Do they take hepatitis B into the army in Russia?

Do they take hepatitis B into the army in Russia?
Do they take hepatitis B into the army in Russia?

Wondering whether people with hepatitis B are recruited into the army is a question for many young people of military age in our country. It is not always possible to find the answer and understand all the nuances of a particular case on your own. In this article, we will consider the following questions: do they take hepatitis B into the army, what is this disease, how to organize your life with a similar diagnosis.

Description of the disease

Before answering the question of whether people with hepatitis B are recruited into the army, it is necessary to find out the characteristics of this disease, which organs it can affect and which functions of the body to affect.

The infectious disease discussed in this article affects one of the most important organs for the body - the liver. Hepatitis B causes inflammation of the parenchyma, which, in the absence of surgical intervention, can lead to disastrous consequences. In the presence of this disease, the structure is destroyedliver, and the functionality of the organ decreases.

Therefore, it is extremely important to detect hepatitis at an early stage, only in this case there is a chance to avoid the transition to the chronic stage or death.

Do they take in the army with hepatitis B
Do they take in the army with hepatitis B

Methods of getting infection

Since hepatitis is an infectious disease, you can earn it by contact with contaminated tools, people, liquids. It is important to understand that this disease cannot be transmitted by air.

Infection of the body occurs only after the penetration of the pathogen into the human body, namely into the blood. There are several of the most common options for getting the disease. These include the use of non-sterile instruments (both by doctors and by the people themselves), unprotected sexual contact, blood transfusion from an infected person, etc.

Do they take in the army with hepatitis B
Do they take in the army with hepatitis B

Possible ways of infection

  1. Penetration into the blood through contaminated instruments. Here we can talk not only about injections that a person makes on his own, but also about tattoos, acupuncture. In the first case, if you use the same needle several times (for example, as drug addicts often do), there is a risk that after a while the question will arise whether people with hepatitis B are recruited into the army? The same applies to tattoo machines, the popular acupuncture procedure. You can get hepatitis even in the dentist's office, provided that the instruments are poorly processed.
  2. Transfusioninfected blood. While every potential donor goes through the necessary screenings, there is a possibility that a mistake has been made. It is impossible to protect yourself from such a method of infection. The risk of getting such an infection is increased if a second blood transfusion is performed.
  3. Hereditary, namely from mother to child. The risk of transmitting the disease in this way increases significantly if the parent has experienced hepatitis in recent months. The chances of receiving such an inheritance are greatly increased if, in addition to this disease, the mother is HIV-positive. A feature of this transmission option is the fact that when feeding a baby, it is impossible to transmit hepatitis B to him.
Do they take chronic hepatitis into the army
Do they take chronic hepatitis into the army

How to recognize hepatitis B?

At the initial stage, it is impossible to determine the presence of the disease we are considering. In terms of symptoms in the first days, it is very similar to a regular flu: body temperature rises, lethargy, fatigue, chills, aches, headaches can be observed, in some cases a rash is also acceptable.

A few days after the appearance of the above symptoms, gastrointestinal disorders (discoloration of stool), apathy, discoloration of urine and pain in the liver (right hypochondrium) appear.

During this period, medical specialists record the fact of an increase in the size of the affected organ - the liver. In some cases, the spleen becomes inflamed. If you do not ignore these symptoms and seekto the doctor, then with 90% certainty it can be said that the disease will be eliminated. This applies in particular to people who do not have problems with the immune system.

Do they take to the army with chronic hepatitis in Russia
Do they take to the army with chronic hepatitis in Russia

The transition of the disease to the chronic stage

If left unchecked, hepatitis B can become chronic. This condition can be recognized by the following symptoms: lack of strength, which manifests itself in the inability to carry out previously possible physical activity, pain in the upper abdomen and muscles, constant aching in the joints, disturbed stool.

It is impossible to get rid of chronic hepatitis. All that specialists can do is to keep the affected organs in their current state, preventing the infection from destroying them further.

The patient's lifestyle changes significantly: prolonged physical activity is contraindicated for him, a special diet is prescribed to reduce the load on the liver, etc. If you refuse the measures prescribed by the doctor and continue to lead a normal life, the disease will become severe stage: jaundice may appear, there will be a significant weight loss, gums will begin to bleed, there will be an increase in the liver and possibly the spleen.

As mentioned earlier, there is no cure for hepatitis. In the end, the chronic form of this disease is likely to lead to cirrhosis of the liver or the appearance of cancer.

Army and Hepatitis B
Army and Hepatitis B

How not to get hepatitis B

So that young people do not have to face the question of whether they are callingin the army with hepatitis B, you should be attentive to your life and your body: give up promiscuity, get tattoos and other procedures that involve the penetration of a needle into the skin, only in proven salons.

It is impossible to protect yourself from other ways of transmitting the disease. At the slightest suspicion of hepatitis, it is necessary to immediately visit a medical facility and pass the required tests. After all, only with timely detection of this disease is it much easier to cope with minimal losses for the body.

Are they drafted into the army with hepatitis B
Are they drafted into the army with hepatitis B

Are the concepts of "army" and "hepatitis B" compatible?

The question of whether you have to serve with such a serious illness appears in young people of military age quite often. Russian legislation and military medical practice will help to find out if people with hepatitis B are taken into the army.

The disease we are considering in the current article falls into the list of ailments, the presence of which does not imply conscription. Also, a detailed description of all the nuances that are associated with the military service of people who are currently suffering or have ever had hepatitis can be found in a legislative act containing requirements for the state of he alth of citizens subject to military registration. Thus, it is possible to answer the question in the negative in this case, whether they are taken into the army.

Chronic hepatitis can be recognized as an overlooked form of this disease, in which the patient is prescribed a number of drugs and supportive procedures, which must be followed while in the militaryservice is not possible. As for the usual form of this disease, it will depend on the stage of its development, the area of organ damage, as well as the military situation in the country, whether you have to become a conscript or not.

Such situations are considered on an individual basis with the necessary certificates and certificates that confirm the presence of hepatitis.

Do they take hepatitis B into the army in Belarus
Do they take hepatitis B into the army in Belarus

Prescriptions to follow after leaving the hospital

After the patient is discharged from the hospital, he needs to be regularly observed by the attending physician, to take the necessary biochemical tests. According to their results, it will be clear how successful the course of treatment was, which can be extended if necessary.

In the presence of a chronic stage of the disease, a special card will be established for the patient to constantly monitor his he alth.


Thus, the answer will be negative, to the question of whether in this case they take to the army. Chronic hepatitis in Russia affects more than 8 million citizens, this disease is among the dozens of causes of death. In view of this, such people are not called up for military service.

Do they take hepatitis B into the army in Belarus? In this country, the disease we are considering is also among the ailments with which one cannot be in military service. After all, if you have a diagnosis of hepatitis, especially in the chronic stage, it is impossible to lead a normal life.
