Many managers are interested in the question of how to organize the system of management and relations in the enterprise so that it allows for the efficient conduct of the production process. And there is such a tool, it is subordination. In the article, we will consider what it is, its types and the consequences of non-compliance.
What is subordination
Relationships between a subordinate and a superior were regulated by the Russian Tsar Peter I, who issued in early December 1708 a “Nominal Decree on the attitude towards superiors”, where the rules of behavior of a subordinate person were defined: “A subordinate in the face of a superior should look dashing and foolish, so as not to embarrass the authorities with his understanding. Now you can perceive the postulate of this decree in different ways, but after more than three hundred years there are still such bosses who understand it literally.

The word "subordination" comes from the Latin Subordinatio, which means submission, otherwise - the position of the individual in the system of relations.
From here follows the content of this concept: subordination is following the rulesrelationships established between persons with different hierarchical levels of society. Compliance with subordination is considered mandatory for the relationship "senior - junior" (in relation to the rank or position) or "subordinate - boss".
Knowing what this concept is is just as important as following the conventions of business etiquette.
Why follow
Subordination is a system that determines the levels of subordination, ranked by the measure of responsibility, which is determined by temporarily assigned authority or a permanent position.

Subordination is a type of relationship regulation, which is the mechanism that allows the leader to achieve an initially defined goal - high results and high-quality work of subordinates. It allows you to achieve well-coordinated work of the team as a whole, the purpose of which is the fulfillment of a common task, precisely because it is a clearly regulated system of business relations.
Everyone in his workplace should understand what he should do, with whom and on what issues to interact. In addition, it is important to understand who to ask and who has the right to ask himself.
Only in such conditions can one guarantee that the team will be able to work clearly and correctly, like clockwork. Violation of subordination, on the contrary, can lead to the opposite result.
Official subordination
If we consider a small organization, then it may be enough for one leader. But with the expansionan increase in the staff, there is a need to create structural units with lower-level managers. This is where the concept of official subordination appears.

It establishes a chain of command, which provides for the responsibility and accountability of the lower structure to the one that is one step higher.
Subordination at work is all the more important the more management levels are between the highest and lowest rungs of the hierarchy. In some organizations, such a ladder may consist of a dozen steps, which cannot be called effective due to the large gap between top management and ordinary employees.
Recently, there has been a tendency to reduce the length of the hierarchical ladder, which leads to more complete participation in the process of work and management of ordinary members of the enterprise (industrial democracy).
Since enterprises, as a rule, have a complex subordinate structure, subordination takes this into account and is established in two directions - vertical and horizontal.

Types of subordination are characterized as follows:
- Vertical. Establishes the rules for the relationship between superiors and subordinates (top down) and between lower-level employees and management (bottom up). Such subordination implies, on the part of the employee, the obligatory observance of the orders of the head of the organization or structuralunits, correct attitude, maintaining distance. Familiar or familiar relations, joking remarks about the boss, a categorical tone in communication are considered unacceptable. On the part of the manager, one should not share internal feelings or problems with subordinates, forgive negligent employees for indiscipline and lack of performance, but it is also unacceptable to show contempt, arrogance and authoritarianism in communication.
- Horizontal. Establishes a system of relationships between colleagues working in the same structure, as well as managers of equal levels. In these relations, equal and partnership cooperation is permissible, which implies goodwill among colleagues and an equal distribution of responsibilities and workload.
What governs relationships
If a company does not have rules that establish relationships, this brings confusion to the workflow, so the chain of command, the importance of which cannot be overestimated, maintains order in this area. Each ordinary employee and the head of the department should know who reports to whom, which of the colleagues can be contacted and on what issue, who is subordinate to whom.

Subordination is regulated by the instructions issued by the company, orders and the charter of the organization. The following documents are also used to define hierarchical service relationships:
- internal labor regulations;
- job descriptions;
- labor agreement betweenemployee and employer;
- collective agreement.
In certain structures, for example, in the army, subordination is established by insignia - uniforms, shoulder straps. In small organizations, subordination is supported only by the authority of the leader.
Introduction of new team members to corporate rules takes place directly upon hiring at the time of discussing their duties and powers.
What is considered a violation and a mistake
If there are rules, then there must be something that is considered a violation of them.

In the matter of subordination, the following actions are considered to be a violation of it:
- Authoritarianism in management - suppresses the initiative of workers, forcing them to blindly and thoughtlessly follow instructions. Staff ceases to take responsibility for making decisions.
- Familiarity and familiarity - blurs the line between boss and subordinate, can lead to disrespectful attitude, idleness, unreasonable shifting of duties to other employees.
- Each manager has the right to make decisions, impose punishments or give tasks to ordinary employees only within his department, area of responsibility and competence. It is unacceptable to resolve issues bypassing the immediate superior, which can lead to inconsistency and undermine authority.
Non-observance of subordination leads to loss of discipline, inconsistency of actions, conflicts, violation of work regulationsenterprises, failure to implement management decisions.
Subordination of sources of law
There is such a concept in legal sources. The first of them in terms of supremacy and legal force is the Constitution, which symbolizes the basis of the legal system as a whole. It contains general rules, which are then detailed by other legal branches.
The following are other legal acts:
- federal laws - regulate the strategic directions of society;
- Decrees of the President - can be normative and individual legal;
- decrees of the Government - can be canceled if they contradict previous acts;
- acts of federal executive bodies - instructions, regulations, rules, guidelines.
Subordination of law establishes a system of normative legal acts that respects the hierarchical subordination of acts, based on their legal force.
Acts of executive authorities that affect the freedoms, rights and obligations of a member of society and a citizen must be registered with the Ministry of Justice.
Regulatory legal acts issued by the subjects of the Federation have the right to independently regulate internal issues, but cannot contradict the current federal laws.
The lowest level of the hierarchy of law is occupied by acts of non-profit and commercial organizations - regulations, charters, internal regulations, regulations and more. They are intended for local execution within these enterprises.