The emergence and development of the Olympic movement is still an urgent problem, interesting for many scientists. New aspects and facets are constantly being discovered in this issue.

The Olympic movement owes much of its revival and development to Pierre de Coubertin. This public figure, sociologist and teacher developed the ideological principles, theoretical and organizational foundations of the Olympic Movement. He was a key figure in the long process of reviving this movement. He laid the basis for the Olympic idea of rivalry and competition according to the rules of fair play. Coubertin believed that the Olympic Movement should be carried out under a knightly flag. Over the years, it has developed in a spirit of pacifism, which Coubertin will explain as humanity's incredible need for brotherhood and peace.
Coubertin's principles for the Olympic Movement could be boldly applied to any branch of society, as they were based on unity and peacefulresolving disputes. According to Coubertin, the Olympic Movement should proclaim the principles of mutual respect, tolerance towards the political, religious, national views of the opponent, respect and understanding of other cultures and points of view. As an educator, he hoped that the Olympic principles would permeate the process of family and community education

Pierre de Coubertin was able to carry out a grandiose plan - to revive the Olympic Games. And although this idea was in the air throughout the whole century, this purposeful public figure was able to seize the historical moment and put it into practice. He not only introduced sports into wide practice, but also deeply comprehended its theoretical aspects, foreseeing all possible problems in this area.
For the first time, the full concept of Coubertin regarding Olympism was presented in 1892 at the Sorbonne. At that time, Coubertin was the general secretary of the French Athletic Union. Then an official proposal was made to resume the Olympic Games.
In June 1894, the Olympic Movement was revived by agreement of 10 countries. The International Olympic Committee began its existence, the Olympic Charter was adopted. The first Olympics was scheduled for 1896 in Athens.
Ancient Greek agon

s and the modern Olympic movement are very similar. Firstly, without the existence of agons in antiquity, there could be no question of their revival. The very name of the movement completely repeats the name of the ancient competitions. Modern Games are held with the same frequency - once every four years. The purpose of the Games has not changed: they are held to maintain peace and tranquility, to strengthen the friendship of peoples. The competitions that are organized at the modern Games largely coincide with the ancient Greek agon competitions: discus and javelin throwing, short and medium distance running, pentathlon, wrestling, long jumps, etc. The rituals followed by the International Olympic Movement play a big role. These rituals also have ancient Greek roots: the Olympic Flame, the Olympic Torch, the Olympic Oath. Even some rules and terms came to us along with the ancient Greek agons.
Starting as an attempt to save the world, the Olympic Movement continues to support this function in the modern world. At the very least, the revival of the Olympic Games was aimed at bringing backgammon together and achieving global understanding.