
How a tree grows. Features and interesting facts

How a tree grows. Features and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The world of wildlife is amazing and diverse. But often children and adults have questions, for example, how a tree grows, what determines the growth rate, where these representatives of the flora meet

Mount Kailash in Tibet: description, history and interesting facts

Mount Kailash in Tibet: description, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Mount Kailash: a man-made structure or an entrance to Shambhala? Description and location. Religious significance in different beliefs. Manasarovar and Lango-Tso, demonic and healing properties of the lakes. Mirrors of time where anomalies occur. The history of climbing to the top of Kailash

The red cardinal is a small bird with bright plumage and a wonderful voice

The red cardinal is a small bird with bright plumage and a wonderful voice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In some US states, one small but very beautiful bird is recognized as a symbol. It is also called very representatively - the cardinal bird. This is a very loud and important name for such a small creature of nature. How did this bird deserve such respect? Beautiful singing or bright, cheerful colors? Who hunts the red cardinal and what does he eat? These and other questions can be answered in this article

Shilka River - main characteristics and economic importance

Shilka River - main characteristics and economic importance

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

One of the largest left tributaries of the Amur - the Trans-Baikal Shilka River - is formed by the confluence of the Ingoda and Onon. It flows in the region of the Amazar and Shilkinsky ridges and is distinguished by its swift temper

Kubenskoye Lake, Vologda Oblast: description, fishing features and reviews

Kubenskoye Lake, Vologda Oblast: description, fishing features and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the European part of Russia in the Vologda region lies Lake Kubenskoye. Its detailed description is given in the article

Golden eagle - a bird of high mountains

Golden eagle - a bird of high mountains

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

On the territory of Russia, in its most remote corners, in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, Sayan and Altai, the golden eagle lives - a majestic and graceful bird. Small habitats are also seen in the southern part of the Far East, but their distribution is sparse there. The bird is listed in the International Red Book as a rare endangered species

Skagerrak Strait: location, characteristics, countries

Skagerrak Strait: location, characteristics, countries

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Located between the Scandinavian Peninsula and the Jutland Peninsula, the Skagerrak Strait is the main transport route to the B altic Sea. In addition, it significantly affects the climate of the countries whose shores it washes. Its long history begins in the Viking sagas and continues to this day

River Belaya (Adygea)

River Belaya (Adygea)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

According to one legend, a prince once lived on the banks of the river, who brought the beautiful Georgian Bella after one of his military campaigns. The prince sought her for a long time, but the girl refused to reciprocate. Once, trying to defend herself, the beauty stabbed the prince with a dagger and rushed to run. Overtaken by the servants, she threw herself into the waters of Adygea and died in a raging stream. Since then, the river began to be called Bella, but soon the name changed to a more harmonious one - Belaya

Horse transport: from ancient days to the present

Horse transport: from ancient days to the present

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The whole history of mankind is inextricably linked with horses. In particular, horse-drawn transport has always been of the greatest importance, in some regions it has retained its importance to this day

The nature of Yakutia is a beauty that must be seen with your own eyes

The nature of Yakutia is a beauty that must be seen with your own eyes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The nature of Yakutia is striking in its beauty and diversity. In this article, we will consider the mysteries of the nature of Yakutia, as well as places that just need to be visited by an inquisitive tourist

What is the climate of Argentina?

What is the climate of Argentina?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In this article we will talk about the climate in Argentina and what weather conditions prevail in this country

How and how to help birds in winter

How and how to help birds in winter

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Feeders made from plastic bottles don't take long to make. How people help birds in winter, we learn from this article

Onon - the river of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Onon - the river of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Onon River in the Trans-Baikal Territory is one of the most interesting rivers in Russia. It is distinguished by a severe disposition and an abundance of various fish. But before you go fishing, all fishing enthusiasts need to familiarize themselves with the current restrictions

Svir River: fishing, photos and history

Svir River: fishing, photos and history

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Svir River: a brief description and history of the reservoir. What excursion programs are offered, where to relax and settle. What kind of fish is found and where are the fishing spots

Ginger pine: a description of where they grow, when to collect. mushroom mushrooms

Ginger pine: a description of where they grow, when to collect. mushroom mushrooms

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The most delicious mushroom of our forests is pine camelina. He has a lot of positive qualities. Where mushrooms grow, how and when to collect them, everyone who plans a trip to the forest should know

Memo to mushroom pickers: the rules of a forest hike, harvesting and cooking

Memo to mushroom pickers: the rules of a forest hike, harvesting and cooking

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

With the onset of the “silent hunting” season, whole crowds of people who want to feast on the gifts of nature rush into the forests. The desire to enrich your table with mushroom dishes is understandable and understandable, and the process of getting mushrooms is quite exciting

Spruce Ginger: description and classification

Spruce Ginger: description and classification

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Ryzhik (spruce, pine, etc.) belongs to the kingdom of fungi, the diversity of which amounts to hundreds of thousands of specimens and is estimated by mycologists at 1.5 million species. At the same time, there are very few representatives of large and noticeable people. They make up only a small part of the total

Wild dogs: photo. What is the wildest dog breed?

Wild dogs: photo. What is the wildest dog breed?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

As everyone knows, a dog is a man's best friend. However, not all breeds are domesticated. In nature, there are wild dogs of various types. Let's talk about them

Warm lake in Ufa

Warm lake in Ufa

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Warm lake in Ufa is a small artificial reservoir. One of the favorite vacation spots of Ufa residents. Place for swimming and fishing

Denmark Strait: description, photo. Waterfall at the bottom of the Danish Strait

Denmark Strait: description, photo. Waterfall at the bottom of the Danish Strait

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Where is the Denmark Strait? It separates the southeast coast of Greenland and the northwest coast of Iceland. Located in the northern hemisphere, its maximum width reaches 280 kilometers. Connects the Greenland Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It has a minimum depth of the navigable part of 230 meters. The length of the water area is about 500 kilometers. The Danish Strait conditionally divides the World Ocean into the Arctic and Atlantic

Black Sea flounder: photo and description

Black Sea flounder: photo and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Black Sea flounder fish, the photo and description of which is in this article, is from the flounder family. Outwardly strikingly different from other types of fish

Sea cockroach: habitat, structure, interesting facts

Sea cockroach: habitat, structure, interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The sea cockroach, except for the name, has practically nothing to do with the bug that we are terrified of seeing in our kitchen. Some belong to cockroaches, others to crustaceans. Some live on land, others live in the depths of the sea. True, the sea cockroach is edible, like its land namesake

Chukchi Sea - former Beringia

Chukchi Sea - former Beringia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The coast of the sea in the west is the Chukchi Peninsula, and in the east - Alaska. For a long time, at least for five thousand years, the Chukchi have lived on the Chukchi Peninsula, genetically closely related to the indigenous inhabitants of Alaska. Now the natives of the Chukotka Peninsula are the characters of numerous jokes, but meanwhile, this people until the beginning of the twentieth century was very warlike and repeatedly defeated the Russians who were actively developing Chukotka

Inland countries and their problems

Inland countries and their problems

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Historically, not all countries on our planet can boast access to the sea or the ocean. This aspect, in fact, is the main obstacle due to which all inland countries lag behind in development to one degree or another

The core of the Earth. Brief history of education

The core of the Earth. Brief history of education

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Man's ideas about the world began to develop approximately from the middle of the 14th century. Until recently, it was believed that the core of the Earth is an absolutely smooth ball of regular shape (like a cannonball)

Wooly mammoth: description, behavior, distribution and extinction

Wooly mammoth: description, behavior, distribution and extinction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the world-famous game World of Warcraft, there is a certain artifact called "Reins of the Woolly Mammoth". Its owner can summon a huge beast with thick fur and sharp tusks to help him

Loamy soil: properties, advantages, disadvantages, plants

Loamy soil: properties, advantages, disadvantages, plants

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Loamy soil is considered one of the most favorable for agriculture. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Mosquito larva - let's touch on the topic

Mosquito larva - let's touch on the topic

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Surely in your garden plot you noticed in a barrel filled with water, little black worms, similar to tiny pieces of string that hang peacefully under the surface of the water. Let it be known that these are mosquito larvae

The Angara River. Description

The Angara River. Description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Angara River flows throughout Eastern Siberia. It is the only one flowing from Lake Baikal

Feather grass - steppe grass

Feather grass - steppe grass

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Grass feather grass (Stipa pennatal L.) is a genus of perennial plants from the grass family. In the world there are more than 300 species, in our country - more than 80. These plants are widespread in the temperate zone in both hemispheres. In this article, we will take a closer look at one representative of this genus, namely the feather grass

King crab - migratory delicacy

King crab - migratory delicacy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

King crab is the largest among crustaceans. The mass of an adult male can reach 7 kg, and the distance between the middle legs is 1.5 m

What is wind and how it is formed

What is wind and how it is formed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

"Wind, wind! You are mighty…" - every fifth grader knows this by heart. What is your power, where does it come from, how are you born yourself, wind-breeze-breeze? Time, as elusive as you, runs and changes century after century, and people all ask the same question: "What is the wind, where does it come from?"

The Gulf Stream has stopped: fact or fiction?

The Gulf Stream has stopped: fact or fiction?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In 2010, the world community was shocked by the news that a new Ice Age might begin in the near future. Italian physicist Gianluigi Zangari made a sensational statement: "The Gulf Stream has stopped!"

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - flora and fauna

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - flora and fauna

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is a region stretching along the Black Sea from the border with Turkey to the Taman Peninsula. It includes the coastal regions of the Krasnodar Territory, Abkhazia and Georgia. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is famous for its rich nature, warm climate and an abundance of tourist centers

The Yenisei River is the greatest Siberian water artery

The Yenisei River is the greatest Siberian water artery

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Where does the Yenisei River originate and where does it flow? The largest tributaries, the cities in which it flows and other descriptions

Ubsunur hollow reserve. Biosphere Reserve in the Tyva Republic of the Russian Federation

Ubsunur hollow reserve. Biosphere Reserve in the Tyva Republic of the Russian Federation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Gone are the days when the whole planet was one big nature reserve. Mankind did a good job and reshaped the Earth in its own way, adjusted it to suit itself. And the farther, the more valuable are untouched, pristine corners for us, where nothing has changed for many thousands of years

Field yarutka: description, application

Field yarutka: description, application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Field yarutka is a herb from the cabbage family. Most often it is found in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, where it is known as a medicinal plant. There, yarutka is also called buckwheat, whisk and kopeck. Its aerial part is also used for food purposes

Shamrock plant: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, fruits, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Shamrock plant: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, fruits, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The variety of representatives of the flora of our country keeps a lot of wonderful plants. Shamrock (fever, or consumptive grass) is one of these wonders of nature. Similar to clover, but with a number of medicinal properties. About the trefoil plant, the photo of which will be so familiar to everyone, is discussed in this article

Pionersky Pond: the location of the pond, how to get there, good rest, excellent fishing and reviews with photos

Pionersky Pond: the location of the pond, how to get there, good rest, excellent fishing and reviews with photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Pionersky Pond is located near the village of Selyatino, Naro-Fominsk District, Moscow Region. This is an artificial reservoir of amazing beauty with an area of about one and a half hectares with the most diverse bottom topography. It was formed as a result of the construction of a dam on the Loksha River. Around it is surrounded by mixed forest

Potomac River in North America (photo)

Potomac River in North America (photo)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Calling the Potomac River an important water artery of the United States, do not exaggerate. After all, Washington rises above its northern coast, the main city of a huge state, its majestic capital. Washington occupied both banks of the waterway in its lower reaches. Small ships rise to the city along the river water surface