Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A small rodent belonging to the Squirrel family. One of the largest representatives of this species is the steppe ground squirrel. You can find photos and descriptions of this animal in many publications about animals, but today we also want to talk about it
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The barn swallow, well-known to many people, is often called the killer whale by the people. These little birds in people are associated with warmth, young greenery and gentle sun
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From ancient times, people loved to observe the life of birds. Not all of them are distinguished by bright colors and outstanding vocal abilities. Nevertheless, their habits and behavior are of interest not only to ornithologists, but also to many nature lovers
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Coconut is an exotic, amazing fruit that many people like for its unusual taste and amazing delicate aroma. For those who are fans of this product, in our article we want to talk about how and where coconuts grow
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It's hard to find an activity more contemplative and bringing happiness than summer mushroom picking. Once you take a walk through the woods with a basket, you will be drawn to this exciting activity again and again. Can't believe it? And you try it, in the early summer morning, when the sun's rays make their way through the mighty branches of trees, and the air is still full of night coolness
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Today we will tell you about the jerboa - one of the funniest rodents. These miniature mammals are remarkable for their amazing speed, ingenuity and spontaneity. Watching them in the wild is a delight
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The steppe fox, or corsac, has been of particular interest to humans for many years. This animal, because of its beautiful winter coat, has been subjected to mass extermination for several centuries. Today corsac is in the list of the international Red Book
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Grifola curly (otherwise ram-mushroom) is one of the largest types of tinder fungus - amazing objects of the mushroom kingdom, attached with lateral legs or fruit body to trees, old stumps, dead wood. The weight of such a bushy joint, listed in the Red Book, can reach 20 kg with a diameter of 1 meter. The advantages of curly vulture include a high growth rate: such a mushroom can reach a 10-kilogram weight in just 8-10 days. It is not eaten by worms and insects
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Do you know how the Black Sea differs from others and what determines its fauna? The Black Sea is fraught with a lot of mysteries, some of which we will get to know today
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Proponents of natural cosmetics and alternative medicine know what unsurpassed results various plants and products developed on their basis can give. One of the extremely rare representatives of the flora used for such purposes is the argan tree. You may have seen oil obtained from the amazing fruits of this plant on the pharmacy shelves. If its price is too high, then this is the same vitamin product
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River eel is considered a delicacy. Especially smoked. However, in some areas it is not eaten because it resembles a snake in appearance
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Experienced mushroom pickers know that with the onset of cold weather, the mushroom season does not end. There are types of mushrooms that can be collected even from under the snow. One of them is winter honey agaric
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KhMAO Red Book is an annotated list of rare endangered species of flora and fauna. It indicates their distribution area, morphological description, abundance and reasons for their decline. It also lists the measures taken to save this rare species and a possible forecast regarding its future
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From Latin Sálvia Divinórum is translated as "sage of the soothsayers", in other words - narcotic sage. The leaves of this plant contain a psychoactive hallucinogen called salvinorin A, which has dissociative properties. How a cultivated plant bears its Latin name - Salvia Divinorum
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One of the most gifted places in Russia is the Krasnodar Territory. Rivers, lakes, mountains, fertile lands, natural resources and two whole seas - all these riches are concentrated in the Kuban. Such abundance brings the region to the forefront in economic development due to the density of population and the level of industrial production, services, and the development of recreational areas
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The world of predators is so diverse that sometimes you can meet another "devourer" where you don't expect it at all. For example, in the kingdom of mushrooms. Not everyone knows what mushrooms are called predatory, how they hunt, how they are useful or dangerous to humans
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
One of the most beautiful and large predatory beetles is the Crimean ground beetle. This is a separate species of the Carabidae family, which was described back in the 19th century by the famous entomologist Bonelli
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Sochi is recognized as the largest resort and tourist center in Russia. The sea and mountains of Sochi have been attracting guests from all over the world for many decades
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What is dew? You can give a dry exhaustive answer, but perhaps it was not in vain that the ancestors who lived hundreds of years before us attributed healing properties to it and were very reverent about this natural phenomenon
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Pepper fungus is a fairly rare tubular macromycete that usually grows singly. However, there are also small groups. Pepper mushroom grows quite rarely in open dry areas of soil in coniferous and deciduous forests. You can find it from mid-summer to mid-autumn
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The viviparous lizard has an average of 15 centimeters in length, although larger individuals are also found. At the same time, it has a tail about 11 centimeters long. Males and females differ in their coloration
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In 2011, Japan experienced a very terrible tsunami. The causes and consequences of the cataclysm can be found in the material
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An avalanche is a type of landslide, a significant mass of snow that moves or even falls from the slopes of mountains under the influence of gravity. It simultaneously creates an air wave, which accounts for a significant part of the destruction and damage that is almost inevitable in this natural disaster
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Green frog - the most common species of amphibians on the European continent. What does a frog eat in a pond? These are mosquitoes, flies, spiders, caterpillars, small fish. The frog hunts exclusively for moving prey. The frog tadpole goes through a maturation cycle in 60 days. Unusual types of frogs are present in every corner of the planet
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Soil, according to the scientific definition, is the topmost layer of the earth's lithosphere. Its main characteristics: fertility, heterogeneity, openness, four-phase. GOST 27593-88 answers the question of what soil is in a slightly different way. It says that the soil is a natural body, independent, organomineral, natural-historical, resulting from a combination of factors
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Nature is an amazing creator. She sometimes creates landscapes of stunning beauty. Lake Koyashskoye, a natural Crimean miracle, plays with an incredible color palette of the water surface. The fantastic lake has several unique factors at once. It is the most s alty on the Crimean peninsula (s alt concentration in its water is 350 g/l). In ancient times, a popular mineral was mined here. The lake is rich in healing mud
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The giant centipede is included in the list of the most dangerous animals. In addition, she has a repulsive appearance and has one unpleasant feature - she is not at all afraid of people. This is a cold-blooded predator that preys not only on small invertebrates and beetles, but also on lizards, birds, mice and frogs
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Balaklava Bay is the eighth wonder of the world. At least, this is what the inhabitants of Crimea think. We can agree with them - this is really an unusual place
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The American rabbit is a docile and calm animal. Its average weight is 9-11 kg, life expectancy is 8-12 years. Best for families with older children, seniors, couples, single people. These are meek and docile pets, they are very friendly, moderately playful, and also unpretentious regarding their care. American rabbits are great at shows
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The lynx is a mammalian predator belonging to the cat family. At first glance, the beast may seem clumsy and awkward: the hind legs are too long, and it seems that there is no tail at all! It was not by chance that Mother Nature awarded this wild cat with such a disproportionate body structure. All this helps the animal to survive in the harsh northern conditions
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Our article will tell about the amazing marine giants - Japanese whales. Today, these animals are under the threat of extinction, so environmental organizations are making every effort to preserve and increase their numbers
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Altai Territory amazes tourists with its beauty - unforgettable landscapes, green meadows, clear waters. The sandy river is one of the main attractions of the area. She got her name for a reason
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Natural medicines: nettle and dandelion, whose beneficial properties are widely known in folk medicine, are used in the form of decoctions and tinctures, as well as ingredients in delicious and he althy recipes. Many options for dishes based on them: soups, mashed potatoes and salads, will delight you with excellent taste and a lot of vitamins
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Reproduction of mosquitoes directly depends on feeding insects with blood. During the active period, females lay eggs every 2-3 days. Each female lays 30 to 150 eggs exclusively in water
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The barn owl is well known to residents of Western European countries, however, little is known about it in Russia. This is the most ancient branch of the owl order. Its Latin name sounds like Tyto alba, and English - Barn owl
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Many are well aware of the magpie - black and white, long-tailed, with a loud and rather harsh voice. A curious and daring bird has been known to children since childhood as a "white-sided magpie" - the heroine of numerous fairy tales
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In our article we want to talk about the largest bird in the world, although not flying. The ostrich is a funny and unusual bird. Generally speaking, each breed is unique and has its own characteristics. Ostriches fascinate, first of all, with their dissimilarity to others
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One of the most common edible mushrooms, summer mushroom, grows in conifers, stumps, rhizomes, snags and grass. Honey mushrooms of this subspecies are common in Russia, Europe and Asia, as well as in North America. They are found wherever there are conditions for their development
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In the spring months, residents of villages close to the Ob River closely monitor changes in the water level in the main river of Siberia. Their life sometimes depends on these numbers
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The formation of ice on the surface of water, whether it be a river, a lake, or a glass left in the cold, is an amazing phenomenon. It is related to the physical properties of liquid substances