Pogoreltsev Valery: biography and creativity

Pogoreltsev Valery: biography and creativity
Pogoreltsev Valery: biography and creativity

In 2011, the domestic scene experienced hard times: many actors and directors passed away. Among them was Valery Pogoreltsev, undeservedly overlooked, who starred in 17 films and devoted many years to the Taganka Theater. Many remember him from the war films of the sixties and eighties.

Film career

Valery Pogoreltsev was born in 1940 in Kharkov. His childhood fell on difficult years, which could not but affect the role of the actor. At birth, the boy was named Valentin, but the experienced teachers of the Shchepkinsky school did not like this name. The young man was advised to take a more sonorous pseudonym. So he became Valery, even though he loved the name Valentine all his life.

Moscow Shchepkinskoe school he graduated in 1962. And almost immediately became a sought-after film actor. The best works of Valery Pogoreltsev can be called the following roles: a young tanker in the film "Lark", Zhirov in "Walking through the torments", an artist in "The Magical Voice of Gelsomino". But the most favorite for him was the image of the hussar Lytkin in Ryazanov's film "About the poor hussarsay a word.”

Pogoreltsev was often called the "knight of the sad image", which fully corresponded to the character of the actor and his lifestyle. Contemporaries describe him as an intelligent person, well-read and with good taste. For a long time, the actor hosted the musical program "Dancing, Listening, Singing" on the radio, carefully choosing songs for each broadcast.

actor Pogoreltsev
actor Pogoreltsev

Theatrical career

Valery Pogoreltsev devoted most of his life to the Taganka Theatre. This played a cruel joke on him. He successfully played in performances, he was well received by the public. Many considered Valery a talented actor, albeit not a star, but giving all his best one hundred percent. But drama is also connected with Valery's stage. When the troupe of the Taganka Theater was divided into two camps, he began to work with Nikolai Gubenko. However, he did not stay long in the "Commonwe alth of Taganka Actors", as he was given meager roles, and then his he alth failed.

Cause of death

Valery Pogoreltsev actor cause of death
Valery Pogoreltsev actor cause of death

Many theater-goers and fans of creativity are interested in when the actor Valery Pogoreltsev died. The cause of death in most sources is a serious illness. This tragedy happened on January 4, 2011. The strangest thing is not that the relatives decided not to disclose the cause of death, but the oblivion to which the actor was betrayed.

At first, close people did not report Valery's death for a long time. Then the theater did not want to comment on this and somehow honor the memory of a colleague. When fans and journalists turned to the Taganka Theater, the director did not say anything about the date or place of the actor's burial. The reaction in the Gubarenko troupe was similar. Representatives of the theater did not see Valery off on his last journey. He was buried at the Shcherbinsky cemetery on the site of his mother, and the name Valentin was engraved on the gravestone.
