Mediterranean race: characteristic features, prominent representatives and nationalities

Mediterranean race: characteristic features, prominent representatives and nationalities
Mediterranean race: characteristic features, prominent representatives and nationalities

One of the most common types of appearance is the Mediterranean. It is worth understanding its features. This article will detail the general information and features of the Mediterranean race.

General information

Arab man
Arab man

Mediterranean type is one of the subspecies of the Caucasoid race. It was first mentioned by the sociologist Georges Lapouge in the 19th century. Anthropologists began to actively use this term in the 20th century (this subrace was identified by such a scientist as Carlton Kuhn). Hans Günther preferred to call it Western.

Soviet anthropologists included this subspecies in the Indo-Mediterranean type, which also includes such subtypes as Caspian, Iranian and Oriental. The distinctive features of the Indo-Mediterranean race include dark hair, an elongated face and brown eyes.

Distribution history

mediterranean race peoples
mediterranean race peoples

It is worth mentioning separately how such a race spread across other continents. In the Middle East in the 3rd century BC, there was a high birth rate, so the inhabitants of this regionspread to nearby territories.

Some people went to Western Europe and Africa (scientists began to call them Iberians).

Others went to the Caucasus. This is how the Armenians, Azerbaijanis, etc. appeared.

Third ones moved towards India (after the subjugation of the Australoids, the Western Asians mixed with them and founded the Indian state). Also, representatives of the Mediterranean race settled in the Balkans.

In the 1st century BC, the Celts headed west from Central Europe (the Aryans conquered India centuries ago and created a caste system).

According to anthropologists, earlier among the Celts there were more representatives of the Nordic type. Part of the Iberians during the movement of the Celts to the west was exterminated, and part was assimilated. That's how this subrace came about.

Distinguishing Features

Mediterranean race signs
Mediterranean race signs

The signs of the Mediterranean race are as follows:

  1. Narrow and elongated face.
  2. Short height.
  3. Asthenic or normosthenic physique.
  4. Profuse facial hair.

The nose of representatives of this subrace is long, and its back is high and straight (sometimes it can be slightly convex with a slight hump).

Depending on the subtype, representatives of this race may have dry features. Hair is both black and dark brown. Most often, the hair of typical Mediterraneans is wavy.

As for the superciliary arches, they are much less pronounced than in the Nords. Samethe Indo-Mediterranean minor race also differs in features.

Separately, it is worth mentioning how the face of representatives of this subrace looks like in full face. Mediterraneans have a rounded forehead, and the chin is indistinct, but slightly pointed.

The skin is usually swarthy, it feels soft to the touch, like velvet. Hue is evenly distributed.

Representatives of the Mediterranean race tan easily, but they rarely have a blush on their cheeks. As for the color of the lips, most often the lips of Mediterraneans are cherry. Since the pigment protects the skin, they are adapted to life in tropical conditions.

Eyebrows are dark in color so they appear thick. A similar type is distinguished by a thicker hairline on the skin than, for example, among representatives of the Nordic subrace. Eyelashes are usually long. In women belonging to this type, a dark-colored fluff is often found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper lip.

What else is different about the Mediterranean race? Skull. Most often it has an elongated shape. But at the same time, the part near the ears is high and not flat.

As for the color of the eyes, they are most often black or brown. The conjunctiva is yellowish, and the iris is dark brown.

Body structure

Figure Features
Figure Features

An interesting fact is that the figure of a similar subtype, despite its short stature, does not look stocky. The proportions of the representatives of this race are no different from the proportions of the representatives of the Nordic type. In the article you can see what it looks likeMediterranean race, photo below.

The legs of representatives of this subrace are most often long and muscular. Their lower legs are rather thin.

Most Mediterraneans finish growing earlier than other people. Another distinguishing feature is early puberty and rapid aging.

An interesting fact is that the figure of Mediterranean men is less masculine: they have narrow shoulders, wide hips and a soft expression. But women who are representatives of this race look quite feminine: they are distinguished by wide hips and more pronounced other forms.

In representatives of this type, not only the whole body looks graceful, but also individual parts: legs, arms. As a result, their body seems to be light and flexible, the movements of people belonging to this race are smooth and graceful.

In most Mediterraneans, the lower jaw is most often light, its symphyseal height is small. It is also narrow in transverse diameter.

Typical representatives of the Mediterranean race

Typical Iranian
Typical Iranian

The peoples living on the Iberian Peninsula are typical representatives of this race. Many of its representatives live in the south-west of France and in central Italy.

It is also common in Syria, Israel and Palestine. Another prominent representatives of the Mediterranean type are Georgians (this type is most common in the western regions of this country).

Are representatives of the Mediterranean subspecies and the inhabitants of Greece(southern and eastern) and the islands located on the Mediterranean Sea.

This race is widespread in North Africa (its representatives were assimilated here in the Neolithic era), on the Arabian Peninsula. It is customary to refer to it the inhabitants of Iraq, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey. There are distinctive features of this type among the inhabitants of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.

Those who live in North India, Pakistan and the island of Crete are classified as a similar subtype.

Mediterranean admixture is also noticeable among the population of some regions of Germany (most often on the border with Italy). Also, this type of appearance is found among the inhabitants of Tyrol. At the same time, their nasal profile is slightly concave, and the face is low.

An interesting fact is that in Tyrol (in addition to the Mediterranean variety of appearance) there is also a Western European type.

Noted Mediterranean subspecies in Central Europe. There are two possible explanations for this phenomenon. According to the first version, the Atlantean elements appeared as a result of the modification of Cro-Magnoids, which are one of the links between the dark-pigmented Mediterraneans and the light-pigmented Nordics.

According to the second version, for the first time a similar type appeared in Austria and Germany in the era of Ancient Rome. It was then that the Roman garrisons were stationed here.

Antlanto-Mediterranean appearance

nordic race
nordic race

One of the common subtypes of the western subrace is the Atlanto-Mediterranean. It is most common in southwestern Europe, includingcountries such as southern France, Portugal and Italy.

Representatives of this type of appearance have a narrow face. In contrast to the representatives of the Western type, they are most often tall.

Pontic type

mediterranean race
mediterranean race

The Mediterranean race has such a subspecies as the Pontic subrace. Its distinguishing features are a high bridge of the nose and a convex nasal bridge. The tip of the nose of typical Pontics is slightly lowered. Eyes and hair are most often dark.

This variety is most common near the Black Sea coast. People with this type of appearance are most often found in Ukraine and Adygea.

Nordic type

Also the Mediterranean race includes the Nordic sub-race. It developed on the territory of northern Europe in the Bronze Age. The basis for this subspecies of the western type was the natives of the Black Sea region.

Distinctive features of the Nordic appearance - a slender physique and high growth. The thighs and arms are thin, but at the same time muscular. Another important feature is the wide span of the limbs.
