Cream color, blue eyes, nobility… Until the 20th century it was believed that white lions were just a fiction, mythical creatures, an old African legend. What is it about? Tradition says that the one who sees this beast will become strong, atone for all his sins and be happy! So who are white lions really?

Legend of the white lion
The legend of African tribes says that a long time ago mankind was struck by a terrible disease. Nature itself rebelled against people. Adversity, deprivation, grief, cold and poverty - that's what happened in those distant times. People on their own could not do anything, they only prayed to their gods. And at this time, the higher powers heard the prayers, had mercy and sent a messenger-savior, the White Lion. He majestically descended from heaven and helped the entire human race overcome misfortunes. After healing the people, the messenger left. It is said that he promised to return when danger again hung over the human race. Such a beautiful legend is still passed from mouth to mouth.

White Lion –an animal that is not forgotten
For hundreds of years it was believed that this beast is an invention, a myth, a fantasy of African tribes. Only in the twentieth century, scientists confirmed the existence of these rare, amazing animals! What is the fate of the white lion in the modern world? At the moment, there are only about 300 individuals of white lions! Unfortunately, for many centuries they were the prey of hunters and poachers. Now lions live in the Sanbon Reserve, which is located in the west of South Africa. Here they are completely safe from troubles, diseases and people. White lions breed, bask in the sun in nature in order to have their place in nature in the near bright future.

Achievements and Progress
Three hundred white lions on the entire planet Earth is not much. But just 50 years ago there were only three! And this is a real achievement of mankind. Why didn't anyone protect them before? Why was absolutely nothing done? The fact is that there was no evidence of the existence of this species of animals. They were a myth, an invention for scientists and in general for all people. And despite the fact that the African tribes talked about the white lion all the time, no one paid attention to it. And only in the 70s, scientists decided to find this mythical creature. Nobody expected success. But what a shock caused three small cubs of the mythical white lion, who were defenseless before the nature of the savannah! The news of this spread with the speed of the wind and since then the white lions have been guarded. They were placed inreserve, created the most favorable conditions for existence. Now there are more and more white lions…
Where does the color white come from?
These animals are insanely beautiful! And if you look at photos of white lions, you can only be surprised at their tenderness: creamy white skin, blue eyes … They say that this color has been preserved since the Ice Age. At that time, 20,000 years ago, half of the earth was covered in ice and snow. And this color made the lions invisible during the hunt. Now, such a species with a noticeable skin color is having a hard time. But thanks to protection and excellent conditions, white lions will be able to win back their place in the sun!