Do they take into the army with intracranial pressure: he alth standards, passing a medical commission, diseases that give the right to exemption from service

Do they take into the army with intracranial pressure: he alth standards, passing a medical commission, diseases that give the right to exemption from service
Do they take into the army with intracranial pressure: he alth standards, passing a medical commission, diseases that give the right to exemption from service

In the article, we will consider whether they take into the army with intracranial pressure.

You can get a deferment from military service only if you diagnose a systematic increase in intracranial pressure and related pathologies. A single increase in cranial pressure is not yet a reason for unsuitability for military service. There are a number of selection criteria, and, as a rule, a diagnosis alone is not enough, diagnostics and additional examinations are required over several years.

increased intracranial pressure army
increased intracranial pressure army

As a rule, many people do not attach much importance to mild malaise, in which there are minor headaches, short-term and mild dizziness, blurred vision. However, it is important to understand that all these signs are characteristic of fluctuations in intracranial pressure andmay indicate severe structural damage to the brain.

He alth categories and norms

To understand whether they take into the army with intracranial pressure, you need to study the classification of the stages of the disease, as well as the categories outstanding by the military registration and enlistment office. If the pressure is slightly increased, then they will be hired immediately.

In other cases, the standards for each category apply. So, let's figure out what kind of pressure they don't take into the army.

  • "B" - this category indicates the limited suitability of the young man, the indicators on the tonometer are as follows: lower - from 90 to 99 mm Hg. Art., upper - from 140 to 159 mm Hg. Art. Fill out the survey according to paragraph "B". Such pressure allows you to serve.
  • "B" - a category that characterizes limited validity, however, the documents are filled out according to the previous paragraph. Documentation is most often issued after inspection again. The tonometer readings for diastole are from 100 to 109, for systole from 160 to 179.
  • "D" - this category indicates that the man is unfit for military service. Increased intracranial pressure may be accompanied by increased blood pressure. The indicators are more than 180/110 mm Hg. Art., which corresponds to the third degree of severity of the disease. Make entries on point "A".
  • with intracranial pressure are taken into the army
    with intracranial pressure are taken into the army

Arterial and intracranial pressure since 2014 are determined according to article 43 of the disease schedule. The new indicator, which fixes the presence of high blood pressure, is in the value of 140/90 mm Hg. st.

Whether they take into the army with intracranial pressure is interesting to many.

Decreased rates

The reason for deferment from military service is not general low blood pressure. However, when observing such an indicator inside the skull, the conscript most likely received head injuries. Service in the future can worsen the patient's condition and lead to the appearance of fainting, infectious complications, impaired consciousness. It is necessary to measure arterial and intracranial pressure during examination. If the indicators do not meet the norm, the man is not taken into the army, they give him a delay of six months.

Do they take into the army with intracranial pressure

Diagnosed intracranial hypertension of any stage most often becomes a significant reason for the recognition of complete unfitness for military service or deferment. But in order to receive such a release, it is necessary to confirm that other disorders of the peripheral nervous system and brain activity have formed with increased pressure.

One commission is able to testify to signs of increased intracranial pressure, however, in order to be recognized as unfit, the conscript will need not only to be examined many times, but also to be observed by a doctor for a long time.

In the chronic form, a young man is released from service, such a diagnosis remains in a person for life.

That is, permanently increased intracranial pressure and the army are not compatible.

do they join the army
do they join the army

Consequences of high intracranial pressure

It is very dangerous for a person to increase the pressure insideskull significant impact. An untreated adult suffers from severe headaches, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and nausea, which affects the quality of life. Among other things, increased pressure inside the skull causes cognitive defects and memory impairment, against the background of hypertension, the following disorders are also observed:

  • pain, double vision, visual impairment;
  • impaired performance;
  • in severe cases of respiratory failure;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

With increased intracranial pressure in the army, a person has nothing to do.

Military service is characterized by significant physical exertion and constant stress. Under their influence, symptoms increase, complications arise. Intracranial pressure for this very reason is a serious reason for a temporary or permanent delay.

do they take in the army with intracranial pressure
do they take in the army with intracranial pressure

Patient examination

The specialist will examine the patient and measure the blood pressure on both legs or arms three times, with an interval of 15 minutes. After that, you need to undergo additional examinations:

  • heart rate recording;
  • SMAD or Holter monitoring (recorded for 24 hours);
  • rheoencephalography of the plexus of cerebral vessels;
  • Ultrasound and echocardiography of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • electroencephalography, which determines the wave activity of the brain;
  • ophthalmoscopy, establishing changes in the eye vessels;
  • biochemical and general blood samples.

After verifying the initial diagnosis, the patient will be sent to compulsory inpatient treatment. The minimum course of therapy and additional examinations lasts two weeks.

We have decided on the question of whether they take into the army with high blood pressure.

increased intracranial pressure army
increased intracranial pressure army

Passing the medical board

When a patient comes to the clinic with sweating, dizziness or complaints of headache, the doctor should measure his blood pressure. If the diagnosis of hypertension or arterial hypertension with the determination of the stage and degree has been confirmed, the specialist will send his opinion to the military registration and enlistment office.

Doctors at the recruiting office will assess the man's condition again and measure the pressure. When the diagnosis is verified, the patient is assigned category "D" or "B", and the person must be treated for up to six months.

The man needs to reappear at the next appointment. The examination includes the delivery of general urine and blood tests, pressure monitoring, examination by a cardiologist and an ECG. After the conclusion is made, the specialist will sign the examination report, send the patient back to the military registration and enlistment office.

A man is assigned a category "D" or "B", they issue a military ID. In accordance with Article 43, a conscript is not taken into the army, he is enlisted in the reserve. From 2016 until now, there is no requirement to confirm high pressure again due to cancellation of recertification.

do they take in the army with high blood pressure
do they take in the army with high blood pressure

Illnesses qualifying for exemption from service

Unfit formilitary service due to he alth is recognized when it is confirmed that high intracranial pressure has impaired brain activity.

From the position of traditional medicine, pressure inside the skull is not a separate disease, but only a manifestation of various disorders that can cause this condition. Pressure related illnesses are serious and dangerous, but fortunately they are quite rare.

To receive a deferment, you must confirm the disease and chronic high blood pressure.

So, without such confirmation with cranial pressure, they take.

Tumor processes, encephalitis, stroke, brain abscesses of the head and meningitis, if not forever, then temporarily give grounds for recognition of unfitness for military service. Among other things, the origin of pathological changes is of great importance. With congenital disorders, military service becomes impossible. Acquired disorders are often amenable to therapy, after which the man returns to a full normal life and can go to serve.

take in the army with cranial pressure
take in the army with cranial pressure


So, when do they join the army with intracranial pressure?

You can get into the army with arterial hypertension or intracranial pressure if the medical commission does not carefully examine the conscript. However, feeling unwell and other unpleasant symptoms cannot be hidden from doctors. Only without clinical symptoms and with minor changes, as well as with reduced total pressure, a persontake in the army.
