Row-legged lilac: description, habitat, composition

Row-legged lilac: description, habitat, composition
Row-legged lilac: description, habitat, composition

Lilac-legged Row is a very large lamellar edible, but rare mushroom. In cooking, various dishes are prepared from it (fried, boiled, stewed). The taste of this row is reminiscent of chicken meat. In addition, this mushroom can be harvested in a pickled form for future use. In the people it is called a blue root or a blue foot. This mushroom has a very interesting color.

Ryadovka lilac-legged
Ryadovka lilac-legged


The lilac-legged rowing has at first a hemispherical, later a spherical hat, then it flattens. Diameter - 10-15 cm. Its surface is leathery, dry, smooth. May be light brown, pale cream, light ocher. The plates of the fungus are free, frequent, cream or yellow in color. The stalk is somewhat thicker at the base, cylindrical, longitudinally fibrous. At first it is solid, but then cavities may appear. Diameter - about 3 cm, height - up to 8 cm. The surface is fibrous, matte, has a lilac or light purple hue. The flesh is thick, firm, fleshy, elastic in young specimens, watery, slightly purple, whitish or pale cream. When broken and cut, it does not change its shade. In mature mushrooms, it is loose and painted in lilac-Brown color. The pulp has an interesting fruity smell and pleasant taste. Spore powder has a pinkish-yellow hue. The lilac-footed rowweed is one of the most cold-resistant mushrooms. It continues to grow even after frosts down to -5 C.


Useful properties

Not only a very interesting outwardly mushroom is the lilac-legged row (you can see its photo in this article). This mushroom has a rich mineral and vitamin composition, which determines its great value as a food product. In addition, it has a whole list of useful properties. The lilac-footed mushroom has a pronounced antibiotic activity. The following antibiotic substances are isolated from it: Nemotin, Agrocybin, Biformin, Drosophyllin, Polyporin and others.


The lilac-footed rowweed prefers humus soils and often grows not in the forest more often, but in open glades and meadows. She often settles near livestock farms and human habitation, takes a fancy to old heaps of manure and compost. Of the forests prefers deciduous. This mushroom grows alone and in large groups. The lilac-legged rowing can form large witch rings (with a diameter of several tens of meters). In the central zone of the Russian Federation, this mushroom usually bears fruit once a year - in the fall (September-December). In the southern regions, the lilac-legged row gives a harvest even in the spring (March-May). However, spring fertility is lower than autumn.

Ryadovka lilac-legged photo
Ryadovka lilac-legged photo


This mushroom looks very similar to another row -purple. It grows in forested areas on a bed of fallen leaves. Unlike the lilac-footed row, this mushroom is completely purple (especially at an early age). It is not a problem to confuse these varieties. Because the purple row is an edible and very tasty mushroom. In cooking, they are used in almost the same way. There are no inedible and poisonous twins in the lilac-legged row. The mushroom is easily identified due to its unique two-tone coloration.
