The modern world is becoming more and more crowded and globalized, countries are competing for various sources of raw materials, for spreading their political and economic models to as many states of the world as possible. The methods and capabilities of the participants in the global redistribution of interests are very diverse and depend on many conditions. However, first of all, expansion is the expansion of the sphere of influence in any field of activity.

Expansion methods
This term is very versatile and implies many possible options. So, we can talk about political, economic, cultural, military expansion. During the Cold War years, when the world was bipolar, the expansionist aspirations of both superpowers were to attract as many allies as possible to their side. At the same time, the latter had to perceive precisely the point of view of their patrons, their political and economic model. If the supporters of the West could vary their systems of views and state models, then the supporters of the socialist bloc had to strictly follow the instructions of the USSR. One of the main instruments of expansion is material and financial resources, it was by this method that Western Europe was tied to the political chariot of the United Statesafter the devastating World War II. The USSR, in order not to lose all its allies, was forced to take similar measures against the countries of Eastern Europe. This is how the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the European market were created. Economic expansion is a way of manipulating the world order.

Expansionist Confrontation
Expansion to the market, economic interventions were fully accompanied by the consolidation of influence in other important areas. Both the USSR and the USA used the military-political factor to further escalate their influence, which would further strengthen their influence in the world. At the initiative of the United States, NATO arises, later the USSR responded by the appearance of the Department of Internal Affairs. These methods of influence allowed the two superpowers to fully control the situation in their zones of influence. Thus, expansion is the desire of one country to impose its will on another in order to achieve its geopolitical interests. The economic model of the Western bloc turned out to be more flexible and dynamically changed under the influence of new factors, while that of the Eastern bloc was cumbersome and clumsy, which ultimately resulted in the collapse and disintegration of the Eastern bloc and the USSR itself.
Modern expansion

The expansion of the West after the collapse of the bipolar world has become overwhelming. He tried to spread his influence and values to the whole world. At the same time, the nuances of the political system, established traditions, cultural and ideological characteristics were not taken into account. Suchindiscriminate methodology led to a gradual rejection and rejection of Western values. Cultural expansion is an attempt to unify the spiritual sphere, to subordinate the worldview to the interests of one country or a group of states. Such a policy predictably led to numerous protests, and in some cases even to violence against representatives of the Western world. Nevertheless, such attempts do not cease to be carried out in different parts of the world.