The steppe fox, or corsac, has been of particular interest to humans for many years. This animal, because of its beautiful winter coat, has been subjected to mass extermination for several centuries. Today corsac is on the list of the international Red Book.
Description of the animal
Korsak (photo shown below) is a predator of the Canine family from the genus Fox. The body length of the animal is on average 45–65 cm, and the height at the withers is about 30 cm. The weight of adults is 5 kg, sometimes they are found a couple of kilograms more or less. These foxes have long tails - 20–35 cm. This species differs from other foxes in its large pointed ears. They have a short muzzle and 48 small teeth.

The steppe eared fox has a short dull colored coat, mostly gray-yellow. But depending on the season, the color changes. The most beautiful foxes become by the end of autumn. The fur lengthens, acquires silkiness, softness and density. These corsacs remain until the end of winter. Closer to summer, they become redder and darker.
This type of fox has excellent eyesight, smell and hearing. In addition, they are able to climb trees, andalso run at 60 km/h.
When these foxes come into conflict with their brethren or protect their offspring, you can hear the characteristic barking of the Corsac. They can also whine and growl like dogs.
You can meet this animal in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Iran and some other countries. Korsak (photos shown on this page) can settle in the steppes and semi-deserts. Usually they choose terrain with hilly terrain and little vegetation, where there will be little snow in winter. Sometimes they can settle in the foothills or desert zone. Areas with vegetation are avoided by these foxes.

Each animal marks its territory, which is usually about 30 km long2. Within these limits, the animal has several holes. Usually the steppe fox occupies the minks of ground squirrels, badgers, marmots and other suitable animals. Such dwellings are relatively shallow and have several passages. The animal practically does not dig with its paws. Although several minks can be occupied, corsacs choose only one for housing.
Immediately it should be noted that this is a predator. The steppe fox catches small animals, such as small hares and marmots. Also in the diet there are rodents - these are voles, ground squirrels, jerboas. For agriculture, they benefit from this. Korsaks are able to catch birds, eat insects and reptiles. They almost do not use vegetation.

If the year is hungry, foxes eat carrion and remainsdead animals. They don't need water.
This predator tolerates hunger well. It remains active even if it suffers a couple of weeks of malnutrition. In winter, the steppe fox can travel many kilometers in search of food. But if the winter turned out to be snowy, it becomes much more difficult for them to survive. It happens that by spring the number of corsacs is reduced by dozens of times.
Lifestyle and hunting
These foxes are nocturnal hunters. Therefore, with the onset of twilight, they go alone in search of food. But if hungry times come, corsacs begin to come out of their holes even during the day. If it is very hot or very cold outside, the animal spends this time in a hole. In winter cold, the steppe fox can stay in the house for up to three days.
These animals are very cautious, and an excellent sense of smell helps them in this. Before leaving, the fox sticks its nose out to sniff the air. Then she sits down near the hole and raises her muzzle, sniffing out suspicious smells from all sides. Convinced of the surrounding calmness, she leaves in search of a victim.
The hunting process is just as careful, unhurried and quiet. When the corsac fox senses suitable prey, it begins, slowly, to pursue it until a convenient moment for the chase comes. In just a day, a fox can run about 15 km.
In spring, corsacs form pairs that live all their lives. In winter, they stay in a group of male, female and their offspring. The territory of such a family is about 30 km2, and in some cases more.

In winter, if there is a lot of rainsnow, families can move south, leaving their territory. This is due to the fact that their paws get stuck in snowdrifts, and they become helpless and hungry. So sometimes corsacs wander into cities.
A few details about corsacs
The lifespan of this animal has not been exactly determined. But it is generally accepted that in the wild they do not live longer than six years. At the same time, if it is kept in captivity and cared for, the corsac will live up to 12 years.
The main enemies of this small predator are wolves, which can hunt them. But since corsacs run fast, they often manage to escape. Also, steppe brothers cannot put up with ordinary foxes, these two representatives are malicious enemies. It happens that they have to fight for leftover food.
In the 17th century, the steppe fox was a pet in our country. This is not surprising, since this species quickly gets used to humans and gets along in captivity.