How do mosquitoes reproduce?

How do mosquitoes reproduce?
How do mosquitoes reproduce?

Reproduction of mosquitoes directly depends on feeding insects with blood. During the active period, females lay eggs every 2-3 days. During the mating season, females attract males with a thin squeak, which is created by

mosquito breeding
mosquito breeding

wings. Males feel it with the help of sensitive antennae and rush to the females. Insects form a swarm, and mating takes place in it. The reproduction of mosquitoes has one specific feature - blood is required in the diet of females during this period. Insects fly in search of the required ingredient.

Human blood is the main diet of females during the period when mosquitoes are breeding. People inhabit almost all areas of land suitable for life. Mosquitoes also live there. This happened thanks to man - insects settled after their main victim. For example, the common mosquito can adapt to different climates and conditions, and human blood is the ideal food for it. Each female lays 30 to 150 eggs exclusively on the surface of the water. Mosquito breeding can occur in standing or

mosquito insect
mosquito insect

low-flowing reservoirs. Some species can lay their eggs on wet surfaces. But for a full cycle of development to the formation of an adult, the presence of water nearby is necessary. Although a puddle that does not dry out for a long time may be enough.

Eggs are fastened together, forming something like a raft. There the larvae feed and grow. The larva leaves its house from below, immediately falling into the water. Then she turns into a moving chrysalis. The entire development cycle from eggs to adults is on average 1 week. Like all Diptera, mosquitoes go through 4 phases of development: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. Until the stage of an adult insect, they live in water. During this period, eggs, larvae and pupae are eaten by fish, frogs and aquatic animals.

Adult mosquitoes are excellent food for insectivorous birds and predatory insects. For example, for dragonflies. But the mosquito is not a harmless insect either. At other times, when there are too many of them, they are able to attack a living being with a huge cloud.

how do mosquitoes breed
how do mosquitoes breed

Food of adult insects has a dual nature: males feed on nectar and plant sap, and females drink the blood of vertebrates. Mosquitoes spend summer in human dwellings, damp and shaded areas of nature, in rooms where animals are kept. In winter, insects fall into a stupor, when the air temperature is below 0, or live in warm structures in a state of low activity.

Imagoes not only cause anxiety during night sleep or outdoor recreation, but can carry a certain danger. Especiallythey are dangerous for allergy sufferers, and certain types of them are carriers of serious diseases and pose a threat to humans. The fight against these insects is of great importance. Mosquitoes are destroyed with the help of special devices, poisonous odors, ultrasound and other means. It is especially necessary to take precautions in years when summers abound in rain, as mosquitoes then breed in large numbers.
