Aspen - a tree about which there are many legends

Aspen - a tree about which there are many legends
Aspen - a tree about which there are many legends
aspen tree
aspen tree

Aspen is not a simple tree. It is also popularly called mystical and cursed. And why they talk about him like that, you will definitely find out now. This is a large deciduous tree belonging to the willow family, the height of which can sometimes reach 35 meters. White wood has a characteristic greenish tint. And what is most interesting, the age of this tree is almost impossible to determine. After all, they usually recognize him by the rings on the cut, but in the aspen they are not visible at all. But it is known that on average this tree lives from 90 to 150 years. You can meet aspen most often in forests or on the banks of water bodies, rarely in dry sands, clearings and swamps. It grows very quickly, so recently it has been used for landscaping. Aspen is a tree that lends itself well to polishing, so it is widely used in the manufacture of garden tools. Well log cabins are also made from it, since such wood is not at all afraid of water. In the old days, village craftsmen made hollow beehives, kitchen utensils and birdhouses from it.

Why do they think that the aspen is a cursed tree?

They talk about it for a reason, because any belief cannot arise from nowhere. There are severalChristian legends in which the aspen behaved treacherously. For example, when the Mother of God with the baby was fleeing in the forest, all the green inhabitants calmed down and only the "cursed" tree betrayed her and showed the way.

aspen tree photo
aspen tree photo

And yet, when Judas wanted to hang himself, not a single tree allowed him to do it: the birch lowered its branches, the pear scared away with prickly thorns, and the oak - with power. But the aspen did not contradict him and happily rustled its leaves. That is why people cursed her. It is also believed that the aspen forest is an excellent remedy for witchcraft. It absorbs and de-energizes all energy. No wonder vampires are stuck in the heart of an aspen stake.


Aspen - the tree whose photos you see in the article is able to absorb negative energy. They usually go to her when they want to get rid of problems and get rid of troubles. They say that if you touch her with a sore spot, then she will take the whole disease upon herself and the person will feel better. But at the same time, too much contact with aspen can cause headaches, nausea, depression and drowsiness. Therefore, contact with her should not exceed 15 minutes. In the old days, aspen wood was used to build rapids. It was believed that they absorbed all the negative energy of the guests entering the house, thereby protecting the owners of the home. Aspen trees cut down and planted at the four ends of the village protected the inhabitants from various diseases, such as cholera epidemics.

Medical Applications

aspen tree where it grows
aspen tree where it grows

Aspen is a tree valued for its bark, leaves, buds and young shoots. Preparations made on the basis of this raw material have antimicrobial, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects. They are widely used in the treatment of smallpox, tuberculosis, diarrhea, cystitis, syphilis and many other diseases. They are used externally to heal wounds, burns and ulcers.

Well, now you know what an aspen tree is, where it grows and what unusual properties it has.
