The giant centipede is included in the list of the most dangerous animals. In addition, she has a repulsive appearance and has one unpleasant feature - she is not at all afraid of people. It is a cold-blooded predator that preys not only on small invertebrates and beetles, but also on lizards, birds, mice and frogs.

Types of centipedes
There are about 600 species of these predators in the world. They belong to the genus of centipedes from the order Skolopendrovye. Bright representatives of these animals are the California centipede, ringed and Lucas centipede. The first reaches 20 centimeters in length and is found in arid regions of Mexico and the United States. This species has one unpleasant feature - in a disturbed state, the animal causes inflammation of the human skin at the site of its contact with the limbs of this centipede. At rest, the California centipede poses no danger.

The ringed scolopendra is found in the countries of the Mediterraneanbasin, in Southern Europe, North Africa and in the south of Russia. It is widespread in the Crimea. The average body length is 14 centimeters, but some individuals reach 170 millimeters. This species has a beautiful golden yellow color. Like other members of the Scolopendridae family, the ringed centipede has venom glands.

The largest centipede is Scolopendra gigantea
The giant scolopendra, reaching an average of 25-26 centimeters, is the largest member of the Scolopendridae family. Cases of capturing animals 30 centimeters long are described. The habitat of this predator is the tropical forests of Central and South America, the islands of Trinidad and Jamaica, Venezuela.
Giant centipede, like all other members of the centipede genus, is thermophilic and lives exclusively in countries with a warm or tropical climate. This is a nocturnal predator that feels uncomfortable during the day in open spaces. All centipedes run very fast, but the giant one is especially swift.

Scolopendra live mainly underground or in shelters, because their body does not have strong protection and quickly loses moisture.
She prefers to hunt on small underground invertebrates: larvae, earthworms and beetles. The giant centipede can catch and kill small lizards, frogs, birds, mice and even small snakes. Catches a predator and bats. To do this, she climbs to the ceiling where she sleeps.the victim clings to the surface with several claws, and attacks with its front legs, wrapping itself around the bat and injecting poison into it.

Scolopendra are bright individualists and prefer to live alone. However, the meeting of two males most often occurs quite peacefully. Cannibalism occurs in this species of centipedes. Most often this happens in captivity, when a hungry adult is able to eat the young. This rarely happens in nature.
The body of a scolopendra consists of two parts: a head and a long torso. It is divided into segments. Their number varies from 21 to 23. All of them are equipped with a pair of light yellow legs that end in a pointed spike. Their average length is 2.5 centimeters. Each of them has a poisonous gland. Therefore, when the legs of a centipede come into contact with human skin, inflammation occurs.
The head is a plate with eyes, two antennae and a pair of mandibles. In the course of evolution, the legs of the first segment of the body of the centipede turned into poisonous claws.

Different from the rest and the last pair of legs - they are larger in size and directed back. The hind legs help the animal when moving along earthen burrows and during hunting, acting as a kind of anchor.
Giant centipede has a beautiful copper-red or brown color. The color can vary from yellowish to red, blue, green and purple. The color of the animal changes fromage, and even in individuals of the same species, it can differ significantly.
The body of a predator consists of plates that are interconnected by flexible membranes and are protected by an exoskeleton. Giant centipede is a soft-bodied animal. A chitinous exoskeleton that does not grow, this species of centipede, like many invertebrates, has to be shed from time to time. This process is called molting.
Maintenance and Care
Giant centipede, whose bite is extremely painful to humans, is often kept in captivity by centipede lovers. It is interesting to watch it, but it must be kept with care - it is a fast and aggressive animal. It is better for inexperienced lovers to refuse such a dangerous "pet" because of the very likely possibility of being bitten. Since centipedes are flat and flexible, they can squeeze through a small gap and slip out of the terrarium. They live in captivity for a long time - up to 7 years.
It is necessary to maintain a relatively high humidity of soil and air - animals are very sensitive to this indicator.
Captive centipedes feed on cockroaches, mealworm larvae and crickets. They eat slowly and infrequently. It is recommended to feed them 1-2 times a week.
Giant skolopendra: what threatens the meeting with the centipede
The danger of these predators is greatly exaggerated. All centipedes have venom glands that produce poison, but many of them are harmless to humans, because they simply cannot bite through the skin. These are cryptops, or blind centipedes, and drupes. The flycatcher that lives in houses can only bite inthe purposes of self-defence. Most often, her jaws cannot bite through the skin. But if this happens, the bite will be equal in strength to a bee.
What does a scolopendra bite look like? It depends on the type of centipede. When biting through the skin, the animal releases poison, which causes burning, pain and swelling. The bite may also be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.
The venom of the giant centipede is especially toxic. It causes severe swelling (the arm may swell up to the shoulder) and high fever. These symptoms persist for several days.
The only documented case of death from a scolopendra bite is the death of a child from the poison of Scolopendra subspinipes. This species has several names: Chinese, Vietnamese or orange centipede.
Some species of these predators, when disturbed, secrete a protective liquid that, when in contact with the skin, causes burns. For example, the California scolopendra has this feature.
After a centipede bite, wash the wound, apply cold and consult a doctor. Usually, drugs of the analgesic group are prescribed and tetanus prophylaxis is carried out.
Female centipedes pose the greatest danger (they are more poisonous) to young children, immunocompromised people and allergy sufferers.
How to protect yourself from a scolopendra bite in nature
You can't pick up a centipede with your bare hands. In the habitats of centipedes, it is not recommended to spend the night outside the tent. Putting on shoes and clothes, you should first inspect it. You need to be careful when turning stones. It should be remembered that the centipede is notinsect, and fumigators do not work on it.
Giant centipede in facts: all the most interesting about the predatory centipede
- Killing this predator is difficult. Firstly, all types of centipedes run very fast. Secondly, they are so flat that they simply press into the ground, and it is almost impossible to crush them.
- Even the ancient Greeks called centipedes centipedes.

- The blue scolopendra lives in South Africa.
- In Thailand and Africa, these animals are eaten.