Winter mushroom: description, useful properties

Winter mushroom: description, useful properties
Winter mushroom: description, useful properties

Experienced mushroom pickers know that with the onset of cold weather, the mushroom season does not end. There are types of mushrooms that can be collected even from under the snow. One of them is the winter mushroom.


This edible mushroom got its name due to its resistance to low temperatures. It belongs to the ryabovkovy family and has several other names: velvety-legged flamullina and winter mushroom.

winter honey agaric
winter honey agaric

Young mushrooms have a spherical cap, which becomes prostrate during growth. Its surface is sticky to the touch, especially in conditions of high humidity. The diameter of the cap can reach 8-10 cm. The color is mostly yellow or yellow-brown, in the middle - a darker shade. The plates on the back of the cap are located at a small distance from each other and have an ocher color. The younger the mushroom, the lighter they are. The leg does not exceed an average length of 10 cm. The yellowish-white flesh with a pleasant aroma has a slightly sour aftertaste.

As a rule, winter mushrooms grow from November to March. The description of their appearance is very reminiscent of a poisonous galerina. Therefore, when collecting these mushrooms, it is important not to confuse them with it. Distinctivea feature of the gallery is a ring located on the leg. The ripening period of these mushrooms is different, so they are extremely rare at the same time, usually it happens only in November.

Growing places

Old stumps, dead areas of deciduous trees, deadwood - places where winter mushrooms grow. You can often meet them along the banks of rivers, streams, in the forest and even in city parks. Frozen mushrooms, having thawed during the winter thaw, grow again and create spores. This ability to bear fruit at low temperatures, under the snow, allows winter mushrooms to grow everywhere, including in areas with fairly severe climatic conditions, such as Siberia and the Far East.

winter mushrooms description
winter mushrooms description

Composition and useful properties

Winter honey mushroom contains many vitamins, especially C, B1, as well as zinc and copper. Therefore, it is recommended to use these mushrooms for people with hematopoietic problems. Winter mushrooms are especially popular in Japan. It is believed that their use inhibits the development of cancer cells and restores thyroid function. It should be noted that in the pulp of the fungus, along with useful trace elements, there are also unstable toxins. A prerequisite for using winter mushrooms for food is their preliminary boiling.

Mushrooms are prepared in various ways - they can be s alted, marinated. In the process of processing, it is necessary to carefully clean the hat from mucus. The legs of the mushrooms are too hard, so they are not suitable for food.

winter mushrooms
winter mushrooms


For s altingyou will need 5 kg of mushrooms, s alt, fresh dill and bay leaf. The sorted, cleaned of dirt and washed mushrooms are poured with water, adding one tablespoon of s alt, and brought to a boil. Then they are washed again and boiled in another water for 40 minutes, after which they are placed in a colander.

Place mushrooms, 5 black peppercorns, 5 dill leaves and 4 tablespoons of s alt in a s alting container. Put oppression on top and put it in a cold place. After 5 days, arrange the mushrooms in sterilized jars and place in the refrigerator.

Marinated mushrooms are very tasty. Winter mushrooms are boiled until tender in s alted water and placed in a marinade prepared in advance, in which they are boiled for 15 minutes. Then they are rolled up in sterilized jars. For the marinade, take 3 cloves, a tablespoon of s alt, 10 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 5 black peppercorns, bay leaf per 1 liter of water.

Artificial cultivation

Winter honey fungus is also perfectly grown artificially in specially equipped premises such as a basement or bunker. They must maintain a certain microclimate, including humidity, lighting, temperature. Phytosanitary regulations require that the room be divided into sections.

The substrate on which winter mushrooms are grown is sawdust of deciduous trees mixed with vegetable additives (ground corn cobs, bran and sunflower husks). In Asia and Japan, these mushrooms are grown on an industrial scale.

where they growwinter mushrooms
where they growwinter mushrooms

At home, winter mushrooms are also bred by amateur gardeners. The mushroom, undemanding to habitat conditions, grows well on a loggia or on a balcony. The prepared substrate is placed in bags or glass jars. Then mycelium is placed in it. Subject to the cultivation technology, approximately 15 days after the first rudiments of fruiting bodies appear, you can already harvest. In artificially grown winter mushrooms, not only hats, but also legs are used for cooking. With one 3-liter jar, you can get up to 1.5 kg of mushrooms.
