In ordinary life situations, we sometimes recall statements that at a particular moment can accurately “shoot”, emphasize the very essence and sum up a conversation. Sometimes these small phrases help to express your own thought most accurately and complete. We will learn about some of these winged statements later in the article.
What is an aphorism
If a person manages to write down his idea, a thought in a short form, which is subsequently repeatedly retold by other people, then it becomes an aphorism.
Aptly chosen words create some tension throughout the text. The more meaning is put into a short sentence, the more its inner light becomes brighter, more brilliant and alluring. Such phrases can be about anything: about life, love, aphorisms about women, children, men and relationships.
Not everyone is able to express himself so accurately and accurately, putting into several sentences, or even into one, an idea that is close to millions. Sometimes with a single phrase a person manages to describe his life, its difficulties, meaning, intensity of passions.

People with a good sense of humor, able to laugh at themselves and their own shortcomings, also deftly create such forms. This is how aphorisms about women appear - funny, caustic, witty.
It cannot be said that such phrases are born on purpose. Yes, there are examples that arose by themselves, without reference to any context. However, most often such expressions are part of a certain literary work. It can be a philosophical, artistic or scientific work.
Men and women
Weak and strong half of the population - women and men. They are like two sides of the same coin, each of which cannot exist without the other and at the same time has its own characteristics.
Aphorisms about men and women most often show this diversity, difference, or emphasize characteristics that are common to both representatives.
Here is an example of what distinguishes and unites the strong and the weaker sex: “A man often loves those women whom he respects, while a lady respects her beloved. Because of this, we often love those who are unworthy of love and respect those who should not.”

We are all dependent on each other to one degree or another, and the stronger the bonds that bind us, the more it is seen: “A husband will not receive true pleasure if it is alien to his wife” (Aristophanes).
Many aphorisms about women carry a meaning, which is a kind of lesson, and it is worth learning. The person who noticed this, shares his life experience so that we can avoidfatal mistakes: “A woman who denies her friendship with her husband and does not even consider such an option cannot become a good wife.”
Aptly about women
Reading various literary works, we can learn a lot of new things for ourselves. There are details that people sometimes do not notice themselves, and only after reading about it, they think: how rightly noticed! Some write out similar phrases to themselves, remember. Others use ready-made collections.
Studying aphorisms about women is necessary for both the fairer sex and men. It is in them that sometimes there is a deep meaning, thanks to which you can understand yourself and others, learn a good lesson.
There are two things a woman should have: beautiful eyes and lips. Thanks to the first, they are able to fall in love with themselves, the second helps to prove their love.
- When answering a girl's question, you should always be honest, because often she already knows the truth.
- In the first place is your attitude towards a woman. First she falls in love with him, and only then with you.
- There is no greater victory for the weaker sex than to win the heart of a man who is not free.
- Being a woman is very difficult, if only because part of her life is connected with the opposite sex.

The truth that makes you smile
Man is an amazing versatile creature. Sometimes our behavior causes a storm of emotions: anger, tenderness, pride, surprise, laughter. Exactly the sameaphorisms about women: funny, bright and unpredictable.
These phrases carry the truth, and therefore, reading them, we can not help smiling:
No matter how bad a man thinks about women, the latter think even more disgustingly about the former.
- Biologists have long noticed that most of what bites us belongs to the weaker half.
- When you looked into the woman's eyes, did you notice the lights? It only means that the cockroaches living in her head have a reason to have fun!
Especially a lot of such aphorisms about women are invented by men or to some extent concern them:
- To calm the weaker sex, you need to take yourself into men's hands.
- Any woman is ready to forgive her beloved, even if he is not at all guilty.
A wife's waist circumference is directly related to the time her husband spends at work.
funny aphorisms about women
Beauty in Brief
It is impossible to imagine quotes about women that would not touch the soul of the reader. Phrases describing the beauty of the fairer sex, external and internal, are filled with special tenderness and charm:
- Everything beautiful has a special arrogance, but cruelty is never beautiful.
- True beauty is our he alth.
- A beautiful woman has a strict nature.
- A beautiful outer shell becomes even more meaningful when hidden behind itinner beauty.
Each woman has unique qualities that have been valued by the strong half of humanity in all ages. Beauty inspired (and continues to do so) men to the most incredible feats. It makes you move forward, not give up in front of obstacles. The French poet Pierre de Ronsard once noticed his own feelings and wrote these words about a woman: “People are powerless before the beauty of the weaker sex. She is stronger than anything: God, man, the elements.”
At all times
Aphorisms come to us from modern and historical sources. At all times, people have sought to capaciously and sharply describe pressing problems and issues. Here's what the greats left us with about women:
- It is much easier to improve relations between European countries than to reconcile two women (Louis XIV).
- A girl is an ordinary person who is busy with just a few things: dressing, talking a lot and undressing (Voltaire).
- I love women very much, but I really hate their company (Henri de Monterlant).

And there are hundreds of such examples, even thousands. It is impossible to list all the historical figures and famous people whose phrases about women have not become winged. And this is not at all surprising. Life creates the most incredible scenarios for us, brings us together, thereby giving rise to vivid conclusions and conclusions.
Although, as the outstanding contemporary poet Mikhail Zhvanetsky noted, “women and thoughts do not arise at the same time.”
Women aboutyourself
The subtle details of one's own life are noticed by everyone, so quotes about women are written not only by the strong half, but also by themselves. Who can understand the true nature, problems, hopes and desire of a girl, if not a representative of the weak half of humanity.
Some women are able by their own example to share with others the valuable experience and conclusions that they have made throughout their lives, having experienced difficulties, overcoming obstacles.
So, Coco Chanel writes: “To be perfect means to be able to hide your offense and avoid loud scenes when you were hurt.”
And this is what she writes about men and women: “Guys do the most incredible, courageous and desperate things when they want to drag a girl into their bed. The latter, in turn, are ready to do all the same and even more when they firmly decide that it is time to get married.”

Margaret Thatcher: words of a strong woman
The only representative of the weak half of humanity, who served as Prime Minister of Great Britain, repeatedly shared her wisdom and personal experience with her listeners. She could talk briefly about women so that everyone understood that they have strength, intelligence and perseverance: “For discussing projects, it is best to turn to a man, but if you really decide to do something, come to a woman.”
The inner strength of this woman still makes many admire and set her as an example. In order to better understand Thatcher, it is enough to get acquainted with her statements. Hidden in themdeep meaning, revealing part of her own nature.
- A woman with a strong character is called a bitch, while a man in this case is called a "nice guy".
- The weaker sex can tell you no much more firmly.
Margaret Thatcher is known for her political activities, which is why many of her sayings relate to just this area: “Natural resources are not fundamental to the prosperity of a country. It can be achieved even in the absence of them. The main resource is people.”
Male look
The list of quotes and aphorisms about the beautiful half can be considered incomplete if there are no statements from men in it. They repeatedly talked about the beauty of a woman, her strength, character and influence on her own life.
Men subtly notice the traits hidden in people, are able to describe all the women in the world with one phrase.
Honoré de Balzac wrote: “The heart of a woman who loves is filled with hope. One hit is not enough to kill her. Until the last drop of blood, love will live in her.”
Some famous personalities perfectly understood the importance of having a woman in their lives. A similar critical assessment was given by George Bernard Shaw: “A man remains a child of a woman from birth to death. He does not give her anything, but constantly demands.”

Oscar Wilde and his words about women
Irish writer, world-famous playwright, in his own collection of aphorisms has manystatements about women. His remarks about relationships between two people of the opposite sex are still relevant today:
- In order to defend themselves, women go on the offensive.
- Men think. Women only think what they think.
- Only plain-looking women are jealous of their husbands. Beautiful representatives of the weaker sex at this time are jealous of other men.
- Bad women are impossible to relax, positive ones are too boring.
Such examples of quotes are found throughout the entire work of the writer and philosopher. Some examples cause a smile, admiration for the accuracy of what is noticed, while others may seem like an absolute lie. But it is precisely because of this that one can say with accuracy that they cling to the living.
Summing up important results
As you can see, aphorisms can describe a person with sharp accuracy, show his character and special features. When used at the right time, they can fire brightly, causing a storm of emotions in the listeners.
There are funny aphorisms about women. There are those who describe their strength, character.
Someone sees their own reflection in these phrases, for someone they become the rules of life.
Winging expressions and quotes about women have appeared and continue to appear throughout the existence of mankind.