What does "stingy" mean? A miserly person is a poor person who owns we alth

What does "stingy" mean? A miserly person is a poor person who owns we alth
What does "stingy" mean? A miserly person is a poor person who owns we alth

From early childhood, a child experiences the full range of emotions inherent in an adult person. This is envy, when you want the same toy as a neighbor’s kid, and rage, when you fell and hit hard, and curiosity, and love … Kids feel their feelings in their purest form, they still do not know malicious intent. For example, even if greedy and unwilling to share what he has, a child will never behave like a mean person.

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"Stingy" does not mean "greedy". This is a much more exaggerated and harmful quality for the human soul, when calculation is connected to simple greed. In this article, we will analyze what it means to be stingy, whether it is possible to get away from your own stinginess, and whether there is at least something useful in this trait.

Meaning of the word "stingy"

If you choose a definition for the desired word, then the closest in terms of transferring qualities will be the statements “greedy for thrift”, “one who avoids spending”. "Miserly", "miser", "mean" - this is the name of a miserly person. In fact, stinginess and greed are close in meaning, but not in meaning. If athe greedy one simply does not want to share anything with others, but he himself rejoices in the acquisitions, then the one who is stingy perceives material we alth in a completely different way. A miserly person does not want to spend money at all - neither on himself nor on others.

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mean it

He looks like a beggar in appearance, lives in Spartan conditions, while chests of gold can lie under his sofa. Stingy people often become rich, because they know the value of every penny and spend money exclusively for its intended purpose.

Stinginess is not stupidity

It may seem paradoxical, but not everyone considers stinginess a bad quality. Studying the work of A. N. Ostrovsky, in particular, the work “Forest”, one can find the following quote: “I don’t know, I’m still young, sir; and smart people say that stinginess is not stupidity. Maybe not such a bad quality? And really, how is a miserly person different from ordinary people?

A miser is one who is extremely frugal. He does not want to spend and spend what he has. He keeps, accumulates and multiplies all the savings that he has.

A miser is a poor man

What is curious, from those material goods that a miserly person has, he and others are of no use. As Deon Say said, if a thrifty person does not want to waste anything, then a miser does not want to spend anything at all. He will not buy himself a luxurious apartment, a luxury car, he will not go on a trip, he will not give anything to his beloved woman. Every penny is so significant for the miser that he is ready to walk around in shabby clothes and eatcrackers, so as not to spend any of their savings. In fact, it turns out that a miserly person, judging by the way he lives and what he has, is more likely to be poor than rich. Avarice is complete helplessness in the face of money, when gold and banknotes command a person, his behavior.

How to get rid of stinginess

Can one who is stingy somehow become free from the power of money? A miserly person is a slave to the material. By and large, excessive wastefulness and stinginess are just two sides of the same coin. Both those and other people are not free, they are under the power of money.

meaning of the word stingy
meaning of the word stingy

From the point of view of psychology, it doesn't matter what you depend on: cigarettes, drugs or money - any addiction makes a person weak and weak-willed. How to get rid of stinginess, if possible? It is believed that the best way is to start spending. For a miserly person, all expenses look like a tragedy, but this is the best cure for psychological illness. Having managed to accept the fact that by spending what he has acquired, he loses nothing, the miser will feel relieved. If such a person sees that money can be exchanged for something valuable and useful, he will be able to get away from the harmful influence of the material.
