Mikhailov Vadim Vyacheslavovich is the founder of the Russian and international movement of diggers. At one time, he developed a vigorous activity, thanks to which he raised his interest in digging. He accomplished this task through friends and the media.
So who is this digger Vadim Mikhailov, how did he become what he is now? The answer to these and many other questions can be found in the article.
Biography of digger Vadim Mikhailov

Vadim was born in 1965 on April 24 in Moscow. Father's name was Vyacheslav Mikhailov. He worked as a subway driver. From the age of 5, I was with my father at his work. When the boy was 12 years old, his father died. It was in honor of him that Vadim decided to create a movement of diggers.
Mother - Galina Mikhailova. In the past, she worked in the coal industry, was fond of ballet. Vadim also has a sister, Oksana, who works as an FSB colonel.
Vadim's mother loves him very much, drives away journalists and unwanted people from him. She's cookingfood for him, and sometimes even travels with him on assignments, where he closely monitors his son so that he does not forget to put on warm clothes under himza.
The first circle created by Vadim was called "Underground Muscovy". With the development of the information base, they began to be called a movement, and Vadim realized that it was necessary to develop it.
In the early 90s, Vadim Mikhailov, a digger in Moscow, studied at the 1st Medical Institute, worked in his free hours as an orderly at the Botkin Hospital.
Many students asked him to write term papers for them, because of which Vadim left the medical school and began to actively study speleology. Subsequently, he took up self-education, while mastering many speci alties.

Vadim says little about his life, but his mother claims that he once served in Chechnya, Afghanistan and even worked in the fire department. His ancestors, according to some reports, owned mines and mines in the pre-revolutionary country.
Vadim Mikhailov from Moscow is a sculptor and painter, medic, martial arts expert and underground labyrinth survival expert. He also writes music and poetry, draws and acts in films. Over the years, Vadim has been constantly taking part in various radio and TV shows as an expert on the underworld.
In 2000, a documentary film shot by Dmitry Zavilgelsky, "Journey to the Center of the Earth", was released, where Vadim played one of the roles. And in 2015, he took part in the filming of the documentary project "Kings of the Underground".
Vadim is the founder of the Digger movement. He also runs an emergency rescue team called "Digger Spas" and the Underground Research Center "Digger Planet Underground", which he himself founded in the 70s.

When taking hostages at the musical "Nord-Ost", Mikhailov helped the military of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia to get to the building of the Palace of Culture through underground communications. He also helped to eliminate the consequences of such disasters:
- The attack on Pushkinskaya Square in the underpass.
- The gas pipeline explosion that occurred on Ozernaya Street.
- The attack at the Lubyanka metro station.
What Mikhailov tells about underground utilities in Moscow
He claims that there is an underground Russia. In the capital, underground, there are artificial structures and karst failures that extend up to 840 meters in depth. There was a time when 8 houses failed in Buturlino. Vadim and his team warned about the likelihood of a tragedy.
He also says that there is an underground sea or lake near Moscow. But the only time he agreed to take the journalists to that place, he led them to a regular sewer bypass chamber.
In addition, according to digger Vadim Mikhailov, mutated animals live in the underground capital, namely giant rats, cockroaches, centipedes and grasshoppers, although such specimens have never been found.
Mikhailov many times described various phenomena of a paranormal nature - unusual luminous objects,restless souls of people and space-time gaps that he met more than once in Moscow underground communications.

Besides Mikhailov himself, a thousand people descend into the sewers every day, but no one has ever confirmed his words. All this testifies to the rich imagination of the digger.
Vadim himself claims that on the Internet and in the media, a movement of “anti-diggers” was specially created, at the origins of which are corrupt officials. But he and his followers take it easy.
Moscow's main digger Vadim Mikhailov always appears among the people in a helmet with the inscription "Digger" on it. Rumor has it that he eats and sleeps in it.
In the past, Vadim ran for the State Duma, and many argued whether he would come to the meeting in his favorite helmet or not. To everyone's surprise, Mikhailov came to the press conference in a formal suit. It is likely that Vadim's mother forced him to wear it.
Recently, digger Vadim Mikhailov was seen on the street in a helmet and suit of American SWAT units.
Besides the helmet, he always has a walkie-talkie with him, and not working. But he needs it not for work, but for appearance. When he runs into another fire in his suit, helmet, it undoubtedly attracts the attention of others.
Seeing an increased interest in his own person, he grabs the earpiece located in his ear and starts talking into the radio that he is running to save someone and rushes headlong towards the burning building. Observers remainstand shocked.
But then it turns out that there is no need to save anyone, and the fire has already been extinguished, but Vadim has never been embarrassed. He loves attention to his person.

What does a digger drive?
After Vadim was accepted into the ranks of the Ministry of Emergencies, Shoigu gave him a Land Rover painted in the colors of the Ministry of Emergencies. Also on it was the inscription "Diggerspas" and "Save on the ground and under the ground." But a few days later the car broke down and stopped at Vadim's house on Leningradsky Prospekt.
Detractors began to constantly stick the letter "P" in the word "save" on the car. Mom, along with her son, constantly cleaned it of various inscriptions and snow, but the car never started. In 2009, the car was evacuated as ownerless.
After that, digger Vadim Mikhailov comes to all calls and emergencies on foot or by metro.
Digger's communication with journalists
Journalists like to communicate with Vadim Mikhailov. He loves them too. Media representatives think that digger Vadim Mikhailov is telling exactly the truth that the authorities are hiding from the people. In fact, Vadim lies a lot to satisfy the interest of the viewer.
For example, after the fire in the Manege, he claimed to have seen dozens of hidden corpses, which were ordered not to be reported in the media, and after the explosion in the metro there were more than a hundred.
How Mikhailov loves PR
As soon as Moscow's digger Vadim Mikhailov arrives at the scene, he begins to give interviews. Wrinkles his forehead and claims that he is in an accident againthe criminal negligence of officials and corruption are to blame. For greater persuasiveness, he sprinkles terms, as a result of which the listener has thoughts that this is true.
In fact, he does not help the victims in any way, does not participate in the aftermath, but only gives interviews to promote himself.

Of course, officials are tired of such an attitude to everything that happens, therefore, when they see Vadim Mikhailov, whose reviews are mostly negative, they immediately try to send him out.
For example, recently the head of the Moscow fire department said that if a digger appears again at any scene and starts talking nonsense to journalists, he will use service weapons on him. Vadim himself talks about this with great disappointment.
Also, digger Vadim Mikhailov is a fan of participating in various talk shows and TV shows, again just for PR.
Why is he doing this? Trite wants to become famous. At the end of each interview, he always says that in order to avoid such disasters, it is necessary to consult with independent experts during the construction of buildings, that is, with Mikhailov himself.
He is also trying to get budget money to organize legal digging clubs in which he will teach young people. But so far, these speeches have not led to anything good.
Dream about
Digger Vadim Mikhailov, whose photo you can see in the article, said many times that he wants to streamline the activities of single diggers and their unorganized groups,and to create a severe disaster center. To which only instances he did not apply: to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and to other opposition organizations. He just needs the support of the public.

He literally sees himself as the head of a certain licensing authority that will issue licenses for digging. Of course, he does not receive support from the state. Only deputies from the Yabloko party support him.
Over many years of experience, various authorities were interested in their movement, they started cases, but Vadim and the team are not afraid of this. Their mission is to save the people through the most terrible dungeons of Moscow.