
Tiny shrew: habitat and interesting facts

Tiny shrew: habitat and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The tiny shrew is a mammal of the insectivorous shrew family, similar to a small mouse. The tiny animal got its name from the word "brown", since the tops of the creature's teeth really differ in this unusual color

Long-tailed ground squirrel: description

Long-tailed ground squirrel: description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Long-tailed ground squirrels are diurnal animals, their peak activity begins after sunrise and lasts until noon. Rodents live in the steppes, forest-steppe and forest-tundra natural zones, but most often they can be found in open areas. They thrive in the desert as well as high in the mountains

Nature of Siberia: unique corners

Nature of Siberia: unique corners

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Siberia is the largest region of our country. The nature of Siberia combines climatic zones, which leads to an incredible variety of flora and fauna

Daurian hedgehog: interesting facts and photos

Daurian hedgehog: interesting facts and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Dahurian hedgehog is a representative of the hedgehog order and is similar to its relatives in almost everything. A distinctive feature is only the absence of a bare strip of skin on the head, which all hedgehogs have, as well as reduced prickliness due to needles, the growth of which is directed backwards

Grey partridge: what kind of bird is it, where does it live and what does it eat?

Grey partridge: what kind of bird is it, where does it live and what does it eat?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

As the name implies, the gray partridge is painted very modestly. The main color prevails over a significant part of the body. The abdomen is white, it has a small reddish horseshoe-shaped spot

Zabaikalsky National Park. Specially protected natural areas

Zabaikalsky National Park. Specially protected natural areas

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Zabaikalsky State National Park is a true pearl of Buryatia. The unique landscapes of the eastern coast of Lake Baikal, valuable natural complexes, the safety of which was in question, prompted the Government of the RSFSR in 1986 to issue a decree on the creation of a park in this area, which is under state protection

Black storks are secretive and very cautious birds

Black storks are secretive and very cautious birds

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many of us are familiar with white storks, some even saw these huge birds, admired their immaculate nests built on rooftops or poles. But few people know that in fact there is far from one species of these birds. The most rare and interesting in terms of study are black storks. Their habitat is quite wide, but the number of birds themselves does not please conservationists

Forest animals: photo, description

Forest animals: photo, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Forests are a habitat for a large number of birds and animals. This is their home, where they live, hide and eat, breed. The forest is their protector

Broad-leaved forests: features, topography, plants and animals

Broad-leaved forests: features, topography, plants and animals

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The zone of deciduous forests is located on the territory of Manchuria, the Far East, within the temperate zone of Europe, eastern China, North America. It also affects the southern part of South America and some parts of Central Asia

Black-headed gull: description of the species, photo where it lives

Black-headed gull: description of the species, photo where it lives

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Near brackish and fresh waters, you can meet a particularly large bird, similar in size to a burgomaster or a large sea gull. However, it is distinguished from these species by the color of the plumage on the head and the ability to soar during flight. Looking closely, you can understand that this is a black-headed gull

The rarest species of animals. The rarest animal species

The rarest species of animals. The rarest animal species

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Animals Protection Day, which is designed to unite people in their conservation, as well as the protection of their rights, is usually celebrated on October 4th. Dozens of different representatives of fauna and flora disappear on Earth every day. Today, many of the rarest species of animals are protected at the state level

Northern Ridges: relief. Where is the Northlands located?

Northern Ridges: relief. Where is the Northlands located?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There are many places on the planet that cause mystics to tremble, and scientists to understand, study and make a previously incomprehensible object ordinary by giving it another scientific name. So, people are still looking for Shambhala to expose its secrets to the public, or argue about the existence of Hyperborea

Inhabitants of the lake. Flora and fauna of lakes

Inhabitants of the lake. Flora and fauna of lakes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A lake is an accumulation of water that forms on land in a natural depression. However, it is a closed reservoir

Belukha (dolphin): description, photo

Belukha (dolphin): description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This article will talk about Arctic dolphins, or as they are also called beluga whales, which, due to their large size, are called white whales in some sources, as well as “sea canaries” because of the sound signals that they give to each other when communicating

Angel Falls: photo where it is

Angel Falls: photo where it is

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Angel Falls: a brief history and how it was found, how the name appeared. Attempts to climb the mountain. Canaima National Park, Mount Auyan Tepui. Interesting facts about the park area of Venezuela and the waterfall. Tourism in the park, how to get to the waterfall

Methuselah Pine: age, location, interesting facts

Methuselah Pine: age, location, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

According to popular belief, trees are the only organisms capable of longevity. A thousand years is not the limit of their existence, especially if a person, along with his inventions, does not interfere in the natural course of events. However, the oldest representative of this tribe is the Methuselah pine, which has become famous throughout the globe and is included in every respectable reference book

How to save and use maple leaves?

How to save and use maple leaves?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The shape of maple leaves is very recognizable. In autumn, they turn a beautiful orange-yellow color, and one would like to use them for herbariums. What is the place of maple in culture, and what can its leaves be used for?

What is a collapse: causes of formation and security measures

What is a collapse: causes of formation and security measures

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

People living in mountainous areas know perfectly well what a collapse is. There, this phenomenon is common, nevertheless quite formidable, capable of leading to terrible destruction and human casu alties

What are collapses: definition, causes, consequences

What are collapses: definition, causes, consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Often in the news there are reports of collapses that occurred in various regions of the country or the world. Just as often we hear about avalanches that descended in mountainous areas. What are landslides and avalanches? What damage can they cause and is there a way to protect yourself from these natural phenomena?

Mudflow in Sochi, Georgia, Taba and Larsa

Mudflow in Sochi, Georgia, Taba and Larsa

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Being interested in events in the country and the world, looking through news feeds, we often see photos, videos of natural disasters caused by mudflows. There are more and more catastrophes in the world: whether global warming is to blame, or maybe human activity, or our planet itself goes through certain "catastrophic" periods of its history for some other reason, but the consequences of cataclysms are always the same

White lions - a legend that has become a reality

White lions - a legend that has become a reality

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Until the 20th century, it was believed that white lions were just a fiction, mythical creatures, an old African legend. What is it about? Tradition says that the one who sees this beast will become strong, atone for all his sins and be happy! So who are the white lions really?

Mountain nature: animals and plants

Mountain nature: animals and plants

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The nature of the mountains at all times amazed humanity with its beauty. It is an amazing and beautiful world in every way. The relief has been created for many billions of years and during this time it has acquired bizarre and bewitching forms. What do mountains hide in themselves? What kind of plants and animals are there? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article

Asian lion: description, photo

Asian lion: description, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Many, many centuries ago, the Asian lion, also called the Indian lion, lived in a vast territory - from northeastern India to modern Italy, as well as in Iran, the Arabian Peninsula, in northern Africa, Greece

Giant sequoia: photo. Where does the giant sequoia grow?

Giant sequoia: photo. Where does the giant sequoia grow?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The giant sequoia is an amazing tree, which has no analogues in nature. The long-liver has been growing for 5000 years, and no one knows if there is a limit to this record

Brittle willow - a weeping tree that can bring joy to people

Brittle willow - a weeping tree that can bring joy to people

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

It is rare that a plant can be so unpretentious and not requiring special attention to itself as brittle willow. But, if care is nevertheless taken, the tree will fully respond with the splendor of the crown, the grace of falling branches and the silver haze of leaves. Willow is a name given to shrubs and trees belonging to the willow family. The popularity of the plant is evidenced by its numerous folk names: willow, willow, willow, vine, willow and others

The coldest continent in the far south

The coldest continent in the far south

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

No other continent on our planet has attracted researchers like Antarctica. None so skillfully could keep their many secrets to this day. This is a unique continent, it is completely different from the rest. Of course, its main difference from others is the extremely harsh climatic conditions that have turned Antarctica into the coldest continent

Pea-bearing cypress is a particularly revered tree in Japan

Pea-bearing cypress is a particularly revered tree in Japan

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

North America is considered the birthplace of evergreen coniferous plants of the genus cypress, they are also found in East Asia. They are distinguished by a high crown in the form of a cone and drooping branches, which are covered with brown bark, cracking into separate strips

Sequoia - the tallest tree in the world

Sequoia - the tallest tree in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Everyone has heard about this tree, but few people manage to admire it. Despite its huge popularity, for a number of reasons, its distribution is limited. Sequoia is a tree that belongs to the genus of conifers, the cypress family, the subfamily sequoioideae. Consists of two species: giant and evergreen sequoia. Both of these species grow in North America on the Pacific coast

Canadian hemlock is a North American plant that adorns the whole world

Canadian hemlock is a North American plant that adorns the whole world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Slender North American beauty Canadian hemlock belongs to the pine family and is an evergreen coniferous tree. Its homeland and main distribution area are the eastern regions of North America and Asia. How an ornamental hemlock plant is grown around the world

All nature lovers need to know how to distinguish a snake from a viper

All nature lovers need to know how to distinguish a snake from a viper

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Despite the fact that today meeting in the forest or in the field with a poisonous snake is a rarity, sometimes it does happen. Much more often, hunters, fishermen and mushroom pickers intersect with a snake, which many mistakenly take for a viper. And the thing is that there is a significant similarity between them. In order not to endanger yourself when meeting, you need to know how to distinguish a snake from a viper

Juniper horizontal - a favorite of landscape designers

Juniper horizontal - a favorite of landscape designers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

No other conifer has such a large species diversity as juniper. Among its varieties, one can find small dwarfs clinging to the ground, and tall trees spreading fluffy branches. The color of the needles can also be very different - from ordinary green to unusual gray, blue or yellow. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the widespread use of this plant in the design of parks and gardens. Juniper horizontal is especially popular

Tarragon - useful and fragrant herb

Tarragon - useful and fragrant herb

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This unusual herb has several names. Sometimes they say that it is dragon wormwood, occasionally it is called tarragon, but the most common name is tarragon. This Syrian name spread from Asia Minor throughout the Asian region and Russia. The habitat is very wide, this grass can be found in all regions of the northern continents. Siberia and Mongolia are considered the birthplace of tarragon. In Russia, it grows almost everywhere

Yellow-bellied snake - scary, but not dangerous

Yellow-bellied snake - scary, but not dangerous

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This snake belongs to the snake family and therefore cannot be poisonous. The yellow-bellied snake is also called the yellow-bellied or yellow-bellied snake. In Europe, there is no larger snake, it can reach a length of two and a half meters. Yellowbelly crawls very fast, has a graceful body and a relatively long tail. The upper part of the body is painted in a solid color: olive, brown or almost black. The belly of the snake has a grayish-white color with yellow stains

Austrian black pine is a decoration of any landscape

Austrian black pine is a decoration of any landscape

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Is a fairly common plant in the temperate countries of Central Europe, from Austria in the west to Yugoslavia in the east. It grows on clay soils, sometimes on limestone stones in mountainous areas, preferring the southern slopes. This is a rather impressive coniferous tree. Black Austrian pine looks especially good in its youth. But at any age she is very picturesque and attracts attention

What is a lake, and how lakes differ from each other

What is a lake, and how lakes differ from each other

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There are a huge number of lakes on our planet. They can differ strikingly from each other both in size, origin, and in other indicators. Then how are they similar, and what is a lake in general?

Daw is a useful bird

Daw is a useful bird

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Jackdaw is a small bird with black plumage that has a metallic sheen. Only her head and chest are ash gray. In its appearance, it is very similar to a crow, but its dimensions are noticeably smaller: the body is about 30 centimeters long, and the weight is rarely more than 250 grams. In adult birds, the eyes are light, sometimes blue, juveniles are dark-eyed

What is the lithosphere?

What is the lithosphere?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The internal structure of the Earth includes the core, mantle and crust. What is the lithosphere? This is the name of the outer solid inorganic shell of our planet. It includes the entire earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle

The highest mountain on Earth is in Hawaii

The highest mountain on Earth is in Hawaii

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mountains have always struck the imagination of man and attracted to them with their proud grandeur and bewitching beauty. No one can remain indifferent at the sight of mountain peaks covered with snow caps and wrapped in blankets of clouds. Anyone who has seen mountains, even if not very high, will remember them for a lifetime. Can anything compare to this magnificence? Probably, only the mountains are even higher, with even steeper slopes and snow-white glaciers sliding down them

What is the mainland and what does it consist of

What is the mainland and what does it consist of

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The entire surface of the Earth is made up of water and land. Moreover, the solid part accounts for only 29% of the total area of the planet. Yes, and that is indented by rivers, streams, streams, canals. And how many swamps, ponds and lakes there are on land - one cannot count, since some of them periodically disappear, then reappear. Probably, it would be more correct to call our planet Water

Lake Tana: geographical location, origin of the basin, historical and natural monuments

Lake Tana: geographical location, origin of the basin, historical and natural monuments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The continent, famous for its deserts and ancient history, boasts quite large bodies of water. Standing on their shores, it is often difficult to imagine that there are thousands of square kilometers of waterless lands around. And most of all, Lake Tana strikes the imagination - a water surface that seems boundless and teeming with the most diverse life