Tver region is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation. It is located in the center (closer to the north) of the European territory of Russia, in the temperate zone, on the territory of the Middle Strip. It has a border with Moscow, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Vologda, Novgorod and Pskov regions. The area of the Tver region is 84.1 thousand km2. And according to this indicator, it is one of the largest subjects of our country. The climate of the Tver region is moderate, cool.

The area receives little solar radiation, which is due to the cloudiness and the northern location of this region. The climate of the Tver region is significantly softened by the relative proximity of the waters of the Atlantic. All this is reflected in the soil and vegetation cover.

The weather in the Tver region is unusually varied. It varies both by season and by day.
Geography of the region
Tver region is located between the Novgorod and Moscow regions. Flat relief prevails, and in the west, elevated relief. There are few fossils. This is mainly peat and brown coal. Limestones are also common. Availableunderground fresh and mineral water resources.
Slightly more than half of the territory is covered with forests, mostly of mixed type, in some places - broad-leaved.

Climate description
This subject of the Russian Federation is located in the zone of temperate continental climate and temperate climate zone. The Tver region is characterized by heterogeneous climatic conditions. The degree of continentality in its eastern half is higher than in the western. Thus, the average temperature in January in the southwest of this region is only -6 °C, and in the northeast - -10 °C. In July the situation is reversed - +17 and +19 degrees respectively. The annual amount of precipitation is about 650 mm. The average annual air temperature is from +2.7 to +4.1 °C. The nature of the climate is something between that in the central, eastern and northwestern parts of the European territory of Russia.

70% of all precipitation falls as rain. 18% comes in the form of snow, and 12% - in the mixed phase. The amount of precipitation varies from year to year.
Snow cover
Steady snow cover forms in late November or early December and lasts on average until mid-April. Snow melts at different times in different years. From early March to early May. The greatest thickness of the snow cover is observed in early February, when it is about 0.5 m. In the western part of the region, the snow cover is thicker than in the eastern.
Climate features of the Tver region
For climateThe area is characterized by the presence of clearly defined seasons of the year and the frequent change of air masses. Arctic air can penetrate here from the north, Atlantic - from the west, tropical - from the south. Therefore, the weather is quite varied. The main source of moisture is the Atlantic. For this reason, more precipitation falls on the western slopes of the uplands than on the eastern ones. Their maximum falls on the summer, and the minimum - at the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

Among the air masses dominated by continental air of temperate latitudes. In summer, its dominance causes warm weather with variable cloudiness, the absence of strong winds, and fairly frequent thunderstorms in the daytime. In winter, such air creates moderately frosty weather with little rainfall.
When the Atlantic air masses penetrate the region, the weather is cool in summer and rather warm, cloudy and humid in winter.
The arrival of Arctic air from the Barents and Kara Seas leads to severe frosts and clear weather in winter, night frosts in spring and cold (below 10 °C), cloudy, but relatively dry weather in summer.
Quite rarely continental tropical air enters the region. This leads to an increase in temperature, melting of snow, an early start of the growing season and an autumn "Indian summer". In summer, such masses cause hot (up to 30-35 ° C) weather, and with prolonged intake - drought.
Thus, the climate of the Tver region is relatively cool, temperate continental, withaverage rainfall. Air masses often replace each other, and the seasons are well defined. The Atlantic Ocean has a significant influence on the climate. The influence of tropical air masses is minimal. Significant snow cover forms in winter. The climate of the western half of the Tver region differs markedly from the climate of the eastern one.