Russia is the richest country in the world in terms of mineral deposits. Many of its territories keep deposits of natural gas, oil, ores, etc. in their depths. One of these areas, which is famous for its underground we alth, is the Perm Territory.
General information about the Perm region
Perm Territory is a part of the Volga Federal District. It was formed on December 1, 2005. It used to be called the Perm Region, to which the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug was attached.

In the Komi language, the region is called the word "Parma", which means a hill, which is covered with a spruce forest. It is believed that the name "Perm" comes from the word "Parma". The inhabitants of the region are called Permians.
Geographically, the Perm Territory belongs to the Western Urals and is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Its area is 160,600 sq. km, which is approximately 1% of the area of Russia.
General information about the underground we alth of the Perm region
Difficult relief of mountainous and flat areasthe edges explain the richness of its bowels. Mineral resources of the Perm Territory are actively mined and meet the raw material needs of both the region and the whole country. Almost 1,400 deposits of various types of minerals, of which there are more than 49 types, have been discovered and explored in the expanses of the region.
The life of any Russian region depends on the availability of minerals. They are used for the development of industrial production, agriculture, and construction. What minerals are there in the Perm region?

The subsoil of the region contains various ores, natural gas, s alt, oil, peat, gold and even diamonds, limestone, building materials, and much more.
Prospecting for minerals is hard and painstaking work. This is what geologists do. The geological concept of the "Permian period" is known all over the world. It was discovered by a scientist from England, Roderick Murchison, who in 1841 made an expedition to the banks of the river. Egoshikha and discovered the deposits of ancient rocks for the first time.
S alt deposits
Mineral resources of the Perm Territory are famous for their s alt deposits. The Verkhnekamsk s alt deposit ranks second in the world in terms of its reserves. It is located near Solikamsk and Berezniki. Powerful s alt layers here are located at different depths from 90 to 600 m. The upper layer is rock s alt, followed by potassium-magnesium s alt, and the lowest one forms potassium, combined with rock s alt. We owe the presence of such a s alt deposit to the sea, which wason the territory of the Perm Territory 200 million years ago and then disappeared.

Mining in the Perm region began many centuries ago. In the 15th century, the first s alt industry was organized by the Novgorod merchants Kalinnikovs. Later, the production of s alt was significantly expanded by the Stroganov industrialists, who exported it for sale to other regions and abroad.
At the beginning of the 20th century, potassium and magnesium s alts were discovered. In the Perm region, pinkish potassium s alts are found, which are called sylvinite. This is a raw material for the production of fertilizers, glass, etc. Orange and dark red s alts are mined, from which the valuable magnesium metal is used in aircraft and shipbuilding.
Combustible minerals
Combustible minerals of the Perm Territory are represented by a variety of species. The first oil in the Kama region was discovered in 1929. This happened near the village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodki and became a sensation. The second oil field, Krasnokamskoye, was discovered in 1934. Later, it was found in other regions of the region. Perm oil is famous for its high quality.

Today, about 160 hydrocarbon deposits are known in the region, among which 3 gas, 89 oil, 18 gas and oil fields are being developed. The main production is carried out in the southern and central regions. The most developed deposits are Krasnokamskoye, Polaznenskoye, as well as Osinskoye, Kuedinskoye,Chernushinskoye. The Perm Territory is rich in coal deposits. It was mined in two areas: Kizel and Gubakha. The Kizel coal basin has long been the source of this fuel for much of Russia.
According to geological research, there is a lot of peat in the Perm Territory - about 2 billion tons.
"Precious" minerals
Diamonds are mined in the Krasnovishersky district of the region. Diamond deposits were discovered in the Gornozavodsk region in the basin of the river. Koiva. The first diamond in Russia was found in the Perm region, in 1829.

In the region for more than a hundred years in the river basin. Vishera is mining gold. The largest deposit is Chuvalskoye, which was discovered in 1898, as well as Popovskaya Sopka. Deposits of marble, quartz, citrine, selenite and uvarovite have been found.
Building minerals
It was discussed above what minerals the Perm Territory is rich in. However, this is far from the whole list. The building minerals of the Perm Territory are very diverse.
There are many different minerals that are used in dyes. There are deposits of Volkonskoite used in the production of paints and enamels. Its main deposits are located in the Chastinsky district. Minium iron is represented by the Solovinsky, Shudinsky, P altinsky deposits.
There are 42 ocher mining sites located in Kosinsky, Berezovsky, Kungursky, Gornozavodsky and other districts. The region is actively producinglimestone, which is used for the production of ordinary construction lime. 7 deposits are known: Mount Matyukovaya, Chikalinskoye, Severo-Sharashinskoye, Bolshe-Sarsinskoye, Vsevolodo-Vilvenskoye, Sharashinskoye, Gubakhinskoye.

There are deposits of dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite in the Ordinsky and Uinsky districts, and there are also 37 objects of expanded clay. The largest of them are the Sanatorskoye and Kostarevskoye deposits.
Clay deposits are located in almost every administrative region. There are deposits of lean sands, sand and gravel mixtures, etc.
Processing of minerals edge
The geological map of the region is striking in its diversity and richness of underground resources. The above describes what minerals are mined in the Perm Territory. It remains to find out how the raw material base is used. Processing of minerals in the Perm region is carried out by a number of industries. Among them are mechanical engineering, oil refining, fuel, metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical, gas industries, etc.
A modern complex of enterprises for the extraction and processing of gas and oil is functioning effectively.
97% of all potash fertilizers in Russia is produced in the Perm Territory. The region is a leader in the Russian market in a number of industrial processing industries.