Undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful and often attracted the attention of men parts of the female body is the chest. It is for this reason that many girls are trying to find any ways to increase it. To date, more than fifty methods are known to increase the breast to the desired size. Undoubtedly, plastic surgery is a fairly quick and effective solution. However, many people cannot afford such measures. Do not deny the possible fact of an unsuccessful operation, and this is a big risk to the he alth and external beauty of the girl. But breast augmentation at home is quite possible. Revealing some women's secrets.
Breast Enlargement Products
Plastic surgery has long stepped forward. Now a person can be transformed so much that it will be difficult to recognize him. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular treatments among women today. Yes indeed it is the only onea way to get breasts of the required size and even shape. However, it is so expensive that many girls lose hope. But what about those whose inferiority complex has developed to the point that it prevents them from even adequately perceiving their reflection in the mirror?
Pregnancy and breastfeeding is the safest and most natural way. True, this is only for a certain time. Moreover, after lactation is completed, the breast loses its shape and becomes much smaller. Therefore, the question of how to increase breasts with folk remedies becomes relevant again.
During the monthly critical days, the breasts may increase slightly in size. This process is related to the hormonal background. So there is a gradual preparation of the female body for a possible pregnancy. If the ovulation period does not occur, the breasts regain their previous size.
Another way is to gain weight. A couple of extra pounds will make it possible to increase adipose tissue, which is part of the main component of the breast structure. However, a similar process occurs with weight loss and exactly the opposite: the breast loses volume and shape. Having large breasts and following a strict diet are incompatible things. However, without the intervention of a plastic surgeon, you will have to choose either one or the other.
An active and regular sex life contributes to the fact that female sex hormones are actively produced, which affect breast enlargement by several centimeters. Intimate caresses improve blood circulation in the mammary glands, so breast volume increases.
How to enlarge breasts with iodine?
Among the huge number of folk methods, women have probably tried everything. Indeed, such methods work, however, to get a noticeable result, you need to stock up on the lion's share of patience.

Breast augmentation at home is possible with regular iodine. It is necessary to make a mesh using a cotton swab with iodine. The procedure should cover the entire surface of the breast, but excluding the nipple area. In this case, the lines must be "drawn" along the body in straight lines, without interruption. These procedures must be carried out daily. The desired effect should occur three months after daily application.
The essence of this folk method is that iodine attracts blood to a certain area. So, the blood will flow to the chest area, thereby increasing it. However, do not be alarmed if the size is a little and the shape of the breast will change.
Make your chest bigger by doing exercises
Breast augmentation without surgery is possible with exercise. However, you should be fully aware that exercise will improve the shape of the breasts. With regular exercise, many women note that their breasts have increased slightly in volume. So, to maintain intensity and self-control, it is certainly better to join the gym. Under the supervision of a coach, you must perform the following exercises:
- barbell press, the weight of which must be gradually increased, reaching 80% of the total body weight;
- dumbbell raise;
- exercise on simulators, training the pectoral muscle group.

Be sure to observe the regimen and regularity of training - three times a week. More frequent exercise won't do any harm, but it won't do any good either. After training, you will notice an increase in muscle volume.
How to increase breasts with folk remedies while doing exercises? Of course, it is necessary to combine all methods, since the effectiveness of actions will be achieved in combination. Often recommend such an exercise as squeezing the palms. So, you need to fold your palms in front of you, while keeping your elbows at chest level. At the expense of 1-2-3, you need to press hard with your palms on each other and gradually lower your hands. This exercise must be performed 10-15 times daily.
Effective exercise - stretching fingers. You need to connect your fingers, and put your elbows at chest level.

In this position, spread both arms to the sides. This exercise must be done 10 times in one go.
Breast Enlargement Gel
Breast augmentation without surgery is possible using a special gel. It is divided into two types:
- synthetic, which is not absorbed in the body;
- natural, absorbable.
These gels are injected into a woman's breasts with a syringe and needle. Synthetic-based gels are prohibited from entering the body, since the consequences can be dire. Breast tissues become like jelly, exceptIn addition, the gel is able to move to other places. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to remove it from the body.
When using a natural gel based on hyaluronic acid, you can achieve breast enlargement by one and a half sizes. One of the disadvantages of this method is the short-term effect: from six months to one and a half years. This procedure must then be repeated again.
It should be noted that breast augmentation at home with the introduction of the gel can not be carried out independently! Be sure to contact a specialist.
You can use cocoa butter at home. This product not only promotes breast enlargement, but also fills the skin with vitamins that cause a rejuvenating effect.
It is important to apply cocoa butter to the armpits, below the breasts and between them. If you use breast enlargement oil regularly, you can increase it by two sizes.
Make a special mask
Methods of breast augmentation are quite well known and widely used by women. One of the most effective is the application of a mask. With regular use of the mask, you can achieve not only breast enlargement, but also an improvement in skin condition, and even a noticeable change in the shape of the breast. Of course, an increase from the first to the third and fourth sizes is possible only with the intervention of a plastic surgeon. After applying the mask, it must be washed off with cold water. Here are the most famous and effective mask recipes:
- It is necessary to grate one apple on a grater with cabbage. Mix the resulting mixture with1 tsp honey and 1 tbsp. l. butter at room temperature. The mixture should be applied after the massage for 15 minutes.
- Yeast (20 grams) must be dissolved to the consistency of sour cream in warm water. This mixture should be kept for 20 minutes, then washed off.
It is important to avoid the nipple area when applying the mask. It is advisable to do the procedures on a regular basis, alternating them daily.
Introducing foods into the diet
Breast enlargement products are in high demand among women. However, few people know that the size of the female breast is directly affected by the products that we eat. Remember how many times we heard: "If there is a lot of cabbage, the breast will grow better." Myth or truth? Of course, at a young age, a girl must definitely introduce cabbage into her diet, but with age, this vegetable does not have the same effectiveness as before.
Green apples
If you eat green apples, there is also a chance that your breasts will increase in volume.

However, choose hard apples.
Another useful recommendation is to consume dairy products.

You need to add sour cream, cottage cheese and milk to your diet.
As for fish, this product is considered dietary, thanks to which you can control your weight.

At the same time, eating fish can promote growthchest.
Red wine
There is an opinion that if you drink red wine (in moderation), it also affects breast enlargement.

The wine must be natural, semi-sweet or dry. It is best to buy such a product from southern manufacturers.
Special preparations promise to increase breasts up to 3 sizes, namely dietary supplements. They are active supplements that contain female hormones or stimulants for their production in the female body. When taking these drugs for some time, you can achieve breast enlargement. Of course, when a woman stops taking these drugs, her breasts return to their original size.

It is important to consider that it is extremely dangerous to start taking dietary supplements on your own without consulting a doctor. Especially if you do it uncontrollably. You can cause severe harm to the body, after which its restoration will cost much more than a jar of pills.
Pills that promise breast enlargement by several sizes contain phytoestrogen, a female hormone. It is worth remembering that you should never start taking hormonal pills on the advice of a friend.
The reason for the small size of the breast lies in the low content of female sex hormones. This cause can only be identified by a doctor, guided by tests and examinations. Breast augmentation with hormonal pills can lead to suchconsequences:
- lack of critical days, up to infertility;
- tumor development;
- hormonal failure;
- ovarian dysfunction;
- changing the size of the uterus and vagina;
- when you stop taking the drug, the body will begin to rebuild, and nodes and cysts may form in the mammary glands.
The promised result can only come if you take the pills regularly. After the end of taking hormonal pills, the breast returns to its original size.
We do the Japanese method
Breast augmentation at home can be achieved using the Japanese technique. It was developed by Japanese Mieko Yoshimaru. She herself had the first breast size, after using her own technique - the fourth. There is nothing complicated in this method. It is necessary to perform a set of exercises and massage for breast enlargement.
Miyoko Yoshimaru advises to put things in order initially in the internal state. A woman should completely direct all her positive thoughts to the desired result. Let go of all grievances, and look at the world in a new way - with love and an open heart.
When you wake up, you need to rest one palm on the other, while keeping your hands at chest level. It is necessary to take a deep breath and squeeze the bases of the fingers as you exhale. Count up to eight. Similar exercises must be done by first moving the hands to the right and left of the body. Their regular performance helps to strengthen the muscles.
The next exercise should be done when it is convenient for you andcomfortable, is a massage of the forearm. After warming up, you should grab the fat deposits in this area of \u200b\u200bthe arm with your hand and, as it were, push it to the chest. According to Mieko Yoshimaru, such exercises are effective. It is necessary to perform alternately for each hand for 5 minutes.
According to the author of the technique, you can "fill" the chest with fat from the abdomen. This is a kind of massage for breast enlargement. Before going to bed, you need to massage the upper abdomen. With the same movements as in the exercise with the arms, try to push the fat from the abdomen into the chest.

In order to improve the effect of exercise, it is necessary to stimulate biologically active points, which are located on the thighs from the inside. According to Japanese medicine experts, stimulation of these points contributes to the body's production of female sex hormones, which leads to an increase in breast size.
So, we have covered the main ways of breast augmentation.
The main thing is to love yourself for who you are! After all, after the changes, you will no longer be the same.