Marcelo Mazzarello is an Argentine theater, film and television actor. The manifestation of his talent and creative activity can be observed in such films with his participation as "One and a half oranges", "All yours is mine", "Wild Angel", "Casablanca", "Good Neighbors", "Escape", "People of Honor", "Pretending", "You are my life", "Victor" and others.

Marcelo Mazzarello was born on February 13, 1965 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). He began studying theater from an early age. He received his first education at the Norman Briskey Theological School, where he entered at the age of 20. The acting career began when Louis Oliver one day saw Mazzarello playing his part in The Cadets. He offered cooperation, to which Marcelo gladly agreed.
He achieved his first success by performing at the Parakultural Art Center with Jose Luis Oliver. Then he was already 30 years old. After that, the actor, who previously barely had enough money to buy food and clothes, haddecent fees and a lot of fans. Each performance of Marcelo, along with his wife - she also put a lot of effort into the development of his career - and colleague José Oliver carefully rehearsed in his own home.

Marcelo Mazzarello starred in many commercials. In 1997, he became a member of a successful Argentine television comedy called Naranja y media, along with talented actor Guillermo Francella. For this role, he was awarded the Martin Fierro Award.
The next step towards a successful career was the role in the Argentine telenovela "Muñeca brava", where he played Morgan's driver, along with his filming colleague - Gino Rennie. As the actor later said in one of his interviews, he and Gino spent a lot of time together and soon became best friends not only on the set, but also in life.
In 1999, viewers were able to see Marcelo Mazzarello on the Argentine Federal Television, which is broadcast from Martinez in Buenos Aires.
In 1992, he shows his acting skills in David Amitin's play "The Great Illusion". With him, Marcelo toured Germany in the same year.
In 1995, he starred in Ben Jonson's theatrical comedy The Fox (Volpone) with Pepe Soriano.
In 2013, the actor starred in the film Unitario Santos y sincas with Dario Grandinetti. In the same year, he received the Estrella de Mar award in the nomination "Best Supporting Actor" for the role of Fernand Miras inArgentine film "El de de del sombrero", directed by Javier Daulte.
In September 2016, the actor got the lead role in the theatrical performance La Denuncia ("The Complaint") directed by Rafael Bruz and Claudio Martinez.
2001 - Marcelo was nominated for the Cóndor de Plata Argentine Film Award for Best Supporting Actor in the film "Congratulations to Lucho Bender".
2004 - he repeated the success and received the award as "best actor in a leading role" for his performance in Sebastian Borenstein's La suerte es echada.
In 2007, Marcelo Mazzarello was nominated for the Martin Fierro Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Television Comedy Sos mi vida.
In 2013, at the Starfish Awards, Marcelo wins with his co-stars in the nomination "Best Cast". After 3 years at the same festival, he takes the prize as the "protagonist of a comedy" for his performance in the film "Mom Said".
Private life

Marcelo Mazzarello is married to actress Florence Argento, best known for her roles in Los fusiladitos and Susana Giménez.
The name of the talented actor's father is Juan Carlos. He works as a civil servant. And his mother Regina is a housewife. Marcelo has a sister, Gabriela, and a brother, Juan Carlos.
Also, Mazzarello, in his own words, is very fond of sports of any category.
In an interview, the actor mentioned that he dreams of living in the south of Argentina and traveling all over Latin America tolearn as many interesting facts about her as possible.