Brown row mushroom: description of where it grows

Brown row mushroom: description of where it grows
Brown row mushroom: description of where it grows

With the advent of autumn, many experienced and novice mushroom pickers rush to the nearest forests and plantations in search of delicious mushrooms. At the same time, a great number of them grow every year. Their species are diverse, but they are all divided into edible and inedible. There are also conditionally edible mushrooms, which include the brown row.

Description of the mushroom

Conditionally edible mushrooms are those that are strictly forbidden to be consumed raw, they must undergo thorough heat treatment. In this case, it is designed to remove toxins from the mushroom that it contains, or to remove an unpleasant aftertaste. After that, the mushroom becomes edible and usable.

You can distinguish a brown row by the following external characteristics:

  1. The mushroom cap is brown, sometimes its shade can be chestnut or with burgundy undertones. Smooth, cracking in dry weather, slightly slimy in humid environments.
  2. Hats of young mushrooms may have light streaks that disappear asaging.
  3. brown row
    brown row
  4. Flesh is dense, light in color, tastes slightly bitter and has an unpleasant odor.
  5. The plates under the hat are light beige, becoming reddish in adulthood.
  6. Cylindrical stem of brown row mushroom, slightly expanding towards the base. Color from light beige to brown.

Knowing the detailed description of the brown row, a novice mushroom picker can easily find it among other mushrooms.

Growing places

Where does the brown row grow? The traditional place for the growth of the fungus is a coniferous forest, occasionally found in a mixed forest. It can be found from late August to late October. The brown row grows in small groups, it is rare to find single specimens. The habitat of the fungus is quite extensive - it can be found in almost all corners of the European mainland, where there are coniferous forests.

row brown edible
row brown edible

Collection rules

In order for only edible rows to be in the mushroom picker's basket, you should remember the following collection rules:

  • It is important to clearly know the characteristics and appearance of the mushroom to be harvested.
  • There are dangerous poisonous twins, they are distinguished by the presence of a slight tubercle in the middle of the cap, as well as a characteristic thin stem.
  • Mushrooms cannot be plucked, only cut with a knife. This is necessary in order not to damage the mycelium and the next year to get a crop in the same place.
row brown description
row brown description

It is worth remembering that the shelf life of raw mushrooms is not too long - up to 7 days in the refrigerator, so you need to collect exactly the amount that will be eaten in the future.

Use in cooking

Despite the fact that the brown-capped mushroom is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, it is often used to prepare a variety of dishes. She is loved for her rich taste and bright aroma.

For the preparation of rowing, all possible methods are used: stewing, boiling, frying, baking, s alting, drying. However, there is one small nuance: since rowing belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms, first of all it must be boiled in clean water for 15 minutes, then drained and only after that proceed with further cooking. This does not apply to dried mushrooms, as they will lose all harmful properties when dried.

brown row mushroom
brown row mushroom

Due to its low calorie content (only 19 kcal), the mushroom can be classified as a dietary food. Especially tasty are its combinations with spices - coriander, black pepper, cloves, ginger.

Useful properties

Conditionally edible brown row has the following useful characteristics:

  1. Plenty of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the human body.
  2. Rows contain clitocin and fomecin - naturalantibiotics that affect pathogenic bacteria found in the body.
  3. The chemical composition of the brown row is close to meat, so it is often used in vegetarian dishes as a substitute for animal protein.
  4. The mushroom is also known for its antibacterial properties, which is why its extract is often used to create serums and face creams.
  5. Regular consumption of this mushroom reduces the level of bad cholesterol, increases efficiency, normalizes sugar levels and blood pressure.
where the brown row grows
where the brown row grows

Despite all the positive aspects of including rowing in your diet, there are also disadvantages.

The Hidden Danger

It is worth recalling that the brown row is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, so its improper use can bring some discomfort. For example, when a raw mushroom enters the body, intestinal disorders of a prolonged nature are noted. In addition, when collecting and eating old mushrooms, the cadmium, pesticides, and mercury in them that have come from outside tend to accumulate in the human body.

When used frequently in large quantities, mushrooms can cause flatulence, bloating, and increase acidity in the stomach. Therefore, it is not recommended to use rowing in large quantities for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gallbladder dysfunction.

row with brown hat
row with brown hat

Helpful tips

Conditionally edible brown row can sometimes be unsafe if you do not take into account some of the nuances when collecting and cooking the mushroom:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to pick mushrooms around the track or in a busy part of the city. The fact is that they can accumulate harmful substances that are in the atmosphere, are released by cars along with exhaust gases or settle on the ground from the pipes of factories.
  2. Silent Hunt is often family fun, so it's important to keep the kids away and be careful not to let the child taste any mushroom.
  3. It is not recommended to collect mushrooms in a plastic bag, as they, being "packed" for a long time, can emit harmful substances. It is advisable to use wicker baskets made of natural material. If you still had to put the mushrooms in a bag, you should not keep them there for longer than 1-2 hours.
  4. Before you put the mushroom in the basket, you should carefully inspect it. It should not only be edible, but also be free of visible damage, wormholes, breaks.
  5. Morning time is considered the best time for picking mushrooms.
  6. Before cooking, all specimens should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, cleaned of existing contaminants.
  7. You need to cook mushrooms in two waters. The first water is not suitable for consumption, it must be poured out. It may contain toxins that are released from the mushrooms during the cooking process.

If mushrooms are prepared forconservation, the first water is also drained, brine is boiled instead.


Brown Row is one of the many mushrooms that can be harvested in the fall and eaten safely. He is loved for the intense aroma that he emits when cooked, as well as for the rich taste. A small drawback in the form of slight bitterness is easily removed by pre-cooking the mushroom for 15-20 minutes. It is worth remembering that the first mushroom broth should always be drained - it is unfit for human consumption.
