Women are often dissatisfied with their appearance. They want to change the forms given by nature, so they turn to a plastic surgeon for mammoplasty. This is the most popular operation in the whole world. Because almost every representative of the weaker sex wants to have a big beautiful bust in order to attract the admiring glances of men. Gorgeous breasts at all times attracted the stronger sex and was the pride of its owner. For this reason, women who have a small bust are ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, if only to achieve ideal forms. Despite all the danger and possible consequences, the girls stop at nothing.
Should I enlarge my breasts? Each woman should decide individually, depending on natural data and personal desire. Only in this way the result will really please. This article will discuss whether breast augmentation is worth it. In the reviews, women describe the disadvantages and advantagesmammoplasty. In our article, we will also pay attention to the pros and cons of the procedure. We will also tell you why girls decide on such an operation. Let's start with this.

Perfect beauty
Why increase a woman's breasts? It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously, each has its own important reasons.
It's worth picking up any popular magazine - on the cover there will be a slender girl with a chic bust, admiring men and envying the fairer sex. And immediately a woman has a desire to become as perfect as the lady in the picture. Therefore, in addition to visiting cosmetologists and beauty salons, all kinds of diets, for perfection, it remains only to enlarge the chest. Television and magazines show everyone what the ideal female form can be. For this reason, breast plastic surgery is very popular at the moment.
What are the main causes of breast enlargement? Women find many reasons to undergo a breast augmentation procedure. But one thing unites them - the desire to be like a girl with appetizing forms from the cover of a fashion magazine.
The second reason for breast augmentation is the sagging of the bust after pregnancy and childbirth, weight loss, past illnesses and operations. Another impetus for mammoplasty is the opinion of a husband or boyfriend who is not satisfied with the size given to a woman by nature, as well as complexes and low self-esteem. Whether to increase the breast, only the girl should decide. At the same time, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons.
What is connected withthe love of men for women's breasts
Probably, there is not a single guy in the world who will remain indifferent to the beauty of the female bust. But where does such a love for beautiful forms come from? And the reasons are as follows:
- Chest is a natural sexual characteristic that distinguishes a lady from the stronger sex.
- When the bust is hidden under clothes, then the imagination plays in men.
- As funny as it sounds, guys often confuse chest with a pillow, or maybe they do it on purpose.
- Bust will be an anti-stress for many men.
- Chest is often compared to a man's palm, according to legend, it should fit in the hand.
- The bust has hypnotic properties. If he is beautiful, you can look at him for a long time. Therefore, when a woman puts on a revealing outfit, her breasts turn all attention to herself.

Do all women need to increase?
Should absolutely all girls increase their breasts? Of course not, for many, by nature, it is quite large, toned and elastic.
Even in ancient times, it was believed that the chest should be toned and beautiful. But the size standard has changed over time.
In the Middle Ages, the breasts had to be small but raised, so women had to wear tight corsets. Later, a large and magnificent bust size came into fashion. In the modern world, there is no definite breast standard, so every woman has the right to decide for herself which size she likes best and with which she is most comfortable moving around. If the bust exceeds the average parameters, itcan put stress on the spine and cause back pain.
Who needs mammoplasty?
Before answering the question of whether it is worthwhile to increase the breasts of a particular woman, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of those who definitely need mammoplasty:
- Women who have suffered from breast diseases (for example, the initial stages of breast cancer. With such a dangerous diagnosis, the breast may be removed if necessary). In this connection, the normal life of a woman is disturbed, she experiences many complexes and constant stress. But through plastic surgery, you can regain your old confidence and beauty.
- Ladies who find it difficult to have large breasts have he alth problems due to their size. In this case, an operation to reduce it will be needed. If a woman has a too large bust, she cannot play many sports, and a considerable load is placed on the spine, which injures it over time.
- Girls who are unhappy with their appearance and believe that breast augmentation surgery can help them look perfect. They hope that men will begin to show more signs of attention even to a previously inconspicuous person. But not only for chic breasts, guys appreciate a woman, so you should not hope that a bad character will hide a beautiful bust. Many men love everything natural, so they are opposed to such operations. Better small breasts, but your own, than artificially acquired.
- Girls with low self-esteem. Some breast augmentation helps to overcome their complexes, to becomemuch more confident.
Specialist consultation

Should I increase my breasts? This is decided only by the patient herself after consultation with the doctor, who has no right to impose his opinion and insist on the operation. But the specialist should talk about how the increase is done, what is needed for this, what the consequences may be and how long the woman will recover.
It is important that at the reception the girl expresses her wishes about what result she wants to get. After an examination, the doctor suggests possible options for breast enhancement.
Mammoplasty is not always possible if there are medical contraindications. If an operation is performed, this can lead to irreversible consequences for the patient's he alth. And doctors have no right to risk it.
Enlargement before pregnancy
When a girl wants to become a mother in the future, and at the moment she wants to do mammoplasty, the question arises, is it possible to increase breasts? In the reviews, the girls do not recommend this operation before pregnancy and the birth of the baby. Why is that? The reason is the reviews of ladies who first enlarged their breasts, and then became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

When a woman is in an interesting position, it is so laid down by nature that the bust increases by itself, moreover, by two sizes at once.
After childbirth, a woman begins to feed her baby with milk, the breast gradually sags, regardless ofwhether the implants are inside or not. Therefore, you will have to go back to surgery to increase, lift. But now the artificial material will be larger than before.
New moms who breastfeed before pregnancy may experience pain while breastfeeding.
Thus, if a woman expects to have a child in the future, it is best to decide on breast augmentation after childbirth. Then the bust will retain its original shape for a long time.
Benefits of magnification
All surgical interventions in the human body have their advantages and disadvantages. There are the following benefits of breast augmentation:
- Manage to hide the natural imperfections of this part of the body.
- There are problems with the choice of clothes, for large breasts it is more difficult to pick it up, and a small one is not always noticeable in improperly selected clothes.
- You can improve the emotional state of a woman.
- Increases self-confidence.
- Chance to meet an interesting man becomes much higher.
Is it worth it to increase the breast, based on the above advantages? There is no need to rush to answer until all the minuses of the operation are known. And there are many more. But this fact does not stop women in pursuit of the desired forms.
Disadvantages of magnification
Among the disadvantages of mammoplasty are the following:
- The operation brings pain, therefore it is performed exclusively under anesthesia.
- Long rehabilitation.
- High chance of complications.
- The result does not always meet the patient's expectations.
- Do not play sports for a long time. At least in the rehabilitation period.
- At first, you will have to refrain from visiting the bathhouse and sauna, and further limit visits there.
- There is no guarantee that the breasts will not gradually slide down.
- Such an operation costs a lot of money, not everyone has it.
- Breast tenderness may disappear.
- Scars sometimes remain on the skin.
Therefore, it is worth thinking many times before deciding.
Increasing procedure
Not all women know how to increase breast size, so they turn to a specialist for advice.
Before the girl wakes up with a new bust, the following will be done:
- Preparation. The patient is examined, materials are selected, the shape and size are determined. The doctor consults, answers all questions.
- Before the operation. Before mammoplasty, a woman must pass a large number of tests, do an ultrasound, ECG, and more.
- Direct operation. The doctor marks the incisions and the location of the mammary glands with a marker. You need to get injections. After that, the woman is placed on the operating table. The specialist introduces the patient into a state of sleep through anesthesia. The surgeon cuts tissue and places implants.
Varieties of implants

Implants differ not only in cost, but also in shape, filler and density. They are selected according toindividual features of the woman and the selected size.
The shape of the implants are divided into round and anatomical. The former perfectly retain their original appearance, while the latter are subject to deformation. The filler can be helium and s alt. The latter are very soft and inexpensive compared to the former. Density implants are smooth (they can move) and textured (less mobile).
Why you need to consider the qualifications of a doctor
The specialist who will perform the breast augmentation surgery must be chosen very carefully, just like the clinic. There are a large number of different institutions and doctors who perform mammoplasty, so it is often difficult to decide.
Don't be too gullible and, after seeing a message about the action, run to this clinic. All discounts are just to lure patients. Highly inflated prices are also no guarantee of quality.

Criteria for choosing a doctor and clinic
Choose a clinic and a doctor according to the following criteria:
- The sites always have information about doctors, you just need to carefully study it for work experience, diplomas, how many operations have been performed.
- Collect as much data about the clinic as possible.
- There are a lot of reviews on the forums about doctors and the institution itself.
- You can ask friends or people on social networks.
- Only after making sure of the good reputation of the clinic and the proper qualifications of the doctor, you can sign up for a consultation.
Who should not dooperation?
Is it possible to increase the female breast of an absolutely he althy girl? Yes. Because everything depends only on her desire. But is it possible to increase breasts for a girl who has the problems listed below? Of course not. Be sure to know the contraindications to the operation.
Mammoplasty is not performed when:
- The presence of a malignant tumor.
- Any mental disorder.
- Arthritis and rheumatism.
- Problems with the thyroid gland.
- With poor blood clotting.
- The age of the patient is under 18.
With such diseases and age restrictions, no doctor will agree to perform this operation.

Now you know how to increase breast size. Everything is quite simple: you need to find a good clinic and sign up for a consultation. If there are no contraindications, choose a doctor and give your consent for breast augmentation.