "Stars on Ice", "Ice Age", "Ice and Fire".
