Practically in all world cultures, black is associated with negativity, personifying only negative concepts, phenomena, objects: death, troubles, hatred, curses, failures, bad luck, evil, fear, hopelessness. He has the strongest mysticism, therefore, is extremely in demand in the field of the occult, religion, witchcraft, rituals, myths.
This color (as opposed to white) is credited with everything negative in any area, wherever they are operated on. If in mythology they described terrible weather, the fury of the gods, then they necessarily resorted to the epithet "black".

It could be the sky, and clouds, and water (sea, ocean), and night (dark, hopeless haze), and the abyss. In the future, this baton was picked up by fairy tales: in almost all there is an evil witch with black eyes, an insidious sorcerer, a black crow sitting on a tree (as a harbinger of an imminent disaster), a wolf. And even in signs there is nowhere to escape from this most mysterious of the entire color palette. Think of the well-known unfortunate cat. Seeing in a dream something relatedwith this shade, certainly promises at least grief and trouble.
Black is a favorite color among representatives of various sects and pseudo-religious movements. They, as in antiquity (for example, the priests of the Mayan tribe), perform rituals and make sacrifices, using it in different variations: either by drawing symbols and signs, or by painting parts of the body, or simply using things of this color. The youth currents of our time (for example, the Goths, characterized by gloominess, isolation, interest in the afterlife) made him a cult in their environment. Black has been adopted as a mourning color in European countries since the middle of the distant 15th century.
But it is marked as a clear opposition to white. Without darkness there will be no light, without night there will be no day, without death there will be no life. This is how this shade is perceived in philosophy.

Black color in clothes is the color of versatility and practicality. It is not at all easily soiled and gets along well with clothes of any other color. This range is very loved by many famous fashion designers (starting with the famous Chanel). Black is indispensable in formal style suits, where it adds respectability, presentability and sophistication.
Modern designers have also chosen this shade. Therefore, now it is not a wonder to see black in the interior. Fortunately, the versatility of psychological overtones allows you to do this to the fullest.

Such an extraordinary color can easily be found today both in the kitchen and in the living room. He adds aristocracyand luxury in the interior, looks expressive with colorful juicy shades and looks spectacular in the light of chandeliers, sconces and lamps. Even a minimal accent of black or one or two accessories in this design will invariably attract the eye. The traditional combination of black and white is especially impressive.
Black color for several millennia has become so accustomed to its notoriety that even now it continues to be strongly associated with the same negative series as before. Until now, speaking about something dubious, harmful, bad, we use set expressions that correlate with it.
We use blacklists for unwanted contacts, we call holes black for the unknown and potentially dangerous, we talk about a black streak for bad luck.
But is it worth it to be so afraid of this color? If you feel it is yours and feel comfortable in this color, then why not?! The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to look like a "white crow" in all black!