
Field bindweed: description, useful properties and application

Field bindweed: description, useful properties and application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Field bindweed: botanical description. Harm and benefits of weeds for the garden. Use in landscape design, breeding on the balcony. Types of ornamental grasses. The habitat of wild crops. How to deal with weed? Use in folk medicine and the benefits of the plant

Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia: overview, history and interesting facts

Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia: overview, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Malaysia is one of those states where modern trends miraculously coexist with centuries-old traditions, the incongruous is perfectly combined, and Asian flavor keeps up with the times and amazes with its diversity and uniqueness. The capital Kuala Lumpur fully meets all these requirements. Occupying the southwestern territory of the Malay Peninsula at the confluence of the Klang and Gombak rivers, the city is as contrasting and mysterious as possible

Exotic fruits of the Dominican Republic: list, names and interesting facts

Exotic fruits of the Dominican Republic: list, names and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Dominican Republic is famous for having the richest selection of fresh tropical fruits. They ripen on trees under the hot tropical sun and arrive at local markets at their best

Associations with autumn: leaf fall, mushrooms, the sound of rain, birds flying south

Associations with autumn: leaf fall, mushrooms, the sound of rain, birds flying south

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer, autumn. The change of seasons depends on the height of the Sun above the earth and the angle of incidence and reflection of the sun's rays. Autumn… Favorite season of artists and poets. Everyone has their own associations with autumn

The biggest tree in the world: name and photo

The biggest tree in the world: name and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Looking at the environment around us, at the beauties that nature gives, at the trees that seem huge to us, one involuntarily wonders: how old are the trees that we meet daily on the way to work? But the tree that seems to be the largest among all is just a small bush compared to the largest tree in the world. Not everyone has seen and knows the very only tree that has incredible dimensions. So what is the largest tree in the world?

Chrysolite stone: properties and description

Chrysolite stone: properties and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The article tells about what chrysolite is, about its origin, meaning and characteristics, describes properties both in medicine and magical nature

Philippine tarsier: interesting facts, photos

Philippine tarsier: interesting facts, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Philippine tarsier has the most attractive eyes. In addition to their huge size, they are able to glow in the dark. the baby has well developed facial muscles. Thanks to them, the baby can squint his eyes

What is soil formation factor? What are the soil formation factors?

What is soil formation factor? What are the soil formation factors?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Earth is the we alth of all mankind. And we are talking not only about the planet, but also about the reserves of soils on its surface. Without them, there would not have been such a diverse flora, and heterotrophs (which include any animal and person) in principle could not have appeared. How did soil form on the surface of the planet? The factor of soil formation is “guilty” of this. More precisely, a whole group of them

What does a tiger shark look like? Lifestyle and habitat of a marine predator

What does a tiger shark look like? Lifestyle and habitat of a marine predator

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Modern science knows more than 500 species of sharks. Most of them are carnivorous, but only a few species are considered serious predators that pose a danger to humans. One such species is the tiger shark. What does this fish look like? Where does she live? We will talk about the features of her lifestyle in the article

Unusual sea creature - hammerhead shark

Unusual sea creature - hammerhead shark

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The article tells about the amazing ancient inhabitant of the oceans - hammerhead fish. Many mysteries are still kept by this species, similar to the "alien" from science fiction novels

Shark attacks on people: myths and reality

Shark attacks on people: myths and reality

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Reports of shark attacks on people appear in the media more and more often. Who are sharks - cold-blooded and prudent killers, unfortunate hungry animals or another loud sensation for the media?

Ocean long-winged shark: description, features and habitat

Ocean long-winged shark: description, features and habitat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In our article we want to talk about the long-winged shark, which is the most formidable predator of the water element

Currents of the World Ocean - movement and life

Currents of the World Ocean - movement and life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Resting on the Y alta beach, swimming in the Black Sea water, it is hard to imagine that particles of this very water once washed the coast of Greenland or Antarctica. But there is nothing impossible in this, because the World Ocean (together with all its bays and seas) is a single whole. Quite fast in places, slow in places, the currents of the World Ocean connect its most remote corners

How long does an elephant live? Let's find out

How long does an elephant live? Let's find out

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Now there are only two species of elephants in the detachment, earlier there were more. You can see Indian and African elephant

How long do elephants get pregnant and how do they take care of their offspring?

How long do elephants get pregnant and how do they take care of their offspring?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Most people know the elephant as a huge, kind, but sad and clumsy animal. These giants are very friendly, sociable and caring. Tourists are always attracted by these giants. They are interested in different questions: why do they have big ears; how long does the pregnancy last for elephants and who is in charge in the herd? These and many other questions about elephants, their pregnancy and cubs are discussed in the article. And also given interesting facts that you probably did not know

The elephant is the largest land mammal on the planet. Description and photo of animals

The elephant is the largest land mammal on the planet. Description and photo of animals

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The elephant is the largest land mammal on Earth. These giants evoke positive emotions in us from early childhood. Most people believe that elephants are intelligent and calm. In many cultures, the elephant is a symbol of happiness, peace and home comfort

Bald animals. Description, photo, content features

Bald animals. Description, photo, content features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The article will tell about amazing animals, devoid of vegetation on the body. Perhaps some of them will really surprise you

Big cats are record-breaking breeds

Big cats are record-breaking breeds

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Big cats are a small weakness of many people. Meanwhile, it is unreasonable to feed a cat hard so that it reaches a large size, it will harm the animal. If you really want to have a mustachioed pet of impressive size, get yourself a cat or a cat of the appropriate breed. What - read in this article

Seahorse: reproduction, description, habitat, species features, life cycle, characteristics and features

Seahorse: reproduction, description, habitat, species features, life cycle, characteristics and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The seahorse is a rare and mysterious fish. Many species are listed in the Red Book and are under protection. They are very whimsical in care. Water temperature and quality must be monitored. They have an interesting mating season, and skates are monogamous. Males bear fry

Cadet Party: history and program

Cadet Party: history and program

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Cadets Party advocated the non-violent development of the state, parliamentarism and liberalization. The democratization of local self-government and the expansion of its powers were also what the Cadets wanted. The party also advocated the independence of the judiciary and an increase in the area of land allotments for the peasants. The leader of the party of cadets P.N. Milyukov subsequently entered the Provisional Government

Barnacles: photo, lifestyle

Barnacles: photo, lifestyle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Most people who have been to the seaside have probably noticed small white volcanic formations. As a rule, they densely cover coastal stones and underwater fragments of various structures. These formations are shells of various types of crustaceans

Stork's nest. Where and how do storks build their nests?

Stork's nest. Where and how do storks build their nests?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

These amazing birds differ from others not only in their beauty, but also in their extraordinary grace. In external parameters, they look like a heron, only larger in size. And the stork's nest stands out among others in shape and size. Why is it remarkable? You can find out where and from what these birds build nests by reading this article

St. John's wort - herb from 99 diseases

St. John's wort - herb from 99 diseases

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

St. It grows everywhere, especially loves open sunny glades. St. John's wort is curative. The composition of this plant includes natural antibiotics, flavonoids and saponins, tannins, rutin, vitamins C, PP, P, essential oils and much more

What color can plastids be in plants

What color can plastids be in plants

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

If a child asks you what color plastids can be, do not rush to answer that they are certainly green. Everything is not so clear! Plastids are colored by the pigment they contain. Depending on this, several types of plastids are distinguished

Lake Ladoga: description, depth, relief, fish

Lake Ladoga: description, depth, relief, fish

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Lake Ladoga is one of the largest freshwater reservoirs in Europe. In our article, we want to talk about where Lake Ladoga is located, what kind of nature and climate is on its coast. It has some interesting features. The nature here is especially beautiful

Kara River: origins, length, depth, rafting, nature, fishing, stories and legends

Kara River: origins, length, depth, rafting, nature, fishing, stories and legends

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Where is the Kara River? Komi, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Arkhangelsk region and the northeast of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra are the lands of the northern part of Eurasia, through which it carries its waters. The riverbed in the low water varies from 150 to 300 meters. Its depth is three or more meters, in some places it reaches a five-meter mark

Kunih family - predatory mammals

Kunih family - predatory mammals

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The mustelid family unites many phylogenetically related species, but very different in adaptive features, body structure and lifestyle

How do sea otters sleep? Sea otters: interesting facts

How do sea otters sleep? Sea otters: interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The sea otter (sea otter) lives in the tropical and temperate zone of the Pacific coast of South America. With all the measures taken to protect these animals and their legal protection, hunting for them continues today. They continue to be slaughtered for their fur and leather, in addition to being competitors in shellfish and fishing

Primorskie countries - successful development

Primorskie countries - successful development

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The geographical position of the country has always influenced its development, and not only economic, but in general. If we recall the past and pay attention to which states played the most significant role in the development of mankind, we can notice a certain pattern. These have always been coastal countries. An example is Phenicia and Ancient Greece, Spain and Portugal, England and France and many others

Psel is a river of the East European Plain. Geographic description, economic use and points of interest

Psel is a river of the East European Plain. Geographic description, economic use and points of interest

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Psel is a river flowing through the expanses of the East European Plain. Left tributary of the Dnieper-Slavutich. Since ancient times, people have settled on the banks of this picturesque river. And today it attracts the attention of fishermen, tourists and ordinary vacationers

Black loader (black russula): photo and description. Types of edible mushrooms

Black loader (black russula): photo and description. Types of edible mushrooms

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Summer time brings many surprises to mushroom pickers. The most common in the forest zone are mushrooms from the russula family. In this article, we will introduce readers to the black load, give a description of the fungus, and talk about the features of its growth. Consider what is useful for loading and what are the most common types of it found in nature

Autumn mushrooms. Autumn honey agaric - a dangerous double (name)

Autumn mushrooms. Autumn honey agaric - a dangerous double (name)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Autumn mushrooms begin to appear in the forests towards the end of August. You can collect them throughout the first half of September. Autumn mushrooms grow in waves, depending on weather conditions, there can be 2-3 waves of these mushrooms each year, and the first of them is usually the most abundant

Meshcherskaya lowland: geography, history of occurrence

Meshcherskaya lowland: geography, history of occurrence

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Meshchera lowland is unique both in terms of its geographical location and history of its formation, and in terms of the natural resources available on this territory

The Ganges River is a sacred river and the embodiment of a higher power in India

The Ganges River is a sacred river and the embodiment of a higher power in India

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Each nation has its own, individual and sincerely revered symbol, a religious amulet or even the very embodiment of a higher power. Among the Hindus, such a supreme and divine power that you can touch is the Ganges River

Irrawaddy dolphin. Description of the endangered species

Irrawaddy dolphin. Description of the endangered species

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In our article we will talk about the Irrawaddy dolphin. We will talk about where he lives, what he looks like. The topic of the disappearance of this large mammal will also be touched upon. Note that wildlife fund workers are concerned about the very rapid decline in the population. The number of these mammals has decreased to a critical level

The Irrawaddy River: photo, description, features. Where is the Ayeyarwaddy River?

The Irrawaddy River: photo, description, features. Where is the Ayeyarwaddy River?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This river, which is an important water artery of the state of Myanmar, crosses its entire territory from north to south. Its upper reaches and tributaries have rapids, and they carry their waters among the jungle, through deep gorges

Names of black berries, useful and dangerous to he alth

Names of black berries, useful and dangerous to he alth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Colorful for the eye and appetizing to taste, many black berries look. Their names are not always known to us, as well as their properties. Among the representatives of the berry kingdom there are specimens that are very valuable to us, but there are also those whose use can be life-threatening. Let's talk about both

Shipit Waterfall, the splendor of nature

Shipit Waterfall, the splendor of nature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

On the very edge of the picturesque Ukrainian village of Pylypets, among the beautiful and majestic mountains and green forests, there is one of the most wonderful waterfalls called Shipot. It received such an unusual name due to the noise that is heard from a distance like an insinuating whisper

Where is the Syrdarya River? Syrdarya River: photo and description

Where is the Syrdarya River? Syrdarya River: photo and description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Syrdarya is the longest river in Central Asia, flowing through the territory of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Description of the hydrology and geography of the river. Variety of climatic features and natural landscapes. Environmental problems of the Syrdarya and adjacent territories

Natural resources of the world: concept, classification

Natural resources of the world: concept, classification

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The natural resources of the world are the greatest we alth possessed by humanity. How do people use it and what questions subsequently arise?