The city of Pushkin (until 1918 - Tsarskoe Selo), the former country residence of Russian emperors, now come to get acquainted with local attractions - the Catherine Palace and the park, to make a tour of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which will take a little more than half an hour. The Pushkin Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo is a special place that every tourist should visit.

Location Popularity
Given that the number of people who want to visit the royal chambers never decreases, it is better to buy tickets to the Catherine Palace in advance, but so that before that you can walk around the famous educational institution, warm memories of which can be found in one of the works great poet and writer.
The Pushkin Museum-Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo invites visitors to plunge into the old way of life and see the desk at which sat one of the most talented people in Russia.
A littlestories
The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum accepted its first students in 1811. Thus, the date of its foundation falls on the period of the era of liberalism of Alexander I. Parents of very noble noble families brought their children of 12-14 years of age to study, since a very difficult task was set for the educational institution - the graduate must be ready for "important parts of the service of the sovereign "".
The first applicants were not even warned at first that they would have to stay within the walls of the Lyceum for six whole years without the opportunity to go home. They were surprised only at the end of the day of admission, when the children enjoyed the evening dessert. The Pushkin Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo was of particular importance for high-ranking people of that time. Everyone wanted to send their children to be raised by professional teachers.
Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum construction plan
A connecting arch with the altar part (choirs) of the court church was built between the buildings of the Lyceum and the Catherine Palace. The building of the educational institution has 4 floors, each of which had its own functional purpose:
The lowest floor was used for living quarters, where inspectors, officials, employees and tutors lived

- On the next floor there was a conference room with a nearby office, a hospital and a pharmacy, a canteen where staff and students ate. The Pushkin Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo is very popular with tourists. Photos of the museum can be viewed in this article.
- On the floor above in two classes there was a trainingprocess. In one of them, classes were held after reading lectures. Also on the third floor was a physics office, and inside the arch, which was discussed above, there was a room for periodicals - magazines and newspapers. In the assembly hall on the same floor on October 18, 1811, the opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum took place in a solemn atmosphere. And in 1815, another historical event took place - the lyceum student Pushkin, who was then only 15 years old, during the exam recited his poem "Memories in Tsarskoye Selo", making the elderly Derzhavin even shed tears.
- Students lived on the fourth floor. According to Pushkin, the rooms resembled very narrow “cells”, which, as for the offspring of noble families, were furnished rather modestly, in a Spartan way, with a minimum of amenities. The furniture did not shine with luxury and was represented only by a mirror, an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a desk and a washing table. In one of these rooms, at number 14, the lyceum student Pushkin lived and spent his leisure time. The years of study were so imprinted in my memory that some time after completing his studies, Alexander Sergeevich, who managed to become famous, signed “No. 14” at the end of each of the letters addressed to his friends-lyceum students.

Lyceum student's daily routine
Noble children had to live in Spartan conditions, the air temperature in the room was far from comfortable - within 17 degrees. The Pushkin Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo was a model of discipline. Students must adhere to the following orderdays:
- Wake up every morning, like in the army - 6.00.
- Strictly one hour was allotted for waking up and rubbing his eyes, to consistently perform actions brought to automatism: morning toilet, dressing, prayer, repeating lessons.
- Class starts at 7.00. Two of them were held before lunch for two hours with some break. During the first break, the lyceum students had breakfast with tea and a white bun, the rest of the time before the next two-hour classes was devoted to a short walk.
- Then the next two hours of classes, after which they were allowed to take a walk, and then it was necessary to repeat the lessons.
- 13.30 - lunch, which usually consisted of three courses.
- The three-hour afternoon classes were held in a classroom with three rows of desks.
- Evening walk and compulsory exercise.
- Lyceum students had dinner at 20.30.
The Pushkin Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo was respected, parents liked the strict rules that children had to adhere to. In total, I had to work out for seven hours a day. The academic year began on 1 August and ended on 1 July of the next calendar year. Pupils were supposed to be in Tsarskoye Selo even during the holidays, which lasted a whole month. The six-year study period consisted of two parts: the first three years - the initial division, and the next three years - the final division. During this time, students managed to get not only secondary, but also higher education. The curriculum did not correspond much to the one taught at thefaculties of law and philosophy. Moreover, lyceum graduates were equated with university graduates.

Prices and opening hours
In addition to Pushkin, many other famous personalities graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, such as Pushchin, Delvig, Kuchelbecker, Korf, Gorchakov and others.
Be sure to visit the Pushkin Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. Hours of operation are from 7 am to 11 pm. Ticket price - 120 rubles, children under 18 years old are free. Discounts are also offered to pensioners, a ticket to the museum will cost them 30 rubles.