The Muslim world is harmoniously included in the society of the Russian Federation. In the current situation, this is a serious stabilizing factor that does not allow the enemies of the state to use interethnic strife for their black purposes. There is a lot of work behind these words. Muftis of Russia, headed by Sheikh Ravil Gaygutdin, are engaged in it. Their main task is to maintain peace and tranquility in the country, together with colleagues who lead other faiths.

Chief Mufti of Russia: biography
The life of any person consists of important milestones and ordinary events. For some it is bright and interesting, for others it is more calm. The fate of Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin cannot be called difficult, but it is not ordinary either. Born in a remote village, the current mufti of Russia went to an ordinary school, played with the guys. His life was changed by his grandmother. She was the one who raised him. An elderly woman instilled in the child an interest and love for Islam. He decided to devote his life to serving the people in the religious field. GraduatedIslamic madrasah and went on distribution to Kazan.
All this happened back in Soviet times. Future muftis of Russia are engaged in the work of mosques, conduct scientific research. It took Sheikh Ravil's time as well. After a certain time he was transferred to Moscow. A year later, he already headed the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. And life outside the walls of the religious institution was changing rapidly.

Moscow Muslims during the collapse of the USSR
When a great power was torn to pieces, people lost much more than stability. Their world was covered with cracks and crumbled overnight. People panicked, rushed about and worried. They had nowhere to go to regain their peace of mind. On the street and at home, the deception of change overtook, new rules, unknown principles and ideas, often terrifying. The future mufti of Russia, Ravil, felt this difficult state of fellow citizens. He united his colleagues around him. Muftis of Russia had to deal with the problems of fellow citizens. They directed their efforts towards the revival of traditional values in the souls of Muslims. There was a lot of work, because religiosity was not welcomed in the USSR. People forgot how to pray, and they perceived faith with doubt. Sheikh Ravil spent many hours every day in order to convince his fellow citizens of the need to return to the traditions of their ancestors. He organized the work of the school for the study of the Arabic language, he could talk for hours with parishioners, deal with their pressing problems. There were desperate, embittered people around. They should have been supported. But not only. They havechildren grew up - the future of the country. If they are left face to face with the cruel world, without developing spirituality, then the state will eventually collapse. Sheikh Ravil, who worked tirelessly, was also aware of this.

Supreme Mufti of Russia
Deep understanding of the processes taking place in the country, constant and positive participation in the life of fellow believers brought Sheikh Ravil a well-deserved respect. In 1996, he was elected to the highest spiritual post in the country. This brought even more problems and worries. After all, now I had to deal with the issues of all Muslims, go to the interstate level. There has been a mosque in Moscow for a long time. It was decided to restore it, significantly expanding the interior space. It is clear that the mufti of Russia controlled the process. After all, it was about the main mosque in the country. Its grand opening took place in 2015.
The Muslim world is now under attack. Extremist sentiments are on the rise, especially among young people. Therefore, it is necessary to "set up cordons" in the souls of believers, which is what the muftis of Russia are doing. Believers want to live in peace, positively developing the country, and not to fight.

People should live in peace
Possessing considerable power and authority, the Mufti of Russia directs all his forces to combat negative political trends, conflicts and wars. He constantly talks about this with parishioners. Similar questions are raised in Muslim forums. The Mufti is sure that it is necessary to resolve issues through negotiations. Armed conflicts aredefeat of both sides of the confrontation. We are people, which means we are obliged to respect each other, to listen to other people's opinions. Moreover, our country is multinational and multi-confessional. Even a small spark of religious aggression must not be allowed. Sheikh Ravil is working on this and considers such work his direct spiritual duty, a duty to fellow believers and fellow citizens belonging to other faiths.