Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Common Syrt is a plain with plateau-like hills spread over the expanses of Russia and Kazakhstan. The watershed of many rivers. Here are the sources of dozens of rivers. The beginning of the hill is Kuyan-tau - a mountain range stretching from the upper reaches of the Kama to the left bank tributary of the Belaya River
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are still little-studied animals in the world, including the Caucasian forest cat. Despite the fact that they are common in a number of countries in Eastern and Western Europe, Central Asia, not as much information is known about them as about other wild animals. There are reasons for this: a secretive lifestyle, hard-to-reach habitats and a small number of individuals
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
You can often hear that there are sharks in our seas. What are they and do they pose a danger to humans? In the Black Sea, for example, there is a katran, or a cat shark. Today we will talk about her
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Red Book of Ukraine is the main document that contains all the materials about rare animals and plants. In it you can see all the individuals that are on the verge of extinction
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Lama River: geographical and general description of the reservoir. Origin of the name, ichthyofauna. Economic importance in the past and present. The first rural hydroelectric power station under the Soviet Union. Zavidovsky nature reserve and sights in the area
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
A slender little bird with a wonderful sonorous clear voice has long and for a long time been loved by connoisseurs of sonorous trills
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The nature of the Kursk region has long been known for its unique topography and diversity of flora and fauna. The water resources of this territory cannot be ignored either. This article will describe some rivers of the Kursk region
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In our article we want to tell you about the Mordovia Reserve. It is located in the Temnikovsky district of Mordovia, in the zone of deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as forest-steppe, on the banks of the Moksha River. The total area of the reserve is more than thirty-two thousand hectares of land
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The water world is diverse, it is filled with amazing creatures that live at different depths. This is a blunt-nosed shark (bull), living at shallow depths, shallow waters, and deep-sea luminous fish, which only a professional diver can meet. We decided to talk about the diversity of the waters of the oceans and seas in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Insects are the most numerous class of living creatures on our planet. Currently, more than 1 million species related to it have been described. One of the prominent places among them is occupied by praying mantises. What interesting things can be said about them?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Climbed a tree or climbed a chimpanzee? The word ends characteristically for neuter nouns in "-e". What kind of word is it really?
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The world is filled with unusual animals, and one of them is a koala. And although many of us have never seen them live, it is impossible to remain indifferent to these cute animals
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On the remote island of Komodo lives a lizard so big that the locals confidently call it a dragon. You will learn about how the largest lizards in the world live from our material
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The variety of snake snakes is simply amazing! They are found almost everywhere. These are terrestrial and burrowing, arboreal and aquatic, nocturnal and diurnal, poisonous and not very poisonous, as well as oviparous and viviparous species
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The hornbill received its name for its outstanding beak size. Almost all representatives of this family have a peculiar outgrowth on it. Moreover, in different species, it may differ in size, color and shape. Many countries in Asia and Africa have issued stamps with "nosed" birds. On the flag of Chin state in Myanmar (formerly Burma), on the coat of arms of the Malaysian state of Sarawak and on the coin of Zambia there is her image
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Lesser Spotted Eagle is a bird from the hawk family. It is found in Eurasia and Africa, within strictly limited ranges. What does the lesser spotted eagle look like? You will find a photo and description of the bird later in the article
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The fattest orangutan in the world. Causes of obesity in pets. The fattest animals of the cat family. Fat men by nature: elephants and hippos
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Small-leaved elm is very unpretentious and forms extremely dense thickets. Because of this, along with Canadian maple, it is used to create artificial plantations
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Planting maple with spreading branches in parks and gardens is a common thing. Maples decorate alleys, roadside lanes. They are planted on the territory of schools, kindergartens and other cultural and administrative institutions. Some time ago, few people thought about the dangers of this tree. Its beauty was striking, especially in autumn. What kind of tree is the ash-leaved maple? What is its benefit and harm to the environment and humans? Where is the species distributed? The answers to these questions are given in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
According to ichthyologists, only 10% of marine life is known and more or less studied by modern scientists. This is due to the difficulties faced by researchers of the sea: great depth, lack of daylight, pressure of water masses, and the threat from underwater predators. But still, some marine animals have been studied quite well. For example, the beluga whale is a mammal from the suborder of toothed whales, belonging to a small family of narwhals
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
When removing weeds, people do not think about the fact that some of them have unique medicinal properties. These plants have a huge potential for beneficial properties. Due to its unique medicinal characteristics, quinoa herb can help he alth. This plant can reach a height of 1.5 meters. It has more than two hundred species and is very useful
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The article will talk about one of the wonderful plant inhabitants of the forests. Its name speaks directly about where it likes to grow. This is a boletus, whose favorite places of growth are forests with birches. The article will provide more detailed information about the white boletus: photo, description, etc
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the article we will consider different types of false mushrooms, their differences from common mushrooms, their botanical features, as well as the suitability of these mushrooms for food. Here is a description of the poisonous sulfur-yellow false foam and bordered galerina
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Lilac-legged Row is a very large lamellar edible, but rare mushroom. In cooking, various dishes are prepared from it (fried, boiled, stewed). It tastes like chicken meat
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Quiet hunting for mushrooms, contrary to popular belief, does not begin with the approach of autumn, but in the spring, when May mushrooms appear, growing crowded. You can pick up a whole basket of them and treat seven dishes of fresh mushrooms in May
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A man at a certain stage of his development began to adjust nature for himself. He began to domesticate wild animals that could benefit him. Then there were cultivated plants - trees, herbs and cereals
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Mosses are a group of ancient organisms. According to some assumptions, they are the ancestors of the currently existing land plants
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This article will consider one of the most common natural formations, which is a waterlogged area of the earth's surface with a layer of peat and peculiar plant forms characteristic only for such areas, adapted to conditions with a lack of oxygen, with poor water flow and with excess moisture
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Marsilia looks great as a decoration for the foreground of an artificial reservoir. This is a wonderful aquarium plant with dense green leaves that are similar to the leaves of an ordinary clover. Therefore, it is often called water clover. In order for such a beautiful plant to take root well in a new habitat, some rules of planting and care should be followed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Description of the common ram plant: where this species is found, what are the chemical composition and properties of the plant. How is grass harvested? Preparation of medicinal decoction. In what diseases is lamb useful and to whom is it contraindicated?
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There are so many plants in the world that arouse interest and surprise. These include the dragon tree, which grows on islands in southeast Asia and Africa
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Every organism, population, species has a habitat - that part of nature that surrounds all living things and has some effect on it, direct or indirect. It is from it that organisms take everything necessary to exist, and they secrete the products of their vital activity into it
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This cute animal, very reminiscent of a long-haired domestic cat, lives in Central and Central Asia. It prefers to settle in forest-steppes and steppes, as well as in mountainous areas with bushes. Much less often the steppe cat is found in the forests
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According to numerous stories, in ancient times, a lake stretched on this place, whose name was Batyr (translated as "Brave Warrior"). Subsequently, a depression formed here, which was associated with the processes of leaching of s alty rocks, with karst and subsidence processes that took place on the spacious shores of the Caspian Sea. You can find out where the Karagie depression is and what it is by reading this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Eagle in the mythology and fiction of many nations is a symbol of power, power, strength. And it is probably no coincidence that he is sung in fairy tales, songs, poems and other works. See what big eagles look like soaring high in the sky! Indeed, nature itself tried and created this proud and powerful creature
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the cities of ancient Egypt and India, vultures were considered sacred birds. But at the present time, for many, they cause only a feeling of disgust. Our article will tell you about how these birds live in their natural environment. The description of the vulture and its photo will be of interest to all lovers of wildlife
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
This gentle and beautiful animal can often be seen in the gardens and parks of many European countries. In places where they are not hunted, these beautiful living creatures are very trusting of people. However, both in hunting farms and in the wild, they are also less cautious than other representatives of this family. The article will focus on an animal called the European fallow deer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
“I will buy horns”, “I will sell horns” - such announcements are not uncommon today. But for some reason, such advertisements as “I will set the horns for a modest reward” or “I will break the horns at a reasonable price” do not come across, although in everyday life these intentions are voiced all the time. So what, exactly, are we talking about? Mammals (in particular, representatives of the pronghorn and giraffe, rhino, deer and bovid families) proudly wear formations on their heads called horns, derivatives of animal skin
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In the reality around us, only birds, insects and bats can fly, the size of which usually does not exceed one meter. Therefore, it can be difficult for us to imagine giant flying lizards, the size of an antelope or a giraffe, fluttering freely in the air. However, archaeological finds suggest that such animals really existed and lived for more than one million years
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Japanese snow macaque is an incredibly cute and funny animal. This mammal lives in a rather harsh climate. The Japanese macaque would have become extinct long ago if it were not for the careful attention of zoologists who constantly monitor the state of the population. Currently, this species of primates is listed in the Red Book and is under the threat of complete extinction